• Reference
  • Title
    Willington, view of frankpledge and court roll. Manor of John Mowbray, Earl of Nottingham and Earl Marshal of England [membrane 3 & 3d]
  • Date free text
    6 Oct, 6 Henry V [1418]
  • Production date
    From: 1418 To: 1418
  • Scope and Content
    Roll 25 Welyngton View of Frankpledge with Court of John Mowbray, Earl of Nottingham and Marshall of England held there on the Thursday next before the feast of Saint Dennis [9th October] in the sixth year of the reign of Henry the fifth after the conquest [6th October 1418] Bekyngham Essoins John Warner and John Rydere of the community by John Crane Sworn men John Myton’ Thomas Tele John Baudewen’ John Gaubryel John Palmere William Wryght the elder John Treket Robert Partrych Robert Fesound John Yarwey John Bande the younger John Rydere Common fine xijs [12s], amercement ijd [2d], stray one lamb valued at ijd [2d] penalty They present that they gave xijs [12s] as common fine this day. And that the Prior of Newnham [annotated 'a day'] made default. And that Henry Shepherde stayed within the lord’s liberty with Robert ijd [2d] Myton and is outside a tithing. And the said Robert answers for him and is at mercy. And the said Henry was granted a day to enroll in a tithing. And that one live lamb valued at ijd [2d] was taken into the lord’s liberty about the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, this year the sixth, [24th June 1418] as a stray. And a proclamation was ordered and no-one came for it. And that a certain water course below the Messuage lately belonging to Thomas Rydere was stopped up so that the aforesaid water could not have the right course. Therefore it was ordered that John Wodeward, now the tenant, should not obstruct the said course henceforward. Under a penalty of xijd [12d]. Heriot of one bullock valued at xs [10s] fealty Also they present that John Gaubryel who held one Messuage and viij [8] acres of land from the lord by service [and] viijs [8s] a year, and with other services according to the custom of the manor, closed his existence after the day of the last Court, after whose death a new heriot of one bullock valued at xs [10s] falls due to the lord and the bailiff is answerable. And after this Matilda wife of the said John came and claimed to hold the said holding according to the custom of the manor. And it was granted to her and she made fealty. Heriot of one cow valued at vs [5s] fealty And that the same John held one cottage from the lord, according to the custom of the manor with service, rendering viijd [8d] and all other services to the lord a year. And he closed his existence after the day of the last Court and after his death a new heriot of one cow valued at vs [5s] falls due to the lord and the bailiff is answerable. And after this Matilda wife of the said John came and she claimed to hold the said holding from the lord according to the custom of the manor. And it was granted to her. And she made fealty. Defective buildings + + + + + Also they present that John Wodeward has one ruined and defective Insethouse and one Room annexed to the same, and needs for repair of the same Cxij [112 feet] of foundation beams, xiiij [14] studs, and iij [3] wall-plates in quantity of xijd [12] feet. Also he has one ruined grange and needs xxiiij [24] feet of foundation beams and xij [12] feet of inside ties and j [1] inside tie of xij [12] feet and j [1] peycret of xij feet, j [1] beam of xiiij [14] feet and vij [7] studs. William + Wryght the younger has one ruined Insethouse and needs iiijxx [80] feet of foundation beam and xij [12] studs. William Tayllour [annotated 'mended'] has one defective solar and needs j [1] foundation beam of xxiiij [24] feet. John + Goffe has one ruined grange and needs lxx [70] feet of foundation beam and viij [8] studs. John + Treket has j [1] solar and needs xxiiij [24] feet of foundation beam and vj [6] studs. Also he has one heyhous [hay house] and needs ij [2] foundation beams of quantity xiiij [14] feet and ij [2] studs. Also he has one grange [annotated 'mended'] and needs xiiij [14] feet of foundation beam. Robert Fesound has one ruined Insethouse and needs xviij [18] feet of foundation beams and j [1] wall-plate of xviij [18] feet and v [5] studs. John Goffe has one insethouse from a certain John Yarwey and needs iiijxx [80] feet of foundation beam and j [1] wall-plate of xviij [18] feet and xj [11] studs. William Rydere [annotated 'mended'] has one shippon and needs xl [40 ] feet of foundation beams and vj [6] studs. Also he has one Cart-house and needs xx [20] feet of foundation beams and one tie beam . Thomas Thresshere has one Insethouse and needs xl [40] feet of foundation beams and xlij [42] feet of wall-plates and xij [12] studs. William + Starlyng has one grange and needs xxij [22] feet of foundation beams and j [1] wall-plate of xxij [22] feet, and vj [6] studs. Robert + Partrych has one shippon and needs xl [40] feet of foundation beam and vj [6] studs. And it was ordered by Thomas Bekyngham, the head steward, to the keeper of the lord’s wood there that he should deliver the aforesaid wood to all the aforesaid lord’s tenants under the view of John Boteler under-steward and William Rydere the Reeve. And that the said aforesaid servile tenants are ordered to put the aforesaid wood in the repairs of their aforesaid buildings before the feast of Saint Peter in Chains [1st. August], under a penalty for each of xls [40s]. And that Thomas + Tele has one ruined grange, John + Yarwey one ruined and defective Insethouse. Therefore it was ordered that they should put them right before the next, under a penalty for each of vjs viijd [6s 8d]. Defective buildings amercement iiijd [4d] days penalty + Richard Bandewene was made an allowance of vj [6] wall-plates [illegible] to repair j [1] grange and he was called to account by the sworn men that the said grange was fallen down and he has not put the said timber in repairs of the aforesaid grange. Therefore he was at mercy. And still it was ordered that he should rebuild done the said grange before the aforesaid feast of the aforesaid Saint Peter under a penalty of xls [40s]. Defective buildings a day penalty Also they present that John + Yarwey has one ruined messuage, Robert + Akyrman one ruined Insethouse and Walter Wryght the elder one ruined malt kiln [annotated 'mended'], John Rydere one messuage and that they had a day until the feast of Saint Martin next in the future [11th. November] to repair the said buildings. Therefore nothing has been done by the Court, it was ordered that they that they should raise fitting repairs to the said buildings before the feast of Saint Peter in Chains [1st August] under a penalty for each of xls [40s] Amercement iiijs [4s] William Rydere and Robert Myton, ale tasters, present that John ijd [2d] Gostwyk j [1], William ijd [2d] Starlyng j [1], John ijd [2d] Bande the elder j [1], John ijd [2d] Myton j [1], John ijd [2d] Rudland j [1], John ijd [2d] Yarwey j [1], William ijd [2d] Wryght the younger j[1], William ijd [2d] Tayllour j [1], John vjd [6d] Rydere ij, John xviijd [18d] Goffe constantly, and that the same ijd [2d] John sold old ale as he was ordered by the tasters of ale. And that ijd [2d] the same John sold old ale and put a sign and afterwards it was withdrawn, therefore he was amerced. And that the same ijd [2d] John sold ale by the barrel and cup. And the same John ijd [2d] sold ale by measure without a seal. Therefore he is amerced. Oath sworn John Norman the younger took the oath and entered into a tithing Amercement jxd [9d] John Bande and Robert Partrych, constables, present that John iijd [3d] Rydere assaulted Henry Shepherde against the peace, by the pledge of the constables. And that the same John ijd [2d] unlawfully drew blood from the said Henry, by the pledge of the constables, therefore is amerced. And that the same iijd [3d] Henry unlawfully drew blood on the said John by the pledge of [blank]) Twelve sworn men John Gostwyk Robert Myton Geoffrey Breton William Wryght the younger John Maryon John Passewatyr Thomas Starlyng John Rudland Thomas Stoughton Walter Pecke John Norman John Abel Amercement iiijd [4d] profits of the manor xvj [16] trees, William Cook is answerable They present that John ijd [2d] Carter cut and carried away a virgate from the wood called Shirewode without permission. Therefore he is amerced. And that Master William Cook sold to Thomas Rydere two cartloads of branches of trees called Elms valued at xd [10d] and v [5] heads of willows valued at vjd [6d] to Felicia Prentys as charged by the said William in his accounts. And that John ijd [2d] the miller took excessive toll against the statute. Therefore he is amerced. On the back Grant premium xijd [12d] fealty To this court came William Starlyng and took one messuage and half a virgate of land with meadow from the lord which went into the hand of the lord after the death of Anna Starlyng. To be held by the same William for the term of his life according to the custom of the Manor. Rendering and making therefrom to the lord a year just as the aforesaid Anna customarily rendered and made. And the said William will maintain, sustain, repair and put right the said holding at his own cost and expense, except for. timber, by the pledges of Thomas Starlyng and John Bande. And he gave the lord xijd [12d] as premium and made fealty. Assessors of fines John Bande and Robert Myton Sum xxxiijs ixd [33s 9d] therefrom in the expenses of the head steward, that is to say for being there for one day and one night, all included vs vjd ob [5s 6½d] [Translation: Dorothy Jamieson]
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