Scope and Content
This a series of individual files of young people enrolled on BYTG work training programmes, in which trainees worked for an employer and studied at Further Education colleges in the county. This series, 1989/90 leavers, one of a number of individual leavers’ years series maintained by BYTG has been retained in full as an example of the work of the BYTG programme, all other series having been destroyed. Each file consists of a variety of documents which may include the following:
1. Trainee Application Form, detailing, inter alia: name, address, date of birth etc.; school attended with leaving date; further education undertaken since leaving school; Initial Training programmes undertaken; employment undertaken since leaving school and any other work experience; type of training most interested in; hobbies and interests; examination results; and interviewer’s comments on disposition, knowledge, physical description etc.
2. Application Form to Join Youth Training Group, detailing, inter alia: name, address, date of birth etc.; school attended and leaving date; ethnic origin; whether interviewed at the Careers Office; subjects taken at school; work experience courses undertaken at school; details of full-time paid work since leaving school; any Youth Training Scheme (YTS) courses undertaken; type of training required; whether suffering health problems; hobbies.
3. Trainee Details/Application Form, detailing, inter alia: name. Address, date of birth, ethnic group etc.; work undertaken since leaving school; whether interviewed by Careers Office; whether anything might affect ability to do certain jobs; previous work experience; training required; other types of work interested in; places easily reached from home; method of travel to work; courses attended at school; whether profiles/reports are available; examinations taken; interests and hobbies; interviewer’s comments on disposition, knowledge, physical description etc.
4. YTS Induction Questionnaire/YTS Induction Review Questionnaire 1, detailing, inter alia trainee’s knowledge of: BYTG’s full name; trainee’s Liaison Officer and where he/she may be contacted; Course Tutor; working hours and holiday; training allowance and health and safety.
5. YTS Induction Review Questionnaire 2, giving hypothetical scenarios and asking for answers on: reporting sickness; non-arrival of training allowance; exemption from certain examinations; overdue time for a discussion with the supervisor on progress; reporting a health and safety issue [also known as Review Questionnaire 1 with three additional questions re accident reporting, Summer & Christmas shutdowns and absence of supervisor].
6. YTS Induction Review Questionnaire 3, detailing, inter alia, trainee’s knowledge of: destination of Employer’s Handbook/Calendar; destination of Workplace Induction Assignment; whether workplace and college training programmes exist; and meaning of Review & Assessment [also known as Review Questionnaire 2].
7. Numeracy and diagnostic tests, a wide variety of tests such as simple mathematics, written communication, verbal communication, measuring and weighing skills, problem solving and keyboarding.
8. Workplace Induction Assignment for Trainees asking for details of the organisation with which the trainee was placed such as service conditions, who the trainee should see with training/personal problems, existence of Trade Unions, Health & Safety, map of the premises etc.
9. Modular Programme Training Inventory showing the type of course undertaken and dates of reviews.
10. Review Sheets detailing progress towards Achievement of Competence Objectives and towards occupational skills, core skills, ability to transfer and personal effectiveness together with additional comments and welfare and future action agreed.
11. Modules for the course undertaken showing the performance in each small part of the training given in depth, modules were either Two Year YTS developed by Beds, Haringey & Sheffield Local Education Authorities (LEAs) or Mainframe developed by Bedfordshire, Haringey, Sheffield & Liverpool LEAs. NOTE: only one example of each module has been kept, though, due to inconsistency in nomenclature, modules for some courses kept may be duplicate. Course modules retained, with the appropriate reference, as follows:
* Agriculture - E/YM 6/2/23;
* Bricklaying - E/YM 6/2/126;
* Brickwork - E/YM 6/2/5;
* Business Studies - E/YM 6/2/10;
* Carpentry - E/YM 6/2/6;
* Catering - E/YM 6/2/31;
* Computer Programming - E/YM 6/2/49;
* Dairy/Beef Farming - E/YM 6/2/73;
* Dental Surgery (receptionist) - E/YM 6/2/150;
* Desktop Publishing - E/YM 6/2/75;
* Double Glazing Installation - E/YM 6/2/134;
* Electrician - E/YM 6/2/15;
* Engineering - E/YM 6/2/18;
* Floristry - E/M 6/2/56;
* Furniture Restorer - E/YM 6/2/297
* Hairdressing (Personal Sales & Services) - E/YM 6/2/14;
* Horticulture - E/YM 6/2/90;
* Information Technology (Business Studies) - E/YM 6/2/28;
* Motor Vehicle Engineering - E/YM 6/2/3;
* Office & Business Studies - E/YM 6/2/25;
* Office Junior/Clerical Assistant - E/YM 6/2/11;
* Painting & Decorating - E/YM 6/2/40;
* Pathway Course - E/YM 6/2/38;
* Plumbing - E/YM 6/2/45;
* Retailing (Business Studies) - E/YM 6/2/7;
* Rural Equipment Servicing - E/YM 6/2/36;
* Science Foundation Course - E/YM 6/2/164;
* Shepherding - E/YM 6/2/124.
* Stockman/woman (agricultural) - E/YM 6/2/251
* Warehouseman - E/YM 6/2/304
12. First Minor Review form detailing, inter alia, trainee’s views on: expectations; relationship with supervisor; experience in the first 8 weeks and how gained; whether more was learned at college or at work; whether the college course was useful for the work and whether it taught additional skills to those needed; whether a difference existed between treatment at college and at work; and management structure of organisation.
13. Second Minor Review form detailing health and safety at work.
14. 1st Group Review Questionnaire seeking the trainee’s views on 24 statements such as: “YTS is just to keep young people off the streets” or “YTS has enabled me to work on my own initiative”, including YTS organisation chart.
15. 2nd Group Review Questionnaire asking the trainee’s views in the following areas: most and least helpful parts of the first year’s training; additions to the programme; intention to continue for second year and which programme to be followed.
16. 3rd Group Review Questionnaire, re hazards at work.
17 4th Group Review Questionnaire, as First Group Review Questionnaire but asked later.
18. Personal Effectiveness Progress Record, detailing the following areas: application and training; health and safety; self presentation; attitude to work; obtaining information; time management.
19. Photocopied Certificates of Occupational Competence detailing all skills acquired.
20. Which Way Now? Answers to 78 questions, each answer with a number of points attached, the total telling the trainee how their personality balances out in the following areas: family; adventure; knowledge; power; moral judgement/personal consistency; money/wealth; friendship/companionship; recognition; independence/freedom; security; beauty/aesthetics; creativity; helping others. Also Values Survey needing answers to 104 questions, scores determined under categories for Which Way Now? With job suggestions in each category.
21. Special Needs/Initial Training Endorsement giving information on needs and training/support to be provided.
22. DHSS Application for National Insurance Number etc., giving details of, inter alia, trainee’s workplace and exact nature of profession.
23. Off the Job Assessment form requesting information on standards of trainee’s punctuality, attitude, work standard and problems.
24. Full Term Leavers & Premature Leavers Form giving reasons for leaving BYTG/YTS scheme: (found work with current or another employer; part-time employment; joined another YTS scheme; returned to full-time education; disciplinary offence; attendance; illness/personal; dissatisfaction; unemployed at end of scheme; contribution; other) and type of employment found etc.
25. Assessment sheets asking for details of some or all of the following work experiences: an incident or aspect of performance that pleased the trainee and one that disappointed together with details of anything the trainee was forced to do against their will; analysis of a particular incident, asking for details and trainee’s assessment; summary sheet of tasks the trainee feels they do well and badly and improvements they wish to make.