Biddenham Wives (formerly known as Biddenham Young Wives and Biddenham Wives Fellowship)
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Production date
From: 1942 To: 2004
Admin/biog history
A young mother's discussion group was formed in 1942 by Mrs Ada Carey, wife of the incumbent, D F Carey (1936-1946). It became the Young Wives in 1946 under Mrs French, wife of the incumbant V J French (1946-1966). The group was run quite informally until 1950 when a committee was first formed (see first minutes 16 November 1950). Since the 1960s the leader was not automatically the vicar's wife, although the group continued to have strong links with the Church of England church.
The name of the group changed again in 1964 to the Biddenham Wives Fellowship and a new leader was elected every two years. The word Fellowship was later dropped from the title.
Monthly meetings were held in member's homes until 1994 when they moved to the village hall. A Christmas house party and a service of dedication were annual events. On the 14 Septebmer 2004 Biddenham Wives met for the last time. It was agreed by those present that the group should continue but under a new name BGs (Biddenham Girls) and with a more informal approach.
A banner made by the group was donated to The Higgins museum in Bedford in 2024.
Archival history
Some material deposited by the parish in 2018, the rest was deposited by E Hurford in 2024, resulting in renumbering of the earlier deposit to produce a more chronological order to the minutes.
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