• Reference
  • Title
    [f. 245d] Luce Colbecke made 28 July 1546, pr. 10 June 1547. "I bequeth my soull to God Allmeghtie and all the holy compeny of Heven". Burial in churchyard of Sanct Peters of Temysford. "Item I bequeth to have at my day of beryall masse and derige song". To the poor people in Temysford a penny a house. To son Thomas a featherbed, a pair of sheets and everything belonging to them. To son Thomas also the best brass pot, 4 platters, 2 candlesticks and 4 potagers, 2 saucers, and the great black cow. To son John a pair of sheets and a blanket, a brasspot, 4 pieces of vessel, 2 platters, 2 pewter dishes, 4 quarter of barley. To daughter Elzabeth a coverlet, a blanket, 2 pair of sheets, and a brass pot. To son John the land testator had of Master Sheffild. To the high altar 12d. and to each of the other altars 8d.. To the bells [blank]; to the Sepulchre light 12d.; to her ghostly father 12d.. Residue to be divided among her children, and should God take any of them, then their portion of be divided among the survivors. Executors Richard Colbecke and son John. Master parson and Master John Colbecke to be supervisors, and to each of them "A tre blowke ". Witnesses sir Robert Strangnes curate there, Raffe Herd parish clerk.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1546 To: 1547
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