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    Meaulte 1-2-16 Nothing to report. Day quiet 2-2-16 Nothing to report. Day quiet 3-2-16 11.30am Enemy sent over 3 dud shells one of which slightly damaged a house near church 2pm March to La Houssoye according to attached table of moves [attached moves, section missing] ...soon as relief has been reported complete. After this 6th Northants and 1 Company 7th Bedfords at Bcordel will come under G.O.C. 20th Bde. The Coy 7th Bedfords at Bcordel will remain as Garrison until relieved by a Coy of 20th Bde. On 5th Feby, after which it will join its Bn at La Houssoye. O.C.Garrison will report when he has handed over and will not move until permission is obtained from 20th Bde HQrs. 1 Btn 20th Bde will be relieving the 7th Queens in D/3 on 5th Feby. This Btn will move by the Willow Ravine its transport by the Albert-Bellevue Farm Road. Completion of relief will be reported by both Btns to 54th Bde HQrs Maulte. 54th Bde HQrs will close at Maulte on completion of relief on 4th Feby. It will open for routine correspondence at the Shooting Lodge at 12 noon 4th. 6pm Arrived La Houssoye La Houssoye 4-2-16 Nothing to report. Day quiet 5-2-16 Nothing to report. Day quiet. Conference at Bde H.Qrs. 6-2-16 Nothing to report. Day quiet 7-2-16 Nothing to report. Day quiet 8-2-16 Nothing to report. Day quiet 9-2-16 Nothing to report. Day quiet 10-2-16 Nothing to report. Day quiet. Major Mills on leave. Capt.Meautys C.O. 11-2-16 Nothing to report. Day quiet 12-2-16 Nothing to report. Day quiet 13-2-16 Nothing to report. Day quiet. 2/Lts B.C.Foster & Ross Taylor arrived 14-2-16 Nothing to report. Day quiet 15-2-16 Information from Bde. That a German captured by the French stated that the Germans were attacking over D Sector on early morning of 15th but nothing happened 16-2-16 Nothing to Report. Very rough weather 17-2-16 Nothing to Report. Played Middlesex Rugger - Won 18-2-16 Nothing to Report. Lieut.E.W.Benson rejoined from Hospital 19-2-16 Rained all day. Zeppelin over Amiens with a bomb. Brigade visited Orderly Room 20-2-16 Fine Day. Played 12th Middlesex Soccer - Won 21-2-16 Rained all day. Conference for C.O.s & Adjutants at Bde.Hqrs 22-2-16 Nothing to Report. First night of Bde. Boxing Competition - New Bde Major arrived (Capt.R.Davidson) 23-2-16 New Staff Captain (Lt.Stutfield) arrived & Visited Orderly Room 24-2-16 Snowed very heavy. Accident at Bde. Bombing School Lt.Smith & 2nd Lt.I.H.M.Ross-Taylor injured 25-2-16 Snowed all day. Nothing to report 26-2-16 Beat Middlesex Soccer. Brigade Boxing Final 27-2-16 Nothing to Report 28-2-16 Nothing to Report 29-2-16 Move to Corbie ordered for 1.3.16. Vide 54th Brigade Operation Order attached. 18th Dvision transferred to 13th Corps. 54th Brigade Operation Order No.13 Reference Map FRANCE Sheet 62.D 1/40,000 29 February 1916 1. 18th Division has been transferred to 13th Corps 53rd Brigade will take over present billets of 54th Brigade 2. 54th Brigade will move to CORBIE 3. a. 12th Middx now at CORBIE 3. b. 11th R.Fus. and 54th M/Gun Company will move to CORBIE tomorrow at 2 p.m. marching via BONNAY. 3. c. 1 Section 80th Field Coy. R.E., 7th Bedfords and 84th T.M.Battery will move to CORBIE tomorrow at 2 p.m. marching via LA NEUVILLE. 3. d. Orders for move of 6th Northants will be issued tomorrow 4. Billeting parties will report to Town Major at 10 a.m. tomorrow at CORBIE 5. Units will leave representatives to hand over billets to incoming units of 53rd Brigade. 6. Time of arrival of units at Corbie will be notified to Brigade Headquarters. 7. Additional transport will report to units as under: - 8 lorries Hd.Qrs. 11th R.Fus. 12 noon 8 lorries Hd.Qrs. 7th Bedfords 12 noon Brigade Headquarters at LA HOUSSOYE will close at 2 p.m. tomorrow and will reopen at CORBIE at the same hour.
  • Date free text
    Feb 1916
  • Production date
    From: 1916 To: 1916
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