• Reference
  • Title
    Account-book, fo., bd. vellum, 370 pp., with weekly accounts divided into ordinary and extraordinary; ordinary: butter, woodcocks, beef, mutton, eggs, geese, an ox (92 stone), a sheep (5 st.), a porker (10 st.), rabbits, snipe, 45 chickens, yeast, ale, whitings, 9 qts. cream, 3 doz. larks (p.61), vinegar, cooper, tinker (p.338), cauliflower seeds, a buck from Harrold, a side of veal, apples and wardens; extraordinaries: poor (Silsoe, p.71, Flitton, p.60, Clophill, p.26); wages (e.g. Jn. Allin, Madamasell, Harrold keeper); silver & gold lace, hops, paper, grocer, music (Christmas week), coal, salt, apricots, fishmonger, candles, taxes, mercer, smith, 1/2 lb. tobacco (p.172) falconer (p.123); oilman, sawyers, 300 cabbage plants, carrot & parsnip seeds, sweeping 21 chimneys, saddler, glasier, oatmeal, bringing the cock's trunk (p.33), 200 elmboards for mill (p.33), digging 40,000 turf, oranges & lemons, brooms (by doz.), soap, pewterer, weeders, mending the great vat in the brewhouse, hay for the deer, tenterhooks, bedstraw (p.276), fiddler 5s. (p.250), leading cooler in brewhouse, crayfish, mackerel, pedlar, chapwoman, powder & shot, leather buckets, coffee pot, curtain rings, liveries, ratchatcher, mending the net, scouring hangings, hay, mending jack; Lord Ailesbury's keeper; Sir J. Osborn's man; Dr. Scarborough;Dr.Gale; wages, some examples:- (apparently quarterly) the Colonel 10 Mr. Geale 5 Mr. Lovell 5 Mr. Reede the cook 6 Mr. Creswell 2 10 Jn. Allin 2 10 Jn. Godfree 1 5 the porter 1 5 Tim. footman 1 0 Jack in the kitchen 15 Mrs. Lock 5 Mrs. Zinzan 2 10 Mrs. Amy 1 5 2 laundrymaids each 1 Mary Kent 15 dairymaid & kitchenmd. 1 10 William the coachman 3 washwoman 6d.week William the butler 1 10 postilion 2 Madamasell 3 15 Mr. Wolleston p.a. 5 Jn. Pimar p.a. 1 2 footman each 1 (Cf. the Houghton House list, B.H.R.S. xxxii,130: 1678)
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1671 To: 1677
  • Level of description