• Reference
  • Title
    Evidence to prove that Woburn was not a peculiar
  • Date free text
    about 1720
  • Production date
    From: 1509 To: 1720
  • Scope and Content
    "Whereas by an Act of Parliament made the One and Thirtieth year of King Henry the Eighth Chapter the Thirteenth it is enacted That Such of the late Monasteries, Abbathies, Priories, Nunnerys, Colledges, Hospitalls, Hoses of Fryers & other Religious & Eccliacal houses and places, an all Churches & Chappells to them or any of them belonging which before the dissolution, suppression, renounceing, relinquishing, forfeiting, giving up or comeing unto the King's Highness were exempted from the visitacon or visitacons & all other Jurisdiction of the Ordinary or Ordinaries within whose Diocese they were Scituate or Sett shall from henceforth be within the jurisdiction & visitation of the Ordinary or Ordinaries within whose Diocese they or any of them be Scituate & Sett, or within the jurisdiction & visitation of such person or persons as by the King's Highness shall le limited or appointed, this Act or any other exemption, liberty or jurisdiction to the contrary notwithstanding. In pursuance of which Act upon inspection & examinacon of the books, records & papers remaining in the Publick Registry for the Archdeaconry of Bedford for more than one hundred years past it appears that Wills of persons dying in Wooburn aforesaid have always during that time been proved by the Commissarys & Officials of the said Archdeaconry of Bedford Administrations of persons dying Intestate have been also during the said time granted by them Licences of Marriage for persons living in the said Parish have likewise bin granted constantly by the said Commissarys & Officials of the Said Archdeaconry Churchwardens of Wooburn have for all that time constantly appeared at the Bishops and Archdeacons visitacons held for the said Archdeaconry and made their presentments and particularly Mr.Simon Tayler as tis presumed then a Servant to the then Earle of Bedford was about Twenty five years since Churchwarden of the said parish and appeared & made his presentment at the Archdeacons Visitations. The Minister (unless lawfully hindred) hath constantly appeared at the said visitacons Visitations of the Archdeacon have fourscore or a hundred years past bin frequently held for his said Archdeaconry in the Church or Chappell of Wooburn. Courts for hearing of Causes & dispatch of business of Eccliacal cognizance have often within the time aforesaid by the Commissarys & Officials of the said Archdeaconry bin held in the said Church or Chappell for dispatch of business relating to the said Archdeaconry Penances for Crimes of Eccliacal Cognizance comitted by persons living in the said parish have bin by the Commissarys & Officials of the said Archdeaconry enjoined them and by them performed in the said parish Excommunications for Contempt have bin often by the said Commissarys & Officials decreed against persons living in the said parish and published against them in the said Church or Chappell by the ministers thereof and certificates of the publicacon thereof returned into this Court under the hands of the said Minister particularly by Mr.William Marshall deceased, his father Mr.Robert Marshall & also by their predecessors About 30 years Since Mr.Simon Tayler then of Wooburn was presented for not paying a Church rate to Millbrook for land he held there and being called by Process out of this Court appeared & pleaded to the said presentments & appointed a Proctor to Act for him About 25 years Since one Simon Tayler of Wooburn the son of the aforesaid Simon took administracon of his Father's goods, and being called to pass his Accompts thereon & not appearing he was decreed Excommunicate & the Excommunicacon sent out against him, but before publication he appeared and upon his peticon he was absolved and passed his Accompts as required. In or about the year 1692 a Commission for viewing & instructing the decays & ruins of the Churches & Chappells in the Archdeaconry of Bedford was by the then Archdeacon of Bedford granted (among others of the Clergy) to Mr.Wm Marshall then Curate of Wooburn, who by the authority & in pursuance of the said Commission did Act & made a return to the said Archdeacon of what was found out of repair in the said Churches and Chappells or in some of them and particularly in the Chappell of Wooburn. These Instances & many others & also that all kind of business of Eccliacal Cognizance (Except Prerogative cases) happening in the said parish of Wooburn for more than one hundred years past, have been dispatched by the Archdeacons, Commissarys or Officials of the said Archdeaconry of Bedford, and all Eccliacal jurisdiction there exercised by them as will be fully made appear by the books, records & papers remaining in the Publick Registry for the said Archdeaconry, which have been searched & examined By me J.Goodhall Reg[ister] Certificate of Search amongst Records & Registry shewing Woburn in Com Bedford To be subject to the Jurisdiction of the Archdeaconry of Bedford".
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