• Reference
  • Title
    Petition in English (to Justices of the Peace or Justices of Assize)
  • Date free text
    26 Jan 1467/8
  • Production date
    From: 1467 To: 1468
  • Scope and Content
    "To all tho that thys present Wrytyng cum to We syr William Corker person of Stoghton lytell, syr Wylliam Dey prest, John Man, Thomas Crow of Seynt Nede, John Markant, Robart Bulmer, Wylliam Dene, Wylliam Smyth, John Taylor, John Saunder, Symond Hervy, John Reynold, Rychard Hall, John Dey, John Cate of the seyd Stoghton send gretyng in our lord God and for as meche as yt ys howfull and nessessary to every trew cristyn man to ber wytnesse in all lefull causus, We declar and notify to your Wysdomys that our neybour Wylliam Crow of the seyd Stoghton was suyd Wrongfully at the sute of Ryppley Turner of London be an oblygacion of the wych the seyd Ryppley Torner bad the seyd William Crow to bryng x or xii of hys neboures to Seynt Nede wt hym to record that yt was payd and the oblygacion xuld be broke ther, and whan the seyd Wylliam Crow had browt hys neboures wt hym to Seynt Nede the sayd Ryppley Torner bad the seyd Wylliam Crow go to mayster Hartyshorn and make an ynd wt hym, and I hold me greyd up on the wych grement, the seyd Wylliam Crow our nebour hath a qwetans of the seyd mayster Hartyshorn and thys we know and afferme for trowth We be seche desyr and pray, in testymonyyng of thys our seyng for the mor feythefull Credens to be goffe ther to. In wytnesse wher of to thys present wrytyng we have putte our sygnettys, Wretyn at lytyll Stoghton a bowe seyd the xxti vi day of Januar' The regne of kyng Edward the fowerth the vii yer" Fragment of 14 seals on tags 26 January 1467/8
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