• Reference
  • Title
    Folio 146 - Thomas Colbecke of Temysford, made 17 Nov. 1545, pr. 8 Apr. 1546 and administration granted to testator's brother John Colbecke an executor named in the will.. Soul to Almighty God, "my creator and Redeemer" and burial in church or church yard of Temysford. To the high altar for tithes forgotton 12d., and testator wants all his debts paid to his creditors "withowt contentions". To the Trinity altar and to St. Kateringes altar in the same church 6d. each. To the upkeep of the bells 2s.."And towardes the contenuance and mayntenance of the leght burneinge abowte the most holy and blessed Sacrament in die parascenes vulgariter' nuncupat' the Sepulcar leight" 2s.. To the mother church of Lincoln 2d.. For his mortuary according to the King's statutes and laws. His executors to give on the day of his funeral and burial to every poor householder in the town and to aged or sick poor people such alms as his wife and his executors think their situations need. To each of his sons and daughters, that is to say to Thomas, John, Lawrens, Richard, William, Elzabeth, Katering, Rose and Alys, such share of household stuff and moveables as his wife and executors think necessary and convenient. Should any of his sons, or of his daughters Katering, Rose and Alys die before they have received their legacies, then their share to go to daughter Elzabeth, and should another child die, then their portion be divided between the survivors. To his wife Lucy Colbecke such a portion of his moveable goods as upon sight of the inventory seems reasonable to his executors, and she is to have until Michaelmas "as meche bredcorn and maltecorne" as she shall reasonably spend, if she lives so long sole and unmarried, and she is to have as many peas and beans and barley as is needed to sow all testator's tilth land and breach land, and she is to have all the crop and profit as well as the crops from testator's wheat and rye land already sown. Executors testator's brother John Colbecke, his sons Thomas and John Colbecke, with supervisor sir William Sanyt'/Savyt' chaplain, he to have 3s. 4d.. Witnesses William Boteler, Raffe Herd, John Moore, Robert Abbot the younger.
  • Date free text
    17 Nov 1545 - 8 Apr 1546
  • Production date
    From: 1545 To: 1546
  • Level of description