• Reference
  • Title
    Thomas Lettes of Bykylsward made 1 Nov. 1552. No note of probate. "Fyrst I bequeth and set my Sole unto Almytye God my onlye Saviowr and Redemer Jesus Chryst Faythfully Trostyng and belevyng That threwght his passyon dethe and mercye to be partaker of the hevenly lyfe and Joyes Everlastyng". Burial in the church of Bykylsward where his executors think meet. To the vicar of Bykylsward for customary dues that might have been omitted 20d.. To the maintenance of the bells there 6s. 8d.. To the repairs of the church there 3s. 4d.. On the day of his burial 20s. to be given to the poor of the town, to be divided according to their poverty. To mending the highways between Bykylsward and Sutton 40s.. To mending of Shortmet Strete in Bykylsward 20s..To mending the highways between Bykylsward stone bridge and Monkesmed 10s..To every godchild 12d.. To John Flynt 5s.. To kinsman Anthonye Fynche 40s.. To kinsman Robart Fynche £6 13s. 8d.. To Annes Awberye 3s. 4d.. To Thomas Blewett 3s. 4d.. To John Blewet 3s. 4d.. To kinsman Robart Fynche above mentioned a featherbed with all that goes with it. To wife Elysabeth all his copyholdings in Bykylsward for life, and on her death these to be sold by her executors, and the money spent at follows: to Robert Fynche £6 13s. 4d.; and to the said children of Robert Fynche £3 6s. 8d. between them. His wife is to be able to sell the property in her lifetime, provided she pays the legacies set out above. The remainder of the money is to be spent at the discretion of his executors or the executors of his wife on highways and other charitable deeds, and any property sold to be offered to testator's "naturale' and frend" Henry Everard at 40s. less than to any other person. Residue to wife Elysabeth, and she to be executor with Thomas Lymer of Potton, to whom 20s.. Supervisor to be William Abbys of Calcott, to whom 20s.. He hopes that John Polye gentleman and John Paxton (to each of whom a gold angel) will help his wife. Witnesses Henry Cole, John Paxton, Edmond Gotobed, Richard Cadwell.
  • Date free text
    1 November 1552
  • Production date
    From: 1552 To: 1552
  • Level of description