• Reference
  • Title
    Lease and Release:
  • Date free text
    24 & 25 Oct 1828
  • Production date
    From: 1828 To: 1828
  • Scope and Content
    i) Charles Short, Bedford, surgeon Benjamin Jefferies, Great Barford, farmer ii) Reverend John Short, Temple Balsall, Warwickshire, clerk, and Henry Couchman, Temple Balsall, Warwickshire, gentleman iii) John Palmer, Goldington, gentleman iv) Robert Elliott, Goldington, esquire v) William Smith, Bedford, gentleman Reciting: will of George Palmer [see recitals in SL1/239 and 240] :mortgage of 11 and 12 October 1826 for £5500 at 5% interest a) Charles Short Benjamin Jefferies b) John Short Henry Couchman - part of premises : Sale on 24 Jul 1828 at which iv) was highest bidder for lots 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17) to a total amount of £3685 plus the timber valued at £165 – total £3850 now i) and ii) (according to their respective interest in the premises), with consent of iii) release to iv). v) to be trustee if necessary - messuage at E. end of Goldington Green, in occupations of widow Gilbert and others - Cannons Close (formerly a hempland) all formerly called Tomlinson’ Homestall or Perkin’s Farm (1 acre 2 roods 25 perches) free from tithes - close pasture adjoining called Second Cannons Close – 1 acre of which is free from great tithes - cottage and garden in occupation of John Haynes at N.W. corner of same close close and cottage – 3 acres 2 perches - close adjoining – pasture – formerly called Ley Close, now Third Cannon’s Close (2 acres 12 perches) all which are within a ring fence N turnpike road – Bedford – St. Neots E. open field S.E. meadow S.W. Lott Lane W. Goldington Green - 2 lands in St.Neots Way furlong in Windmill Field lying nearly opposite said cottage (1 rood 37 perches) N. Goose lands S. said turnpike road E. Duke of Bedford W. once Silvester Addington, now iv) - Darling’s Leys ( 4 acres 3 roods 29 perches ) – formerly in 3 closes N. Goldington Green N.E. Lott Lane other sides iv) all except for 2 acres, free from tithes - close pasture called East Green Pightle (1 acre 23 perches) N.E. Small Croft furlong S.E. King’s Piece S.W. East Green N.W. iv) all of which, except Third Cannon’s Close, were purchased in 1788 by George Palmer, deceased (father of George Palmer the late testator) of Benjamin Tomlinson and William Johnson and devised by George Palmer the father to George Palmer the testator - close pasture formerly called “The Chise” but now Grant’s Close (2 acres 2 roods 26 perches) N. William Silvester Addington E. uninclosed land of iv) in River field (1) also E. unenclosed land of i) in River Field (2) S. Frederick Polhill, esquire in same field W. Goldington Green - 23 arable lands in Windmill field, formerly in 34 lands and a headland (11 acres 14 perches), 30 of which said lands contained 9 acres 3 roods 20 perches and lie together in St. Neots Way Furlong N. Upper Sheeplands furlong E. Frederick Polhill S. Turnpike road E. Robert Elliott --- remaining 3 lands contain 1 acre 34 perches and are in the same furlong and extend from Gooselands across the turnpike road to East Mead to such parts as are on N.side of said road (3 roods 34 perches) E. Duke of Bedford W. Frederick Polhill --- 1 rood lying S. E. Duke of Bedford W. Common - 8 lands and a gore lying on the Lowes (2 acres 3 roods 16 perches) --- 2 lands containing 2 roods 16 perches N. turnpike road S. William Silvester Addington E. headland next mentioned --- 1 headland (1 rood 38 perches) adjoining said 2 lands at a right angle on the N. E.and W. William Silvester Addington S. lands next mentioned --- 5 lands and one gore residue (1 acre 3 roods 2 perches) adjoining S.end of said headland, 4 of which said lands and the gore extend Westerly from said headland N. William Silvester Addington S. meeting land --- remainder land extends E. from said headland to everyyear’s land N. Frederick Polhill S. Meeting land - close arable called Sainfoin Close (9 acres 33 perches) N. Frederick Polhill E.(part) everyyear’s land S.and E.(part) William Silvester Addington W. William Silvester Addington E.(part) Frederick Polhill E. (remaining part) Little Newnham Close - 9 lands lying on 3 pieces called Great Lands in Every Year’s Land (3 acres 2 roods 27 perches) E. adjoining field road --- 2 lands lying together (1 acre 35 perches) N.and S. Meeting lane W. Little Newnham Close --- 4 lands (1 acre 1 rood 8 perches) N. William Silvester Addington S.and W. Frederick Polhill --- 2 lands residue (1 acre 24 perches) N. and S. William Silvester Addington - 20 lands lying on 3 pieces in Bedford Way Furlong in Church Field (7 acres 2 roods 29 perches) extending from Green Ditch Furlong on N. to said turnpike road on S. --- 1 piece comprising 11 lands (3 acres 3 roods 24 perches) E. Frederick Polhill W. William Silvester Addington 2 of which lands – 2 lands on W. side – were also purchased by George Palmer, the father, from Benjamin Tomlinson and William Johnson and devised to George Palmer, the testator --- 1 other of said pieces, comprising 3 lands (1 acre 1 perch) E. William Silvester Addington W. Meeting land --- remaining piece comprising 6 lands (2 acres 3 roods 4 perches) E. Frederick Polhill W. Mrs.Goddard - 8 lands lying together in one piece in Newhill Furlong (formerly part of Milking Bault Furlong) in River Field (2 acres 3 roods 24 perches). S.W. corner whereof nearly adjoining N.E. corner of Grant’s Close said lands are part of 23 lands and a headland (reputed to contain 10 acres) N.E.and S. Robert Elliott W. William Silvester Addington Which cottages and parts of said closes are not mentioned to have been purchased of Benjamin Tomlinson and William Johnson, are free of land tax and together with other property were purchased by Emery Palmer, deceased, of Edmund Rolfe and wife Catherine Frances and conveyed to him by lease and release of 10 and 11 April 1804 and on decease of said Emery Palmer, without issue and intestate in November 1808, descended to his elder and only brother, said George Palmer, late testator. All which said property, except said messuage and cottage , are now in occupation of iii) - great tithes on said lands signatures i), ii), iii) endorsed receipt witnesses Theed Pearse, junior Ovid Camerford Edward Short, Solihull
  • Reference
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