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  • Title
    Volume into which are pasted miscellaneous settlement papers and Overseers' records
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    From: 1718 To: 1796
  • Scope and Content
    including: Settlement certificates 1 Streatley and Sharpenhoe. Mary Digby, widow, and daughter Elizabeth 9 June 1718 2 Wheathamstead, Herts. Edward Roys, wife Mary, and son Edward 21 April 1720 3 Barton. John Warin and wife Sarah. [copy]. Endorsed with note that the original certificate was delivered to Sundon parish on 26 March 1755. Dated15 June 1725 4 Tingrith. John Britnall, wife & children. 10 March 1725 5 Soulbury, Bucks. John Cooper, blacksmith, and his wife and children.15 June 1725 6 Warden. John Dimack and wife Mary. 31 Jan. 1731 7 Astwood, Bucks. Joseph Somerford and wife Ann. 18 March 1739 8 Cranfield. Lawrence Park and wife Mary 5 Nov. 1737 9 Luton. John Boon, cordwainer, and wife Sarah 1 Feb. 1741 10 Houghton Regis ("Kings Houghton"). William Tilcock and wife Mary16 Dec. 1747 11 Sundon. Lawrence Parks, butcher, wife Elizabeth, and their children11 March 1750 12 Higham Gobion. Thomas Ruffet, wife Mary, and children Hannah, John Jenkins, and William11 Dec. 1753 13 Chicheley, Bucks. Daniel Richardson and his wife Susannah 8 May 1732 14 Sundon. William Randol, wife Elizabeth, and sons Henry and William24 April 1767 15 Shefford (in Campton). Thomas Stonebridge, carpenter, and wife Elizabeth16 Jan. 1770 16 Westoning. John Bavister and wife Susannah 16 Oct. 1771 Settlement Examination 17 Thomas Kimpton, states that he rented a house and land in the parish of Enfield, Middlesex, at a rent of £13 10s, and that he occupied the same from May 1770 to May 1772. He has not gained a settlement in any other place.17 April 1775 Settlement certificates 18 Eaton Socon. William Flawn. wife Ann, and children William, James and Thomas14 Oct. 1774 19 Westoning: Richard Lane and wife Mary 23 April 1772 20 Flitton. William Field, labourer 9 Jan. 1775 21 Lilley, Herts. Francis Ellingham and wife Deborah 19 Jan. 1775 22 Ayot St.Peter, Herts. John Matthews and his wife [not named] 10 May 1786 23 Husborne Crawley. James Warren, the father of James Warren of Harlington, who is to live with his son at Harlington 11 May 1786 24 Sundon. John Symonds and wife Sarah 13 Nov. 1786 25 Tingrith. William Thompson, labourer, and wife Sarah 8 Feb. 1791 Settlement examinations 26 Edward Parkes, born at Harlington, his father being a certificated person from Sundon. About 6 years ago he let himself at Luton Statutes to Francis Dean of Wheathamstead for a year for _3, served him the year in the said parish, and about ten days before the end of the year he let himself for the year to come at 4 guineas to the said Francis Deane, that his master removed to Tewin, Herts, and he removed with him and served the year there and received wages for the same. He then returned to Harlington between the old and new Christmas and let himself to Mr. Case of Harlington for 4 guineas and that he then let himself to the said Case for 11 months for £5 7s. 6d. and stayed the said time and received wages for the same.12 Nov. 1789 27 Sarah Merry, born at Harlington. Now about 23 years of age. A week before Michaelmas 1789 she let herself to Mr. Tompson of Sundon for one year. She lived with him the year and received her wages, viz 4 guineas.17 May 1791 Removal order from the parish 28 Elizabeth Hide, spinster. To Clophill 14 Oct. 1791 Letter concerning removal to the parish 29 Letter [draft or copy] from the Harlington Overseer to Richard Quenby, Overseer of the Poor for Wilstead, regarding the removal of William Geary and his wife from Wilstead to Harlington. "I understand that Geary can earn a comfortable living in your parish, and wishes much to return thither if therefore you will get permission for him and his wife to reside there you may depend on it that the parish of Harlington will give you neither trouble nor expence & in case of illness will receive them again if they come as their parishioners"6 Dec. 1792 Settlement certificates 30 Marston Moretaine. James Randall, wife Ann, and children John and James9 April 1794 31 Little Brickhill, Bucks. Edward Eaton junr. and wife Frances n.d. [c.1780?] List of inhabitants under certificate 31a List of "inhabitants of Harlington that have certificates", as follows A. living elsewhere Francis Creek, Westoning; William Corporall, Eversholt; Richard Geary, Redbourn; Henry Frensham, Sundon; Daniel Parkins, Cardington; James Parkins, Houghton Regis; John Morris, Luton; Thomas Lawford, Toddington; William Woodward, Silsoe; Henry Woodward, Studham; John Powell, Eversholt; and George Lawford, Luton B. living at Harlington John Warren, from Barton; John Dymock from Warden; Elizabeth Digby from Streatley, and John Cooper n.d. [c.1730] Settlement examination 32 John Boon, shoemaker. His last place of legal settlement was in Luton, acquired by being a hired servant to Mr. Joseph Oakey of Luton, farmer, for one whole year and performing the said service. Since then he was bound apprentice to John Cann who lived in Toddington under settlement from Aspley Guise. The deponent sayeth that he had not gained any other settlement23 Nov. 1741 Bastardy papers 33 Bastardy bond: Hannah Clark, delivered of a bastard child on 7 January 1763. Richard Godin, husbandman, and Henry Clark, both of Hanslope, Bucks, bound to Overseers for maintenance of child. [father not specifically named]31 Jan. 1763 34 Examination: Elizabeth Gardner, singlewoman, delivered "about 4 weeks since" of a female bastard child within the parish of Harlington. John Wheeler of Harlington is the father of the said child12 Nov. 1790 Miscellaneous papers Note: The following items were rough sorted by the person who placed them in the volume. They are mostly of insufficient importance for full calendaring, and the following list simply gives outline details of the bills and papers to aid users. 35-44 Overseers' bills: burial charges n.d. and 1786-8 45-50 Overseers' bills: sundry bills n.d., 1786-8, and 1809 51-81 Surveyors of the Highways: road bills n.d. and 1788 82 Inventory of pauper's goods: ...Corporal 14 Oct. 1788 83 Inventory of pauper's goods: Edward Church 20 August 1771 84-88 Parish Officers: bills for beer and refreshments n.d. and 1786-7 89-94 Overseers' bills: shoes for poor n.d. and 1788-1796 95-116 Churchwardens' and Overseers' bills: sundry accounts (including church clock) n.d. and 1788-1796 117-122 Overseers’ bills: chemists’ account and drapery bills. 1786-1788 123-131 Overseers' bills: butcher's accounts and meat bills etc., and others 1786-1788 132 Overseers' bill: travelling expenses 1788 133-134 Overseers' bills: medical attendance 1788 135 Overseers' bill: attendance at Justices meeting at Ampthill 1796 136 Overseers' bill: Workhouse charges and bill for clothing for the poor 1788-9 137 Overseers' bills: Workhouse weekly accounts (14 items) recording workhouse expenditure (provisions, clothing, and other necessaries) for 55 consecutive weeks. Thomas Stanbridge. some n.d. [all 1787-8] 138 Overseers' bills: Workhouse weekly accounts [as 137] of Thomas Stanbridge (20 items - incomplete series)
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