• Reference
  • Title
    Deed to Lead the Uses of a Fine i) Richard Crowe of Eaton Socon, yeoman, and wife, Edith ii) Samuel Wright of Eaton Socon, yeoman, John Topham of Eaton Socon, yeoman.
  • Date free text
    2 Feb 1660; 11 Sep 1661; 1 Oct 14 Chas II [1662/63]
  • Production date
    From: 1660 To: 1663
  • Scope and Content
    recites: Edith lawfully seised of 1/2 share in : - messuage lately occupied by Adam Thorowgood deceased in Honeydon, abutting on yard of messuyage with great orchard and rickyard containing 2 acres :W William Wright :E heirs of Adam Thorowgood ;N street :S Southfield. - close called Newmans Close containing 6 acres. :E Thodie Lane :W house and close John Thorowgood :S William Blocke :N street -3 acres called PInchwater Pightle :W Topham Lane :N, E and S Thoephilius Dillingham D.D. -3 acres land with border on E side in Culverhouse Field. :W William blocke :E Richard Watford :S Sir Lodowicke Dyer baronet. :N William Blocke -4 acres in southfield. :W William blocke :S Topham Lane -2 acres in same field. :N Broade Close :W Richard Gore -3 acres in Lady Field. :S John Sanderson gent. :N William Thorpe :E way to Barrclose end -2 acres in Keysticke :S John Sanderson :N William Thorpe :W Bushmeade Wood -2 acres in same field :W William Thorpe :E John Sanderson :N Hanger Wood -3 acres in Hanger :E border :W Robert Reynold :S Butchers Meade -1/2 acre in South Field except piece taken out called Newmans Close :S, E and W William Blocke :N Common Way and 1/2 share of: -32 acres arable, meadow and pasture in fields of Eaton Socon ...3 acres with baulk called Blackland Peece in Lady Field. :E John Sanderson :W William Thorpe :N common way ...2 acres in same field in Buckers Meade ;W baulk :E Great Butchers :S highway ...3 acres in Southflied. :W William Blocke :E lane :N Thodie Wood ...3 acres in Shippen Close :E baulk :W St. Dunstons :N brook ...3 acres at Honeydon townsend :E William Licorish :W Robert Reynold :N highway ...1 piece in Lady Field. :S baulk :N William Thorpe :W Brickhill Field Gate ...2 acres in Saw Field. :W baulk :E William Blocke :S Topham Lane ...1 grove called Teales Grove containing 3 acres :S Notts Close :N grove of John Sanderson :E field. ...1 grove containing 3 acres called Piegrove :W grove of William Thorpe :E John Sanderson :S Pye Stocking ...5 acres called Five Acre Close :N field. :E Twenty Acre Close :W Barrelse Close all of which in Eaton Socon and lately occupied by Adam Thorowgood, deceased. NOW: above property to use of i) Signature: ii) Witnesses: Arthur Hatler, William Crowe, Ry. Barcock Endorsed: 2 2 Feb 1660 Enclosed: Quittance by under sherrif, Richard Emery, for 15/ - from Samuel Wryte by hands of Richard Barcock, for fine of his accord with Richard Crowe about: -1 messuage and certain land and pasture in Honeydon and elsewhere by appointment of Richard Emery, undersheriff of Bedford Signature: Richard Emery 11 Sep 1661 Enclosed: Writ of Return by sheriff, Francis Wingate that Thomas Topham disseised of half share in -1 messuage, 44 acres land, 4 acres meadow, 16 acres pasture and 6 acres wood with appurtenances in Honeydon, Overstaploe, Netherstaploe, Wyboston, Begwary, Goodwick, Topham End and Eaton Socon which share passed to Richard Crowe and wife, Edith by plea 10 Oct 14 Chas II and put into action. 1 Oct 14 Chas II [1662/63]
  • Level of description