• Reference
  • Title
    Covenant to levy a fine (copy): £145 i) Samuel Fen, haberdasher of hats; wife Hannah (only daughter and heir of Elizabeth, late wife of Thomas Bunyon, late of Hatch, cooper, deceased, and formerly wife of William Carter of Hatch, yeoman, deceased); ii) John Underwood of Stratford, Sandy, yeoman;
  • Date free text
    1 Oct 1700
  • Production date
    From: 1700 To: 1700
  • Scope and Content
    ...a messuage in Sandy late in occupation William Jennings, and 17 acres in the common fields; in Austred Field: on Clanhill furlong; abutting SW. on warren on Hogsdale Furlong; abutting S. on Kennicke Broadway; on Nether Halfhill furlong; in Belland Field: on Whitley furlong; abutting W. on Eldorne Stubb furlong; on Belland furlong; abutting E. on the headland leading to Water Deane; in Broadwater furlong; on Temple headland; in Downe Field: in Seaford furlong, abutting W. on Marten’s croft; on Easterdown furlong; abutting on the Long Down; abutting on the Down joint; on Stonehill; on Rosewell furlong; on Hawhedge furlong; against Broadwater pitts; on Bury deane; in Fenn furlong; on the New Causy; in Mead Field: on Pattersell furlong abutting W. on the river; in Kennick Field: on Rutland Quarry furlong; in Poultry piece; abutting W. on Kennick lane; in Chester Field: abutting E. on the warren, W. on Mill holme; abutting E. on the joint way from Stratford to Sandy; and all other lands of S and H Fenn on the E. side of the river in Sandy; owners and occupiers adjoining: Baron Brittaine gentleman, Jonathan Hooker clerk, late Ralph Bromsall esquire, Dr Simcott. John Richardson, Mr Pulleyn, John Allen, Thomas Skilliter, Richard Smith, John Thomas, Thomas Sexton, Lady St John, Henry Fage, George Fuller, Richard Richardson, John Smith, Henry Atkins, Thomas Atkins, John Parker, Edward Spring, Mr Symcotts, Sir Philip Monnox baronet; Witnesses: Marmaduke Beke, William Tillcocke (mark) Endorsed: memorandum witness Francis Brace that lease to William Jenings is no encumbrance
  • Level of description