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    Millencourt 1-12-16 Battalion in rest billets Re-organising, Re-fitting & making up all deficiences. 2-12-16 As above. Party of one officer & 14 N.C.Os & men allowed to proceed to England on Ten days Leave. Congratulatory message from Corps Commander received. Copy attached. EXTRACT FROM BATTALION ORDERS DATES 2-12-16 PARA 1590. CONGRATULATION The Corps Commander congratulates all ranks who took part in the operations of the 18th ult on the successful results attained. That the 18th Division has once again gained a success is only what the Corps Commander expected of a Division which has for so long been consistently successful in all the operations it has undertaken. 3-12-16 Training in the Attack. trench digging. Improving billets etc. Subject Appointment of Officers 18th Div No 102/33 "A" Fifth Army AMS/1470 IV Corps No 29 "A" 54th Infantry Brigade The following extracts from List No 110 of "Appointments. Commissions etc., approved by the General Officer Commanding in Chief" dated 25th November 1916 are forwarded for information Royal Regiment of Artillery R.F.A. Temp 2nd Lieut P.S.Walker from 11th Bn R Fusiliers to be Temp 2nd Lieut 1st July 1916 Infantry SERVICE BATTALIONS 7th Bn Bedfordshire Regiment. The undermentioned Lieuts to be Acting Captains whilst Commanding Companies D.S.H.Keep 28th October 1916 H.C.Browning 29th October 1916 (Sd) R.J. Pack-Berasford Lt Colonel 3rd Dec 1916 A.A. & Q.M.G. 18th Division 4-12-16 Training in the Attack. trench digging. Improving billets etc. 5-12-16 Training for Attack, Advance Guards etc. Lt D.S.H.Keep appointed acting Captain from 28 October 1916. Lt.H.C.Browning from 29th Oct 1916. 6-12-16 Training for the attack in Brigade. 7-12-16 Training for the attack in Brigade. two officers & 10 O.R. proceeded to England on leave for Ten days. 8-12-16 Brigade Training. Draft of 194 N.C.Os. & men joined the battalion a very good lot of men on the whole but their drill was not all that could be desired & their knowledge of Training limited. 9-12-16 Training of all Specialists, Sectionised, each unit made up to its full strength such as Bombers, Snipers, Signallers, Runners, Lewis Gunners & so on. 10-12-16 Training of all Specialists pushed forward. the following appoitments were made, 2/Lt.C.J.Luscombe Sniping Officer, 2/Lt.H.M.Woodyer Reserve Bombing Officer, 2/Lt.Waddy A.H. Reserve Lewis Gun Officers, 2/Lt.W.P.Cannell Town Major, Domvast. 11-12-16 Specialist & Coy. Training in all its detail pushed forward with all speed. No.14622 Pte.Gough, G.E. 12702 Cpl.Mulrien, B., 15213 Thompson, A. 14135 Corpl.Dean, W. were awarded "The Military Medal" for Gallantry. 12-12-16 Coy. and Battalion preparing for change of Billets. 13-12-16 Coy. and Battalion preparing for change of Billets. Domvast 14-12-16 Battalion changed billets from Millencourt by March Route. 15-12-16 to 24-12-16 Battn. Training, Coy. Training, all Specialists, Brigade Schools of Instruction opened up for Special Instructions. 25-12-16 Christmas Day, this was spent by the battalion in real Christmas from. Presents of Pudding, Fruit, Nuts, Cigarettes etc. had been received from Sir Frederick Price, lady Price, Col & Mrs.Hudson, Mrs.Heneker, wife of the late Brigadier, 54th Brigade. the men were supplied with a good Christmas dinner, quart of beer per man & so on which was followed by Entertainment. the officers dined together in one billet. Each Coy. had their dinner Separate. A most enjoyable day was spent by every one in the battalion, the C.O. (Lt.Col.G.P.Mills) visited each mess & the health of all was toasted. 26-12-16 Clearing up after the Christmas repast. 27-12-16 The Bn. was specially selected to carry out the attack as per Somme battles & give demonstration before many Generals and high officials. The attack was from trenches & carried out with such precision & steadiness that they were very highly Complimented by all concerned. The organisation of the Coys. was checked & illustrated in full detail all unit Commanders understudies & specialists showed the most complete knowledge of their Military business & duties & were held up as a pattern to other regiments to which the Crowd of Spectators with many of the Staff belonged. The staff of the 5th Army & Corps were present. 28-12-16 Specialists Training, Coy. Training continued, Concert held in a Large Barn used as recreation room. 29-12-16 Training during the morning, Paper Chase & Boxing Competition afternoon & evening. During the absence on Leave of the Brigadier, Lt.Col.G.P.Mills took over Command of the 54th Brigade. 30-12-16 Training Continued of all Specialists; Bn. & Coys. 31-12-16 Training pushed forward with all speed so as to obtain a high Standard of efficiency during the Spell of rest. Note During the period of the month the battalion has been in rest billets enjoying a much need [sic] rest after the Somme battle. Organisation, refitting, Training Specialists; Training Drafts; Special Instruction given to young officers, N.C.Os. indifferent shots & all specialists such as Bombers, Snipers, Lewis Gunners, Runners, Signallers etc. etc. being particularly dealt with. The General Routine has been to work extremely hard from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. daily, Games in the afternoon, lectures, Concerts, Boxing Entertainments & other forms of enjoyment being indulged in every evening, which has resulted in the battalion appearing very Smart, Merry & Bright & very fit for fighting.
  • Date free text
    Dec 1916
  • Production date
    From: 1916 To: 1916
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