• Reference
  • Title
    Will of Nicholas Plevy of St Mary's Bedford
  • Date free text
    Proved 15 February 1632/3
  • Production date
    From: 1632 To: 1632
  • Scope and Content
    The last will and testament nuncupative of Nicholas Plevy late of St Maries in Bedford deceased by him uttered in his life time and since his death put into wrighting as followeth The said Nicholas Plevy being of perfect mind and memory did about foure dayes before he dep[ar]ted his life utter his minde touching his disposeing of his worldly estate to this effect followinge in the presence of Robert Wilborne and Rose Plevy viz: Imprimis he bequeathed his soul to Almighty God. Item he gave and bequeathed all and singular the goods, debts and chattels belonging unto him in his life time unto Rose Plevy his daughter (in regard that his other daughter hath had her porc[i]on) to enter uppon the same imediately after the decease of his wife excepting and allwayse provided that yf his said wife should be married hereafter to any other man then his will and meaninge was that his said daughter Rose should have the one halfe of the goods aforesaid equally to be devided immediately after the said marriage. In witnesse whereof the witnesses within named have hereunto set their hands. Robert Welborne [signature] Probate: Proved in the presence of Theodore Crawley acting on behalf of Oliver Cobb on 15 February 1632. To be administered by the widow of the deceased.
  • Secretary Hand
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