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    1-11-15 2.15am Morning Tactical Report Working party mending wire was reported between F9B18 and F9A9598 at 8pm. This was dispersed by our Guns. At 2pm bomb fell near railway bridge and did some damage. Our Guns replied. Much activity at pt.F3C73 this is probably used for observing in day and sniping. Occasional bombing and artillery fire (Lts.W.F.Bull, L.H.Keep & F.W.Smith and 2/Lt.Benson left for leave. 2.55pm 10.18am a mine was exploded in the BOIS FRANCAIS and another in the TAMBOUR at 3.25am. Artillery activity on the part of the enemy. Shells falling from F9C74. Enemy Machine Gun located at F3C5058 almost complete absence of rifle and Machine Gun fire. Wind SSE. 2-11-15 2.15am Morning Tactical Report At 5.30pm enemy fired heavy trench mortars from F3C7575 on to the left of our sector. We retaliated by blowing down their parapet with 6" shells & 18 pounders. At 7.30pm and 9.30pm enemy again sent over trench mortars but we replied in the same way with heavy artillery and they have now ceased. A M.Gun has been laid on the Gap in their parapet. Enemy M.Gun fired from F3C81 traversing the front of our sector. Earth has been thrown up at F9B3287. Sentry reports hearing whistle directly after our heavy guns had fired tonight (2/Lt.Baden & Sgt.Drummer returned from leave). 2.35pm Artillery Tested last night, time taken 3 mins. Short burst of enemy M.Gun fire believed to come from F9B71. Wind NNW. Situation otherwise quiet. 3-11-15 1.30am Our Guns registered with new ammunition yesterday at 3pm and enemy replied with some shrapnel on Railway Avenue. Sentry reports sound of mining at F9A84 but this has not yet been confirmed. Wind NW. 2.35pm Evening Tactical Report Artillery activity on both sides, otherwise situation quite quiet. Wind NW. 4-11-15 2.15am Morning Tactical Report Enemy transport heard at 8.45pm behind FRICOURT on CONTALMAISON Road. Our own transport distinctly heard at 7.15pm. This was very loud. 10pm sound of train E of FRICOURT. Enemy's transport appeared normal. Rather more rifle fire last night. Hitherto there has been a marked absence of the same. At 11.45 enemy sent three large shells into MAULTE. Working party reported at F3C5055. This was fired on by our Machine Guns. A party of 30 was seen to pass the Gap at F4B30 this afternoon. Lt.& Qr.Mr.F.Corner & Lt.Lloyd returned from leave. 2.30pm Evening Tactical Report Working party was heard at pt.73 at 9am this was shelled by our Howitzers and field guns. Trench Mortar reported to be firing from F3173 at 12 noon our guns retaliated. grenades were fired at the same time from F3C8602 just east of FRICOURT-CONTALMAISON Rd. Wind NE. 5-11-15 2am Morning Tactical Report At 6.55pm a red rocket which burst into 4 stars was sent up by enemy. This was immediately answered by a big German Gun from near BOIS ALLEMAND. Machine Gun active fired several times on BONT REDOUBT. Sentries report hearing enemy transport at 7.50pm and 7.00pm and our own transport at midnight. Grenades reported to be fired from F3C8602 are now said to be fired from F3C81. Lt.Prior of Mining Coy investigated sounds heard at F9A84 he listened from two points and attributes noises heard to rats or to relief of sentries he intends to make doubly certain tomorrow when he will listen again. 2.40pm Evening Tactical Report Motor lorry heard behind enemy's lines going East from FRICOURT at 4.35pm [am?]. Artillery test on trench 91 2.30am took 7 mins. Enemy's artillery fired 3 shells in rear of 86 trench at 11.50am. Our artillery retaliated on pt.73 and F3C94. 12-18 noon our artillery retaliated on enemy's trenches opposite TAMBOUR where they had been firing whizbangs. WIND E. 6-11-15 2am Morning Tactical Report Enemies' transport heard in FRICOURT and sounds of movement in front trenches of enemy at 7.15pm. A heap of earth has been thrown up at F4C56 and a rectangular hole has been observed in the road bank at F3C7725. At 3.35pm enemy fired 4 rifle grenades from F3C81 on to F9A67. A train was heard near Mametz at 6-5pm and another in FRICOURT at 8pm. Wind NE Maulte 6-11-15 6.10am Battn was relieved by 12th Middx Regt in D2. Relief complete 10am. Rest of day spent in cleaning up of billets etc. Weather fine, crisp. 7-11-15 Church Parade. Weather fine. 8-11-15 The Battn was bathed today. Afterwards bombing practices were carried out. weather fine. 9-11-15 Usual fatigues were carried out today. All other available men bombing parades. Running drill 7-7.30am. Weather moderate. 10-11-15 Fatigues and parades as usual today. Weather wet. Capt.W.H.Bull, Lts.E.W.Benson & L.H.Keep & 2/Lt.F.W.Smith returned from leave on the evening of the 9th. 11-11-15 Parades and fatigues as usual. Weather fine. Capt.& Adj.P.R.Meautys, Capt.E.Clegg & Capt.H.Ramsbotham left for leave 12-11-15 Battn with Transport was inspected by GOC 54th Inf Bde at DERNANCOURT 10.30am today. Weather wet but rain stopped in time for the inspection. In the afternoon bombing drill was carried out. 13-11-15 Usual fatigues & parades today. Weather fair. Trenches D2 14-11-15 Btn relieved by 12 Middx in Sector D2. Relief complete 10am. 2.45pm Evening Tactical Report Front line trenches shelled at intervals by whiz-bangs & light HE. Four of the former were fired during relief at trench 87, no damage done. Trenches 84 & 86 were shelled at 11.30am, the former apparently from a Batty behind FRICOURT & the latter from a Batty N of FRICOURT. Our Artillery retaliated. Wind WNW light. We relieved 12th Middx at 10am. 15-11-15 1.50am At 8.30pm last night two coloured lights one red and one green were observed nehind German trenches & fired in a backward direction. Night exceptionally quiet. Patrols sent out, but nothing to report. 3.15pm Evening Tactical Report During night patrols were out but had nothing to report. Intermittent M Gun fire from direction of TAMBOUR over trench 87. Enemy working party reported at 2.30am at F3B45. Our artillery fired four shrapnel with good effect. At 2.25am one red flare was sent up by enemy opposite 87 trench nothing happened however. M Gun observed firing from F3C7827 16-11-15 Morning Tactical Report Afternoon of 15th quiet except for intermittent firing by our Artillery over TAMBOUR and BOIS FRANCAIS. At 8.20pm a trench mortar was active firing from about F9B9005. A true bearing of 90 degrees from the top of 85 Street. The direction could be ascertained accurately as the mortar assembled [sic - resembled?] a rocket in its flight and left a trace of light behind it but the distance from which it was sent up was hard to gauge. At 8.35pm our 18pdrs replied with two salvos 21 rounds being fired in all. the shells fell 100 to 150 yds too far. Two blind mortars were sent up by the enemy. Conseidrable amount of enemy M.G. & rofle fire during early part of night. This quietened down & has remained quiet since. Weather dead calm cold and frosty. Standing patrols sent out at 10pm 3.5pm Evening Tactical Report The early hours of the morning were very quiet with very little rifle fire. An enemy working party was seen at F9B6015, which was shelled with two rounds bursting about F9B6530. No earth was thrown up however after this. At 9am enemy fired 8 whiz-bangs on RAILWAY AVENUE. A considerable amount of long range firing by our heavies took place during the morning. Wind N during early morning, now dead calm 17-11-15 2.15am Morning Tactical Report At 4pm a thick mist came up obscuring enemy lines. The night has been exceptionally calm. At 8.10pm a Verbal message from Northants to "Stand to" was passed down the line. At 8.30pm "Stand down" was ordered. Advantage was taken of the mist to thoroughly examine our wire which is none too good and requires some attention. Wind dead calm. 2.45pm Evening Tactical Report Enemy were very quiet during the night & early hours of the morning except for isolated rifle shots directed at certain fixed spots, which were probably fired from fixed rifles. During the morning there has been practically no firing at all. Patrols had been arranged for midnight onwards but owing to the exceeding Bright Night these were cancelled except opposite 84 trench which went out at 3am & returned at 4am with a Nil report. Wind light westerly breeze 18-11-15 2.5am Morning Tactical Report At 3.30pm yesterday afternoon 3 heavy trench mortars fell over trench 84 two bursting high in the air. This mortar was firing from the same spot as previously reported 90 degrees true bearing from top of 85 Street. At 5.30pm our 6 inch howitzers sent over 4 well directed shots after which mortar was quiet. At 6pm an enemy mine was blown up opposite 83 trench followed by a few rifle grenades & rifle shots. A working party seen at F3C8005 was fired at by our M.G. at 12.45 am. The night has been very quiet, there being no rifle fire, which seems to indicate a relief having taken place. Owing to exceeding bright night no patrols sent out. Wind dead calm. Lt.H.C.Browning 2.25pm Evening Tactical Report Enemy working party reported at F3C7327 at 5.30am we fired two belts from M.Gun. Enemy sent over two pip-squeaks at 2am. Night & morning particularly quiet probably due to heavy mist. Motor M.Gun has taken up position & is carrying on intermittent fire. Wind dead calm 19-11-15 Morning Tactical Report Enemy have been remarkably quiet during night hardly a rifle shot being fired and no flares being sent up. Standing patrols are out as this inactivity may mean the enemy have patrols out. There is a certain amount of rifle fire to the N of Fricourt but none to the south which seems to indicate that these two parts are held by different Bns. At 6.15pm our M.G. from left of 86 trench traversed enemy lines drawing fire from a German M.G. about F9B55/26. Motor M.G. has been active at intervals. Enemy fired a whiz-bangatit about 11pm. Patrols so far have nothing to report except that ground in front of trench 91 is full of shell holes affording possible cover for patrols. Wind light eastbreeze. 2.45pm Evening Tactical Report Night very quiet until about 4am, when a few flares were sent up. Two whiz bangs were fired from enemy battery SE of FRICOURT on our left. At 8.30am a working party at F9B5828 was seen and fired at by snipers and MG. About 11am our light guns shelled the aeroplane trench several shells falling right into it. This brought a reply from the enemy who put 10 shells over 83 & 84 trenches but little damage was done. These appeared to come from two batteries one near MAMETZ and one near BOIS RONDE. Wind ENE. Capt & Adj.P.R.Meautys, Capt.E.Clegg, Capt.H.Ramsbotham returned from leave 20-11-15 2.15am Morning Tactical Report Enemy fired light HE at our trenches 83 & 84 yesterday about 4.30pm, but did little damage. This was in retaliation for our artillery practice. During the night there has been very little rifle fire by the enemy but a considerable amount of M.G. activity firing from F9B5028 with another from the TAMBOUR region. Wind light easterly breeze 2.35pm Artillery test last night on 93 trench took 7 minutes. At 10.45am enemy sent 2 rifle grenades over trench 94. Much artillery activity this morning on both sides. Our artillery shelled FRICOURT and F4A51. Two enemy machine guns were seen firing from F9B5820 and F363022 lastnight. Wind SSE 21-11-15 2.30am Morning Tactical Report Between 4pm & 4.30pm enemy sent over some heavy trench mortar shells in trench 83. Our guns replied at once. At 6.30pm enemy sent over 4 shells two of which fell short and the other falling at F9C68. Transport heard in Fricourt at 5.35pm. Wind light NE 2.30pm Considerable artillery activity on both sides this morning. Our guns fired on FRICOURT F3C73 and F9b6015. the enemy replied with several whiz-bangs. A German sniper was observed to run from F3C7548. Arrangements are now being made to fire on this with artillery and machine guns Maulte 22-11-15 6.30-7.30am Running Drill. Weather misty 7am N.C.O.s parade under Regimental Sergt.Major 12 noon Inspection of comforts & kit by General Offier Commanding Division with Colonel G.D.Price & Major Mills - also O.C. 10th Corps, Gen.Morland 23-11-15 9.30am-1pm Bomb Throwing Drill carried out with live & dummy bombs. All men available paraded Afternoon - 2 Platoons B Coy. practised Bomb Attack on Morlancourt Rd. 2 Platoons Musketry. 24-11-15 6.30-7.30am Running Drill - Weather Fair 7am N.C.O.s parade under Regt.Sergt.Major 9.30am-1pm Bombing carried out as on 23.11.15 Afternoon 2 Platoons C Company practised Bomb attack on Morlancourt Rd 2 Platoons - Musketry 25-11-15 6.30-7.30am Running Drill. Weather Fine & Dry 7am N.C.Os parade under R.S.Major 9.30am-1pm Bombing as yesterday 2-4pm 2 Platoons B Coy. carried out Bomb attack on Morlancourt Rd. 26-11-15 Day Quiet. Nothing to report. Parades as usual 27-11-15 Day Quiet. Nothing to report. Parades as usual 28-11-15 Day Quiet. Nothing to report. Weather turned suddenly cold. 29-11-15 Day Quiet. Nothing to report. Weather Rained all day 30-11-15 Relieved 6th Northants in D/1 via 107 as Maidstone Ave & South Avenue fallen in. Relief took all day
  • Date free text
    Nov 1915
  • Production date
    From: 1915 To: 1915
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