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    1-5-17 8.45 Relieved 6th Northants in R. sub sector Front trenches W. CHERISY 7TH (S) BATTN BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT Order No 7 MAP REFERENCE SHEET 51b. S.W. 1st May 1917 1. INTENTION The 12th Battalion Middlesex Regiment and the 7th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment will take over the battle front from 11th Royal Fusiliers and 6th Northamptonshire Regiment on the night of 1st/2nd May 1917. 2. COMPOSITION OF COMPANIES On completion of relief the 7th Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment will be situated as follows: - 2 Companies holding front line and support line. "A" Company on Right, "D" Company on left from long sap O 31.a.8.3. inclusive to a point in present front line 200 yards S.W. of the junction of Cable trenches at O.25.D.5.0 (Now held by 2 Companies 6th Northamptonshire Regiment). 2 companies ("C" and "B") in trenches in N.29.c & d at present occupied by 2 Companies 11th Battn Royal Fusiliers. Battalion Headquarters at N 30.c.2.4. (Present Headquarters of 2 Companies Roy.Fusiliers). 3. GUIDES Relieving Companies and Battalion Headquarters will pick up one guide per platoon as they pass the Brigade Headquarters N 22.d.4.2. 4. ROUTE Infantry Track "A" 5. STARTING POINT Starting Point N.20.a.1.6. Starting Time. "A" Company 8.25 p.m. "D" Company 8.45 p.m. "C" Company 9.5 p.m. "B" Company 9.25 p.m. Bn H.Q. 9.25 p.m. with 100 yards between platoons. 6. RELIEF Completion of relief will be reported by CODE "SUN". 7. RATIONS Rations will be carried up by the transport leaving Battalion bivouac's at 8 p.m. 8. DUMPS The Battalion Lewis Gun dump ammunition and Signalling Kit will be taken up on limbers leaving Battalion bivouac's at 8 p.m. Empty Petrol tins will be taken up on limbers leaving Battalion bivouac's at 6 p.m. under the Drum Major. 9. DRESS Battle Order. Box Respirators will be worn in the "ALERT" position. (signed) W.J.W.COLLEY. CAPT & ADJT. 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt. 2-5-17 Trenches. 7th (S) Batt Bedfordshire Regiment Order No.8 May 2nd 1917 1. GENERAL PLAN the 7th Bedfordshire Regt with the 9th Leicesters on its right and 12th Middlesex Regt on its left. the objectives of the 7th Bedfordshire Rgt are: - 1st trench from O.33 c.7.2 to U 3.a.1.3. 2nd Line running through U 4.a.1.5. - U.4.c.3.3. the 7th Bedfordshire Regt to attack on a frontage of two companies with "A" Company on the right and "D" Company on the left, "B" Company in support and "C" Company in reserve. Boundaries between companies through O 31.b.3.6. O 31.b.9.1. O 32.c.2.6. U 3.a.4.7 and U 4.c.2.9. 2. DISTRIBUTION OF COMPANIES at ZERO HOUR "A" Company on right, "D" Company on left in 4 lines. First 2 lines not more than 100 yards forward of front trench. 3rd and 4th line in front trench. "B" Company between 1st and 2nd Trench. "C" Company behind 2nd trench. 3. ROLE OF COMPANIES "A" and "D" companies will follow the barrage starting at Zero hour and will fight their way to the first objective making strong points as per appendix 1. "B" Company will follow in close support and take up a position in the River Bed also making strong points as per appendix 1. "C" Company will be in reserve and move up to trench running through O.32 a central to O 32 c.5.2; being prepared to form defensive flanks wither to the right or to the left. At Zero plus 2 hours "A" and "D" Companies will continue to follow the barrage fighting their way to final objective and dropping points as per appendix 2. "B" Company will follow in close support and render what help is necessary and dropping points as per appendix2. "C" Company will advance to original first objective 1st and 2nd objectives to be at once consolidated. 4. M.GUN Co. One Vickers Gun will proceed with "B" Company under Capt Bull and when 1st objective is taken will take up a position at U 3.a.2.3 covering the right flank of the battalion. One gun will proceed with "C" Company under Captain Keep and when the 2nd objective is taken it will be sent forward to U.3.d.6.5. 5. T.M.BTY One Mortar with 60 rounds will be attached to the Battalion and will move with "C" Company to trench in O.32.c. taking up a position at O.32.c.7.3. 6. DUGOUT CLEARING PARTY Dugout clearing parties, 2 platoons of 11. Royal Fusiliers will be attached to the Battalion. One platoon will follow the 2nd line. 2nd platoon will follow the 4th line. 1st platoon will clear trench running from O.32.a. central to O 32.c.5.2. They will block trench at O 32.c.5.2. and cover block with their Lewis Guns. 2nd platoon will clear the Sunken road running thro O 32.central to O.32.c.7.2 and will install their Lewis guns to cover their right flank. 7. ARTILLERY BARRAGE The advance will be preceeded by a rolling barrage which will open 200 yards in front of our present front line. the rate of advance will be 100 yards in 2 minutes up to the Western outskirts of CHERISY thence to the 1st objective at 100 yards in 6 minutes beyond which it will rest. At Zero plus 2 hrs it will proceed to the final objective at 100 yards in 3 minutes, barrage lines and times of lifts may be seen on barrage ap at Bn Hd Qrs. 60 pounder batteries will search the ground 600 yards beyond the rolling barrage for Machine Guns and other likely targets will be dealt with by Corps Heavy Artillery. the Brigade Commander will have a direct call on one 18 pounder battery to take on hostile counter-attacks or deal with enemy strong points. 8.SIGNAL COMMUNICATION See appendix 3. 9. COMMUNICATION with contact AEROPLANES Every man will carry a flare. Flares will be lit at all times when called for by the sounding of the Claxton Horn or the dropping of a white light by the aeroplane and definitely at Zero plus 1 hrs and Zero plus 3 hrs. Flares may only be lit by troops in the front line. 10. LIAISON OFFICER Major E.Clegg with 2 runners will report to Bde Hd Qrs N 22.d.4.2. at Zero hour. 11. MOVEMENT OF Hd Qrs Bn Hd Qrs will be situated in the front trench at Zero hour and will move into German dugouts at O.32.c.8.4 after the 1st objective had been taken. Z day. Zero hour and synchronisation of watches will be notified later. 12. ADMINISTRATION AMMUNITION Following dumps have been formed. Bde Dump N.29.c.8.9. Forward Bde Dump N.36.b central. The 2 assaulting coys will each form a small dump of S.A.A. in front line (these to be collected in surrounding trenches). As soon as possible after Zero hour these dumps will be moved forward to O 32 c.9.7. coys in lst objective. 13. CARRYING PARTIES 2/Lieut.Piercy will undertake to supply Bombs. S.A.A. throughout the operation. The Drum Major i/c of the Drums will form a dump of water at O.32.c.9.7. as soon as possible. 14. AMM. PACK TRAIN Bde Transport Offr will be responsible for the Brigade ammunition and water supply. 15. L.G.DRUMS. Reserve drums will be dumped N.36.b central. 16. RATIONS & WATER The iron ration and unconsumed portion of the days rations will be carried on the man, All water bottles must be full at Zero hour. 2/Lieut Piercy will undertake the carrying forward f rations from Heninel. Across country track will be staked out - N.29.c.8.9. N.30.c.00. N.36.b.central N.31 central O.33.c 8.5. 2/Lieut Piercy will send back 4 guides for the ration party and will report at Bde H.Qrs N.22. d central before 6 p.m. Transport Offrs and Quarter Masters will report to Staff Captain Bde H.Qrs N 22 d central after 6 p.m. to obtain latest information with regard to the situation and also to pick up their guides. Water carts can be filled at Heninel at N.28.b central. Companies must supply rations to detached sections of M.G.Coy and T.M.Bty. 17. MEDICAL Arrangements for evacuation of wounded see appendix 4. 18. PRISONERS Bde Collecting post Cross roads N.29.b.8.0. 19. POLICE L/Cpl Sturgess and pte Raynor will be posted at N 36.b.central to direct wounded to collecting post N 30.a.1.3. March all prisoners and direct escorts to Bde Collecting Post N.29.b.8.0., to take the Nos Ranks names and Units of all stragglers, send those who are fit back to their units, pass the remainder to the rear to the line of evacuation (Sgd) W.J.W.COLLEY. CAPT AND ADJT. 7TH BN BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT. APPENDIX 1 "A" Coy Strongpoint U 2.b.10.1 L/C till Vickers gun arrives. "D" Coy Strongpoint E U.3.a.5.7. "B" Coy Strongpoint C ).32.c.9.6. O.32.d.5.4. APPENDIX 2 "A" Coy Strongpoint U.3.d.6.5. "B" Coy Strongpoint U.3.a.9.8. APPENDIX 3. Signal Communication. Divided into the following headings. 1. Visual. 2. Telephone System 3. Pigeon 4. Power buzzer 5. Aeroplane Contact 6. Runners. 1. A Bn H.Q. visual post will be pushed out after the support Coy (B) to gun pit at O.31.b.8.0. for the purpose of receiving visual signals from the 4 Coys. This station will answer and in urgent cases will send messages forward. There will also be Bde visual post at O 31.b.14. When "A" and "D" Coys reach the 1st objective they will open visual communication from (roughly) U.3.a.0.7. and U 3 a 2.9. respectively. On moving forward to the final objective "A" Coy will open visual from the trees at U.3.c.9.7. and later from U 3 d 6.5. "A" Coy will man this last place with lamp during the ebsuing night. These special orders will not prevent any coy from sending an urgent message by visual wherever they may be. 2. When Hd Qrs subsequently move forward lines will be laid to Coys. 3. 2 pigeons will be carried forawrd by "A" Coy and 2 by "B" Coy. 2 will remain with Bn H Qrs. 4. Power Buzzer set will remain at battle h.Qrs. O 31 b.0.5. during the attack. 5. No aeroplane signalling will be attempted. 6. Bde runner posts will be attached at Bn H Qrs at O.31.b.0.5. and O.31 b.3.8. When Bn H.Qrs moves forward the posts at the latter place will move forward to O.32.c.8.5. Runner posts will be marked by a triangular red flag. APPENDIX 4. As arranged at Conference. (Sgd) W.J.W.Colley Capt and Adjt. 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regt 3-5-17 3.45 am The 18th Div. attacked CHRISY. The 54th Bd on R. 55th on L. 53rd Reserve. see app. The attack was supposed to take place at dawn Zero being 3.45 am. As a matter of fact it was not light enough to attack until 4.15 am. The barrage commenced badly, being irregular. the Batt. left their trenches before Zero & formed up splendidly, the advance started at Zero, they soon slightly lost direction the men being extended at about 12 paces could scarcely see each other. The Regt. on the left also lost direction & crowded to the Right, thus confusing our attack & causing a further loss of direction. Four Tanks were to be used to attack FONTAINE village. One was unable to start, another went but a short distance another one made its way down Wood Trench & then turned & came through our advancing lines, this added to the confusion & some groups retired to the first line again. They were reformed at once by their Officers & again advanced, the Barrage had however gone on & the Batt. was held up at FONTAINE Trenchwas [sic] was strongly defended, also the wire was thick and undamaged. They came under heavy M.G. fire from VIS en ARTOIS - CHRISY - FONTAINE TR. and WOOD TRENCH. Small detachments pushed forward to angle formed by FONTAINE Tr. and WOOD Tr. At this time the majority of the 55th Bd. had reached their first objective on the Left. the position of the Batt. about 10 am was in front of FONTAINE Tr. with their R. thrown back facing WOOD Trench. At this time the Leicesters on the Right had not made good WOOD Trench except a small portion at the Western end. Some groups of the 55th Bd. reached a portion of their second objective. About 11.30 the 14th Div. further to the Left commenced retiring, followed by the 55th Bd. & the Middlesex & some groups of the Bedfords, but about 1 company still remained in Shell holes in front of FONTAINE & WOOD Trenches when at mid day the troops on our left had all got back to the starting Trenches. 7.15 pm A new Barrage started, & 2 Coys NORTHANTS attacked on our frontage in which elements of the Batt. joined & which was covered by rapid fire from our advanced Troops, this however was not successful as the enemy put up an intense barrage & the wire in front could not be forced. the whole lot fell back to original front line & held that during the night being relieved early in the morning by the NORTHANTS taking over. 4-5-17 2.30 am Bedfords relieved in front Trenches by NORTHANTS & fell back to Trenches at N.30.D. 2.30 pm The 54th Bd. relieved by 53rd Bd. The batt. marched back in small parties to Trenches at N.14 D 50. E of NEUVILLE VITASSE. NEUVILLE 5-5-17 Batt. rested & bathed in NEUVILLE 6-5-17 to 7-5-17 Batt. rested 8-5-17 10 pm Batt reported at 10 pm in HNINEL for R.E. work in communication Trenches. Guides were confused & 2 companies returned not having guides. A Coy. had 1 man killed & 4 wounded. 9-5-17 Batt. resting. 10-5-17 10 pm Batt. reported to Sussex Pioneers for fatigue on front line Trenches. 11-5-17 Batt. resting. 12-5-17 10 pm Batt. reported to Sussex Pioneers for fatigue on front line Trenches. 13-5-17 3 pm Batt. moved out of Trenches at N.14 D 50 to new area at N.32 A. OPERATION ORDERS No.11 by LT COL G.P.MILLS COMMANDING 7TH (S) BN BEDFORDSHIRE REGT. 13-5-17 1. MOVE the Battalion will move into the new area N.32.a. this afternoon. Battalion will move by Companies at 10 minutes interval. 2. STARTING POINT Starting Point Road Junction W.20.a.1.6. Starting Time 3.0 p.m. 3. ORDER OF MARCH Headquarters "A" "B" "C" and "D" Coys. 4. ROUTE Neuville-Vitasse, St.Martin sur Cojeul Road. 5. TRANSPORT 1st Line Transport will move into new area S 17.b. on May 14th. 6. BIVOUAC'S A second blanket per man will be issued for bivouac's, these blankets will be handed over to incoming Unit on rlief. Blankets will be drawn at N 32.c.9.8. 7. KIT Company Stores, Blankets, Officers Valises, Orderly Room, Signalling Kit etc will be dumped by Cookers this morning. 8. MATERIAL All material. i.e. sheets of corrugated iron, wood, etc must be taken. Each Company will detail a loading party for its own material and will arrange to unload at destination. 9. COOKING Cooker horses to be sent up this morning and cookers must be sent over as soon as possible. (SGD) W.J.W.COLLEY CAPT AND ADJT 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGIMENT 14-5-17 10 pm Batt. digging front line Trenches. 15-5-17 Company drill. 16-5-17 to 24-5-17 Batt. resting at N.32.A & providing working parties every second night. N.32 a 24-5-17 to 27-5-17 Batt. still at N 32 a and finding working parties. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGT. ORDER NO 13 1. INTENTION The 7th (S) Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment will exchange Camps this evening with the 8th Suffolks. 2. MOVE The Battalion will move out of its present bivouac's at 4 p.m. 3. STARTING POINT Cross Roads at N.32.c.5.3. 4. ROUTE Most direct across country to camp in S 17. Time 4.30 p.m. Order of March B.H.Q. DRUMS "A" "B" "C" and "D" Companies, with 10 minutes intrvals between Coys. 5. DRESS Full Marching Order. 6. MEALS Dinner 12 noon. Tea On arrival. 7. TRANSPORT Transport will report at the camp at 3 p.m. 8. BAGGAGE Officers valises, Blankets in bundles of 10 (one per man) Company Stores, Orderly Room Kit, Signalling Kit etc, must be dumped on fair weather trcuk by 2.30 p.m. 9. LOADING Each Company will detail a party for loading and unloading the limbers. 10. BIVOUAC'S Bivouac's in Regimental Lines must be left clean disinfected and refuse removed before leaving. A certificate to this effect will be rendered to the R.S.M. by 3 p.m. 11. BILLETING 1 N.C.O. per platoon and 1 N.C.O. for Hd Qrs will report to Major Percival at Q.M.Stores at 12.30 p.m. NOTE: - all bivouac's must be left in a complete a condition as possible. The extra blanket for bivouacing will be left behind. (SGD) W.J.W.COLLEY. CAPT AND ADJT. 7TH (S) BATTALION BEDFORDSHIRE REGT. BOVELLES 27-5-17 4.30 pm Batt. left camp at N 32 a & moved into camp near BOVELLES at S 23 a, changing with the 8th Suffolks. 27-5-17 to 31-5-17 Battn. in camp at S 23 a for Training purposes; latter consisted chiefly of Close Order Drill, bayonet Fighting & Specialist Training with a Brigade Tactical Scheme on the 30th May. 7th (S) Bn.Bedfordshire Regt. Officers proceeding into action on 3/5/17 & Casualties. Lt.Col.G.P.Mills Commanding Officer Capt.W.J.W.Colley Adjutant 2/Lt.H.B.Stewart Lewis Gun Officer 2/Lt.R.B.Rednall Sig. Officer wounded 3/5/17 Capt.K.H.Nelson Medical officer 2/Lt.S.C.Tremeer wounded 3/5/17 Died of wounds 17/5/17 2/Lt.R.J.Clarke wounded 3/5/17 2/Lt.J.J.Murray wounded 3/5/17 2/Lt.W.D.Oliver Jones wounded 3/5/17 Capt.W.H.Bull killed 3/5/17 2/Lt.H.Driver wounded (still at duty) 3/5/17 2/Lt.E.G.Pernett 2/Lt.C.B.Kydd killed 3/5/17 Capt.L.H.Keep 2/Lt.C.A.Lawrence 2/Lt.G.J.Luscombe killed in action 3/5/17 2/Lt.P.J.Reiss wounded 3/5/17 Capt.D.S.H.Keep 2/Lt.E.F.Piercy wounded 3/5/17 2/Lt.L.G.Angas killed 3/5/17 2/Lt.H.J.Cartwright wounded 3/5/17 2/Lt.E.St.Hilary Lingwood killed 3/5/17 Officers Killed 5 Wounded 8 Died of Wounds 1 Other Ranks Killed 19 Missing 48 Wounded 162 Died of Wounds 6 Missing believed Killed 4 Missing & Wounded 3 242
  • Date free text
    May 1917
  • Production date
    From: 1917 To: 1917
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