Scope and Content
Routine business: registration (birth & bur. notes, marriages, removals) 1856; stereotyped answers to queries;
advices read;
members' lists compiled (p. 235 YM says add attenders);
trust renewals; note that sufferings brought;
finance includes contrib. to Ackworth & Croydon schools.
Organisational indications:-
(see above: attenders);
p. 441 minute of 1862 relayed through QM 24/12/62: "duties devolve on individual members" -"are Friends individually acting up to the standards of their profession in their care & interest for the welfare of the ignorant & depraved around them?" 1862
p. 493 boundaries of QMs: YM sub-cttee (see below QM) 1864
p.496, 530-3: conference between QMs of Beds-Herts & Bucks. Northants. held at Luton 14/7/1865 to arrange to unite: 1865
there to be 3 MMs: (1)Hertford & Hitchin (2) Luton & Leighton (to include Ampthill) (3) Northampton & Wellingboro' comprising Beds., Bucks., Herts., Northants.
p.535 conference between QMs of Albans and Leighton & Upperside (i.e. constituents of new Luton & Leighton MM)
B formal business intimations of QM are regularly recorded (e.g. finance - contributions reqd.; to know times of meetings etc.)
Meeting for Sufferings:
p. 193 "Appeal on the present war" copies distrib. in Luton 1855
p. 52, 131 Wm. Beale 1849-52; p. 134, 211, 228, 362 Wm. Drewett 1852-60 Attendance:
p. 478 considerable deficiency 1864
cttee. to try to arrange scale 1850
contributions entered, e.g. p. 104 to national stock Luton £7, Hemel £1.17.0: 1851
Ministers & elders:
pp. 58, 61, 74: reduced state; cttee. apptd.; 1850
time to hold meetings has not arrived
p. 240, 244, 246, 415, 423: Eliz. Brown & Edw.Lucas (1856); Eliz. Pearman, Ann Marsh (1862)
p. 247, 248, 250, 253: Jos. & Maria Cranstone to continue (1857); |
Edw. Lucas, Luton (1857); Matilda Sheppard, Hemel, unwilling (1857);
p. 396: Hemel has 1 m., 1 f.; Luton has 2m., 2 f. 1864
p. 484, 487: Mary & Ann Brown added; Eliz.Pearman resigns. 1864
p. 283 Wm. Drewett registered 1858
p. 90-3: Em. Kentish: opinions at variance 1850
150 Jn.Howe sr.: delinquency 1853
176-182 Eliz. Cranstone 1854
199 Jn. Hare jr. 1855
243 Edw. Cranstone 1856
293 Emma Kentish (distant & can't attend) 1858
323 Maria Knight & dau. Louisa, Harpenden 1858
354-5, 367 Jos. Harvey Sutcliff 1860
420 Eliz. Coles Knight: attends church 1862
457 Mary Ann Beale 1863
479 Geo. Knight 1864
applications (including reinstatement):
p. 320, 324, 328-9 Mary Stevens Allport, Watford; desired reinstatement: believes in guidance of Holy Spirit; 1859
p. 354, 367 Eliza Harkins, Luton 1860
p. 452, 456 Ann Jones for reinstmt.: but this is not her MM. 1863
p. 502 Louisa Knight (see above) for reinstmt.: when she resigned she could not get to meeting, but is now in Luton. 1865
meetings & meetinghouses & property:
p. 10, 290 periodic inspection of Albans bur.gds.: repairs at both 1848, 1858
p. 234, 236 Luton has chance to buy adjoining land 1856
NB occasional alterations in times of PMs given, e.g. p259
p.12, 14, 16, 18: Jn.H.Middleton in debt; employed person with horse & cart to dispose of some stock; sold some by auction & appropriated proceeds for self & w. - not creditors; dishonourable to truth; affectionately direct his attention to principles of Christianity 1848
p. 23-4, 127, 133: Jn. Dav. Appleton of Barnsley meeting (Pontefract MM): immoral conduct; Albans MM asked to visit; admits charges & ack. error; later applies for reinstatement; visited & rec.; 1848-52
p. 173, 182, 186, 189, 193 Ann Kentish marries out (Jones) 1854.
p. 214, 219 Lefevre Jas.Cranstone marries out 1855
p. 249, 257, 268-74 Tho. Gray Marsh absent; visited; partial amendment; relapses; frequents public houses (fallen so low!) disowned 1858
p. 333-6 Fred.Pearman marries out 1860
p. 335, 340-1 Ann Kentish marries out (Simpson); received Friends v. agreably; attached to Soc. & doctrines, believed she would always hold; did not see Friends could do other than disown 1860
p. 501, 521, 524 Matilda Beale marries out (in S.Africa) 1865
p. 31, 42, 44 Jn. Moore; 20s. given; later charge Tottenham MM
p. 43 Mary Pritchett £2; and 5s. weekly 1849
528 Susan Coles, formerly Tottenham MM: whose resp.? 1865
NB periodic reports on charity fund, e.g. p.207
p.417 Luton having established a First Day School, time of mtg. for worship is altered from 10 to 10.30. 1862
Travelling Friends:
p.94 Tho.Arnett from U.S. (Indiana YM) 1851
172 Ric. F. Foster 1854
247 Wm. Ball, Kendall 1856
347 Mary Samuel Lloyd, Warwicks. 1859
378 Robt. & Christine Alsop, Dev.Ho. 1861
388 Edw.Brewin, Leicester 1861
Amelia Brown d. 14. 12. 49 & bur.Painswick; 1787-1849
62-9 testimony: dau. of Jos. & Lydia Davis, Painswick; minister of Nailsworth MM 1823; m. Ric. Marks Brown, 1831 apparently as 2nd wife; care of husband's family; travels; health declined in 1848.
John Foster:-
p. 21 Essex 1848
34 Surrey, Sx. 1849
51 Norfolk, Cbs.,Hts. 1850
74 surdg. villages Lu.1850
179 Kent 1854
479 buried 1864
p. 399 Wm. Drewitt, villages rd. Luton 1861
520 Wm. own QM and Bucks.-Northants. 1865
p.422 Ben. Seebohm - in unity & good esteem Warwicks., Leics., Staffs. 1862
434 villages rd. Luton and Luton town, esp. poor, & where Friends reside but no mtg. 1862 also Bucks. & Northants.
481 eastern counties 1864
523 west 1865
465 minute proposed by Hemel PM & accepted 16/9/1863 "it is concluded with the approbation of the MM that in future men & women Friends sit together in their preparative meetings"
5 Lucy Gower, 21, entitled to Croydon school gratuity 1848
37, 47 registers have been forwarded to London; duplicates in chest 1849
57 Louisa Bishop entered for Ackworth 1849
106 slavery: YM minute on fund for negros & aborigines: Luton subscribes £4.0.0; Hemel £2.10.0 1851
253 £7.10.0 1857
120-2 emigration to Australia (Adelaide) Th.Gray Marsh; 1852
308 Humph. Smith to Melbourne
163 Croydon gratuity: Tho. Miles Lamb (he was apprent. to Jos. Cranstone, Hemel) 1854
201, 205-6, 276 etc. tombstones: rules made (2'6" x 1'2", horiz.) 1855
385 emigration to U.S.: Alf. Cranstone 1861
428, 433 marriage of Jos. Rowntree, York MM, to Eliz. Seebohm of this MM 1862 PMs.
476 weekday meetings (answers to queries) "considerable deficiency" 1863
Future meeting arrangements
for the new MM of Luton & Leighton:- (p. 536) 1865 1st Leighton 7th Berkhamsted 2nd Luton 8 Newport 3rd Leighton 9 Luton 4th Hemel 10 Berkhamsted 5th Ampthill 11 Leighton 6th Jordans 122 Luton