Examinations and depositions: examination of Mary, wife of Thomas Flanders, Little Staughton. James Caress came to their house with four boards and a table frame and enquired whether her husband could make a top for the table. He left the boards there.
Examination of William Flanders, same, carpenter, son of Thomas Flanders who gave the boards back to James Caress and believed them to be the property of Col Latour as he helped to saw boards there of the same kind.
Examination of Lebbeus Murfin, same, carpenter, who fetched the boards back from the wife of James Caress 'who fetched them down stairs'.
Examination of Thomas Flanders, carpenter who told James Caress he would make a him a table top as soon as he could. A month or so later he told James Caress that the boards were not suitable for the job and a considerable time afterwards James Caress took them away with the tabe frame he had left.
Examination of Thomas Williamson, Little Staughton. James Caress told him 'yesterday morning' that he had taken three boards, two and a half feet long from Col. Latour's rickyard.
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From: 1820 To: 1820
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