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  • Title
    From Beilby Porteus, Peterborough to 2nd Baron Grantham:
  • Date free text
    26 Aug 1775
  • Production date
    From: 1775 To: 1775
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    First time of writing from Peterborough. Considers the place his `Escorial', stands on ground formerly sacred to St. Laurence the Tutelary saint of Spain/Escorial. Brief history of saint and mention of one gridiron remaining in part of house which used to be St. Laurence's Chapel "now my kitchen and where instead of broiling poor Popish saints, it is employed in the more innocent & more useful office of broiling Beef Stakes". Talks of repairs, ornamentation being made to building in honour of saint; "shall erect upon the top of it some memorial of the Saint, perhaps a Gridiron". Story of Bishop Butler, author of "The Analogy", accused of dying a papist, due to a black & white marble cross over his altar piece at Bristol. History of Monastery of Peterburgh and detailed description of building now. Lists other Abbeys in area Ramsay, Thorney, Crowland, Spalding, Sawtrey and quotes poem from old manuscript in library "Ramsay the rich of Gold & of Fee etc...". Describes old Abbey of Crowland and its "curious bridge of triangular form the only one I believe in the Kingdom". Mr. Pennant, Scottish Zoologist & Ornithologist visited recently, pleased with Crowland & Peterborough. Porteus visits for one month per year. Church makes a good society; the Bishop, Mr. Hinchcliffe the Dean, a Prebendary or two & a few Gentlemen of the town. Four turnpikes in the town & some good old houses in neighbourhood; Lord Fitzwilliam's, Sir Robert Barnard's & Sir Charles Cope's. Burleigh, on which Lord Exeter is laying out vast sums of money, is about 12 miles away & Mr. Powis's (knew him from Cambridge) about 15. Making improvements there. Refers to Grantham's account of the Ecclesiastical Mimick [see L30/14/315/28]. "Our English one Foote has got into a delightful squabble with the Duchess of Kingston...well matched...hope they will fight it fairly out". "Sorry my Lord Chamberlain stopt the Exhibition of Lady Kitty Crocodile. She was very fair game & I cannot see why her Rank should exempt her from the Ridicule which her conduct so richly deserves". Macpherson's four Quarto's including Memoirs of James II & collection of Hanover papers. Throws great light on Revolution and reigns of William & Anne. Macpherson too severe on William & Whigs and too partial to James...[Discussion of Work follows], mention of Duke of Marlborough, The Pretender, Burnet [historian opposing Macpherson's view]. Court of St. Germain, Prince Eugene, Lord Oxford and testimony of Jorcy and D'Avaux. Mr. Gray's letters, "reserved them for his favourite retreat at St. Ildefonso in Kent". Oxford people abuse the work. Cantabrigians delighted and charmed. Sorry to see Mr. Mason discourage "all men of genius from contributing to the Academical collections of verses on Public occasions; for if no real Poets will write there can be nothing else but Trash, as he calls them. [Long discussion of Gray's work]. Compares it with Chesterfield's. Mentions Gray's description of "The Throne & the Stone". Duke of Modena's Palace, account of Roman entertainment, Duke of Newcastle's Installation, Character of Azis. Quotes from `Tour of Keswick'. Rejoices at his [Gray's] judicious strictness on Hume, Voltaire, Shaftesbury etc... Does not agree with his opinion of Rousseau. Also differs on Herne's[?] sermons etc... "where will you see more Imagination & warmth of Expression than in Barrow Tillotson, Atterbury, Sherlock?, etc". Several letters in collection addressed to Dr. Beattie, the author of 'the Minstrel' and `Essay on Truth', he & Gray great friends. Further mention of Bishop of Winchester's offer to Beattie [see L30/14/315/3] also a subscription on his latest work meant to raise money for his wife & child in case of accident. Waddilove subscribed on Grantham's behalf. Recommended late Clerk to House of Commons, Mr. Tyrwhitt's edition of `Chaucer's Canterbury Tales' also an extract from Bishop Taylor's Ductor Dubitanti published by Dr. Hurd called `a Moral Demonstration of the Christian Religion'. Mr. Bryant just published dissertation of Mr. Wood (the Palmyrian) on `The genius & writings of Homer'. Mr. Harris's Philosophical Arrangements containing Principles of the Aristotelian Logic. The Correspondents'; containing correspondence between Late Lord Lyttleton & present Lady Lyttleton, when she was Mrs. Peach & lived near him at Leasowes which she bought of Shenstone's Executor. Not thought genuine. Dr. Chandler's `Travels into Asia Minor', undertaken at expense of Dillettanti Club, Grantham a member. Extracts seen are very amusing. A manuscript journal of Montaigne's `Travels into Italy' recently discovered in France. French reviews poor. Historical, Mythological & Biographical Dictionary written by Empress Endoisin in eleventh century "may be called `Encyclopedia of the Greeks'. Dr. Kennicott progressing with his edition of Hebrew Bible. Obliged to Grantham for his pains in promoting it in Spain. Chief political publications of year `an address from the People of England to the Inhabitants of America', printed for Cadell, said to be written by Sir John Dalrymple "best pamphlet...on side of Government in the American Controversy". Burke's last speech and Dean Tucker's answer, also mentioned `remarks on the principal Acts of the 13th Parliament of Great Britain. Porteus shocked at finding himself on his fourth half sheet. Grantham's sisters looked well last winter. Has had pleasant dinner at Mr. Parker's, with Sir Joshua Reynolds. Parker's nephew a fine boy, Mrs. Parker grows handsomer every year etc.
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