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  • Title
    From Fritz, Whitehall to 2nd Baron Grantham:
  • Date free text
    5 Feb 1779
  • Production date
    From: 1779 To: 1779
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    Update on letters. Will send Sir Thomas Morley [picture] as soon as possible. Pozzi's case similar to Mr. Ackland’s. Hope the Morillo's copy well. What size for the copy of the Spinola. Cases of books to remain at Customs House until they can be admitted duty free as part of Grantham's goods. Sir William Musgrave told Draper Grantham could enjoy his franchise only once. Alterations to Whitehall; stairs to be put where John Barham's room & the Mezzanines are etc... Draper not willing to incur expense until lease renewed. Duque of Alva and Medina Sidonia's horse, former should insist on Grantham's having latter. Considering sending Chico to Yorkshire, too expensive to keep him in London. Has paid £76 already; half the freight, duty's and other expences paid by House of Tremblett etc... Cannot settle with Mr. Parker the Clerk of the King's Stables until Grantham's account arrives. Hopes Manuel will then be satisfied. Mr. Parker wants Inkstand, please buy and pay for out of Fritz's fund & send sketch. Glad Brunier pleased with present. Glad Gazola better. Sir Stanyer [Porten]; Grantham had been told he was dead. Not the case. Fritz sends compliments if he is well when he reaches Grantham. Valdecayzar[?] lucky if he succeeds the Duke of Medina Sidonia. Perhaps now the Duque de Hijar[?] & Sn. Estevan repent of their resignations. Lady of Bedchamber, not yet named. Sorry for Sr. Cruz's loss, hope he will not leave Grantham's neighbourhood. Lady Pelham, Tom & Lady Middleton obliged for letters. The view from the Cenada...nearest the palace is the prettiest. Little boy [Jack] proud of Grantham's letters to him. Cannot bespeak Masin's coach panels without the dimensions. Branciforte's oval paintings will cost at least one & half guineas. Hasn't bespoken them or pianoforte. Accounts; payment for inkstand offset by what Grantham owes Fritz. Fritz recommending Grantham keeps his debts to a minimum in Spain pending his return. Becoming clear that some respite needed since his illness etc. Less temptation to sell furniture if fewer debts to pay. Duke of Arcos' commission, if known would put his Arms upon his plate like Lord Pelham's. Escarano setting out soon will not be in Spain until November, will not send anything by him. Galvez's present of Spanish snuff promised to Dukes of Portland & Buccleugh. Mr. Browne & Mr. Shadwell visited. Latter looks better. Bought watch from Dr. Madan, in a plain gold case. Describes Tom [Pelham's] watch left him by Duchess of Newcastle, dark ground etc... Harry [Pelham] still in Sussex, preferred to stay in country on leave from Regiment. Obliged for the Guia. Rumours about revolution at Spanish Court have subsided, fabricated in France etc... Dined at Eden’s with Mr. & Mrs. Eden, Lord & Lady Carlisle, Miss North, Governor Johnstone, Mr. Lewes; private secretary to Lord Carlisle & Attorney General. Describes Mrs. Eden & Miss North. Former very young, latter fashionable etc... Heard that Commissioner had a whole service of plate but it did not appear. Attended Opera. Dined at Wilbraham’s with Graham & Pepper Arden. Former succeeded Commissory Graves in his Offices at Trinity College, he had outlived his patent for 50 years. Wilbraham lives at top of Charles St., just sold house for £2000. Heard Bishop of Chester preach in May Fair Chapel. Matter & manner superior to any other preacher. Dined with Mr. Parker & Sir Joshua, former has gout. Visited Mrs. Stainforth, thence to Lord Harrington's. Saw Baron Nostitz. Describes procession of Mr. Garrick's funeral watched from Mr. Jeffrey's shop at corner of St. Martin's Lane; 30 to 40 mourning coaches etc... Literary club in attendance. Dined at Mr. Sneyd's with Sir G. Colebroke, Mr. Fullarton, Mr. Jeans & Mr. Oakes Under Secretary of State to Lord Suffolk, who has been abroad with Sir Robert Gunning. Had awkward likeness of Sir M. Ridley. Dined at Mr. Parker's. Nanny pleased with new chair. Dined with Spanish Embassador. Received below stairs in room towards Park. Avant cinq heure [before five] on cards. Lord Stormont did not arrive until near six. Detailed account of dinner, rooms, Gala livery, plate, Valencia falting[?], glasses etc... 28 people present; Los Embassador y Sa Sobrinita, Duchess of Bedford & Argylle, Lady Louisa Fitzpatrick & Lady Augusta Campbell, Lord & Lady Effingham, Lady Stormont, Lady Harrington & Lady Anna Maria, Mrs. Browne & Mrs. Fitzroy, Lord Nugent, Lord Stormont, Lord Rochford, Lord Harrington, Sir George Howard, Mr. Fitzroy, Mr. Browne, Mr. Rigby, Sir Craig, Mr. Fullarton, M. Anduaga a Portuguese Secretary. Dined at Sackville St. with Mr. Pelham, Sir J. Reynolds & Mr. Lee. Thence to private party at Lady Stapylton’s. "Will have as little as possibly I can to do with Old Lady's privity's". Arrangements with Mr. Parker, Clerk of King’s Stables, will pay Auguste Ramos a dollar per day. Manuel fully satisfied also. Sir Joshua is to paint the two little children [Jack & Theresa Parker] together. Sale of Houghton Collection to Empress of Russia is off. England & France have accepted the mediation of Spain. Lord Stormont to Madrid in Grantham's stead, great interest making for the Secretaryship to the Spanish Embassy. Fritz was asked if Grantham was coming home to be tried by Court Martial. Answered not upon the accusation of his Vice Admiral. Mr. Browne, who dined at Almodobars, is son of a Lord & also a Roman Catholic. Tom Pelham down to Sussex. General Honeywood has lost his only son. Dr. Watson up from Cambridge for this reason. Asked Fritz to visit. Storer obliged for Sallust, asked him to enquire about Lord Di Beauclerk's design for Mr. Walpole's Tragedy. No debentures for Ireland for arrears of pensions. Patterns of poplins in letter from Achmet (Auchmuty). Send by sea too bulky for post. Miss Wrottesly dined also at Sneyd's. Constant and tender in her enquiries after Grantham. Has taken to Chocolate for breakfast, makes uses of Messalines [?Mapalines]
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