• Reference
  • Title
    Fritz at Whitehall to Grantham
  • Date free text
    23 February 1779
  • Production date
    From: 1779 To: 1779
  • Scope and Content
    Tenderness in feet gone. Feeling better than ever. Besides consultation with Dr. Warren on first returning ten months ago has not needed physician etc. since. Manuel told Clerk of Kings Stables that Augustin was to have 20 Reals a day. Thinks Manuel has had his expenses and £50. Fritz to pay demand of Augustin. Latter owes seven or eight pounds to Manuel, to be deducted when he's discharged. Mr. Collet imposed upon Lord Malden & pretended to have been well received at Madrid. Said that Grantham always insisted on his wearing a green ribbon. Supposes Duke de Hijar’s Theatre serves occasionally as a Chapel, he is as good at a sermon as at a relation. Thinks Grantham's prowess on Base would make him a candidate for the late Dr. Boyce's employments and he would be seen superintending symphony's at St. Margaret's Church. Fears Gazola will not recover. Thinks Mr. Parker's frames will not be made in Spain as they are almost all of the same design as in Great Room. Bill of Lading enclosed [not present] for contents of case. Send Widow Brodeirs this receipt. Attended House of Lords, not up til 7 o'clock, debate upon papers to be laid before House, motion from Duke of Richmond, admitted after initial resistance. Dined & supped at Burton’s. Dined at Mr. Parker’s with the Middleton's, Pelham's, Mr. Cleveland & Mr. Offley. Played whist. Thence to Stratton St. for supper. Saw Admiral Keppel returning from dinner in City attended by a Mob insisting on an illumination in all streets they passed through. Broke windows before lights could be got ready etc... Dined tete a tete with Nanny. Then on to Queen's House. Dined with Tom Pelham who is still troubled by boils. Dr. Warren says no harm, Duke of Marlborough similarly afflicted some years ago. Tour of Artists with Nanny, Mr. Parker, Mr. Lee & little boy [Jack]. Informing Grantham in order for him to "fill up the vacancy's in the order of the Cream Pot". Tomkins [William] is improved; his son engaged in 14 contiguous drawings of Mount Edgecumbe area, to be framed in a circular screen. All views taken from Obelisk. Shipping by another hand. Watercolours. Obelisk supposed to be divided in fourteen parts, if engraved by subscription will make sure Grantham's name on it. Mr. Loutherbourg [Philippe Jacques], brilliant French landscape painter, excels in Cattle & figures, often introduces latter in "ludicrous situations". Currently working on view of a manoeuvre near Warley Camp. Two pictures of Camp to be designed for King. Mr. Humphry [Ozias]; abandoned miniature painting in favour of portrait painting in oil. Doesn't know his price. Thinks he makes his heads too small. Mr. Romney [George] in Cavendish Square, thought at least equal to Sir Joshua. Most of his designs imitate the latter. Defect in his pictures. Mr. Gardner [Daniel] in Bond St. draws in crayons in the manner of Hamilton (but in general full length figures) etc. Little boy to sit for him. Mrs. Angelica [Kauffmann] leaving England. Lately painting small figures. Mr. Parker gave Nanny two, but she lacks force & truth. Sir Joshua says she paints from stage not from nature. Currently painting little girl's picture [Theresa] to match little boy's. Head too large in both. Concluded tour at Sir Joshua's. Head of his profession in this country. His picture of the children [Jack & Theresa] very like indeed etc... Pleased with picture himself. Hasn't been to Brooke's, too busy or put off by entering a large room alone "unknowing & unknown". Swinburne's book to be published in a few days, plates "indifferently executed", many suppressed because so poor. Sir Thomas coming to England. Mr. Wilkie called, returns in April. Draper says cases have been examined at Customs House, will be at Whitehall next Thursday. Account heard of the Island of Sta. Lucia. M. D'Estaign bound for St. Vincente & Grenada but made for Sta. Lucia upon hearing General Grant there. Made unsuccessful attack for recovery of it, returned to Martinico. Account from Georgia; Colonel Campbell overcame the little resistance he encountered & marched to Savanah. Inhabitants of latter submitted peaceably. Campbell then proceeded to support back settlements & joined forces under General Prevost. Queen safely delivered of a Prince. Caudle is very good. Morton Eden goes Envoy to Denmark. Mr. Delaval comes home. Mr. Riddel has died, he was Private Secretary to Lord Stormont. Messenger to Petersburg with Insigns of the Order of the Bath for Harris. Lady Louisa Fitzpatrick to marry Lord Churton[?]. Polly Jones married to Mr. Smart a Surgeon, lives within door or two to Robinsons. Hopes political news in letter will not cause it to be stopped. The Fish [Crawfurd] sends his compliments, met him on horseback, seems better. May have "luminarias por la poche" not for birth of Prince, but for Admiral Keppel dining with West India merchants. Mr. Dillon in London. Lady Betty Sewell's divorce, cause heard in Commons. Lady Carmarthen's next Saturday. Mrs. Lee who was Miss Byron has run off with the son of the late Sir C. Whitworth.
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