• Reference
  • Title
    BEDFORD (St.Paul) - Alexander - 1508 - John Berde - 19 Feb 1528 [clerk. Patron Priory and Convent of Newenham. The vicarage was ordained and endowed with 10 per annum from the Priory of Newenham and also with fees and oblations by deed bearing date 8 Feb 1528] - Reginalde Weste - 2 Oct 1550 [on the resignation of M. John Berde. Patron John Poley, Gentleman]. - Edward Tailor - 1555 [clerk, vacancy. Patrons Philip & Mary]. - Emere Bedforde - 22 Jan 1562 [clerk, presented on the petition of the Bishop of Lincoln. Patron Queen Elizabeth] - Ralph Jones - 20 Mar 1578 [vacancy, Patron Queen Elizabeth. Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge]. - Edward Noke - 4 Sep 1584 [clerk, vacancy. Patron Queen Elizabeth]. - Andrew Dennis - 12 Aug 1601 [M.A. Patron Nicholas Luke Esq.Died 23 Oct 1633]. - John Beaumont - 20 Mar 1606 [M.A. on cessation of Andrew Dennis. Patron Nicholas Luke Esq.]. - Henry Atkinson - 1554 - Theodore Crowley - 10 Feb 1617 - George Smith - 12 Feb 1633 - John Bradshaw - 16-- [married 2 May 1639 Mary Easton, daughter of John] - Robert Guidott - 11 Sep 1662 [clerk, Patron King Charles II, by lapse]. - John Wilson - 5 Apr 1664 [on cessation of Robert Guidott. Patron Sir Samuel Luke, knight]. - Richard Pearson - 5 Apr 1671 [M.A., Rector of Ampthill. On resignation of M. Wilson. Patron Oliver Luke Esq.]. - Arthur Humphreys - 25 Apr 1673 [M.A. on cessation of William Jackson. Patron King Charles II. Ordained priest by William, Bishop of Gloucester 7 Mar 1668]. - Edward Bourne - 1677 - Alexander Leith - 28 Nov 1689 [M.A. on cessation of Edward Bourne. Patron George, Lord Carteret, Baron de Hawnes]. - Francis Hunt - 20 Nov 1732 [clerk, on the death of Alexander Leith. Patron John Carteret, Baron of Hawnes]. - Robert Lambe - 22 Feb 1738 [B.A. on the death of Francis Hunt. Patron as above]. - William Smith - 25 Dec 1749 [B.A. on the death of Robert Lambe. Patron Earl of Granville]. - John Hemsted - 21 Jun 1782 [clerk, on the death of William Smith. Patron Right Honourable Frederick Carteret Esq.]. - James Donne - 14 May 1824 [clerk, on the death of William Smith. Patron Right Honourable Henry Frederick, Lord Carteret]. - William George Fitzgerald - 15 Feb 1861 [M.A., on death of J Donne. Patron himself]. - Michael Ferrebee Sadler - 22 Jun 1864 [M.A., on cessation of W G Fitzgerald. Patron W G Fitzgerald]. - Robert Aitken Bennet - 12 Jun 1870 [B.A., on cessation of M F Sadler. Patron W G Fitzgerald, of Bridgewater, Somerset]. - Robert Edward Reginald Watts - 1877 [M.A.] - Lambert Woodard - Nov 1886 [M.A., on resignation of R E R Watts] - J H Speck - Mar 1913 [M.A. Vicar of St Martion's Bedford, on resignation of Lambert Woodard]. - William Aubrey Robins - 1922 - Alan St.George Colthurst - Jul 1936 - Cyril Patrick Hankey - Sep 1946 - Francis Leolin Hilditch - Feb 1951 - John Humphrey King - 1954 - Robert Saville Brown - 1969 - Nicholas Guy Coulton - 1975 - Christopher P Collingwood - 1990 - John Glanville Pedlar - 1998
  • Date free text
    1508 - 1951
  • Production date
    From: 1508 To: 1998
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
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