- ReferenceZ1118/1/1/1
- TitleAbstract of Title of William Bennett to premises in Leighton Buzzard in mortgage to Misses Willis [marked "A" with the annotation "This Abstract comprises the earlier Title of the Devisee in Trust for sale under Mr.Reeves' Will to the Brewery and the freehold part of the Brewery Close - formerly William Bennett's"]; abstracted by Ashfield & Woodman of Leighton Buzzard: (I) Feoffment of 16 Oct 1669 Parties: (1) Timothy Brewer of Leighton Buzzard, chandler; (2) John Proctor of Leighton Buzzard, chandler Operative Part: - (1) feoffed (a) to (2) for 160 Property: (a) capital messuage known by sign of Ram previously in occupation of William Mallcott in High Street, Leighton Buzzard abuttals: messuage and ground of John Nash W; messuage and ground of Oliver Taylor E; High Street S (II) Mortgage by demise for 900 years of 24 Aug 1689 Parties: (1) Thomas Prockter the elder of Leighton Buzzard, yeoman; John Prockter of Leighton Buzzard, grocer; (2) John Marsh of Leighton Buzzard, gentleman Operative Part: - (2) lent 100 to (1) on security of (a) Property: (a) messuage in which John Prockter dwelt in Leighton Buzzard; abuttals: Oliver Taylor E; Alice Wigg, widow W; common street S (III) Deed Poll of 14 Oct 1689 on (II) by John Procter reciting that that he was bound to John Marsh for 40 on condition of payment to John Marsh of 20/10/- and covenanting with him that (a) in (II) would be security for the debt as well as for the 100 mortgage in (II) (IV) Lease & Release of 4-5 Dec 1713 Parties: (1) Joseph Prockter of Leighton Buzzard, grazier (eldest son of John Prockter deceased); (2) John Prockter of Leighton Buzzard, grazier (brother of (1)) Operative Part: - (1) conveyed (a)-(b) to (2) for 100 Property: (a) messuage in which Joseph Marshall and Robert Crawley dwelt in Leighton Buzzard, abuttals: Mary Perrott, widow part W; Oliver Taylor, deceased, E; common street S; (b) pightle of pasture belonging to (a) (V) Probate of will of 18 Feb 1736 [1737] of John Prockter in which, amongst other things, he devised to John Fox his nephew (son of Sarah Fox, testator's sister) and Thomas Smith of Leighton Buzzard, whitesmith all his real estate; - real estate charged with 5 annuity to Joseph Prockter, testator's brother; - 20 legacy to be paid to Martha Case of Leighton Buzzard, widow and 5 legacy to each of her four children; - 20 legacy to Mary Brickett, wife of Adam Brickett and testator's sister and 5 legacy to each of her 3 children; - 20 legacy to Sarah Fox, wife of Thomas Fox and testator's sister and 5 legacy to each of her children except John Fox; - 5 legacies to two children of Ann Head, testator's niece; - 5 legacy to Mary Jenyns, daughter of Ann Jenyns and testator's niece; - 5 legacy to Joseph Carter, testator's nephew; - 5 legacies to all children of Stephen Parren, testator's nephew, which he had with Mary Parren; - 5 legacy to Joan Townsend, wife of Thomas Townsend; - John Fox and Thomas Smith to be executors; - proved in PCC 21 Oct 1737 (VI) Lease & Release of 27-28 Nov 1738 Parties: (1) John Fox and Susannah, his wife; (2) Thomas Smith Operative Part: - (1) conveyed (a) to (2) for 112 Property: (a) messuage divided into 3 tenements in occupation of Thomas Smith, Joseph Reeve and Benjamin Fox in Leighton Buzzard, abuttals: messuage of Elizabeth Perrott, spinster, part W; messuage of Oliver Taylor, deceased E; common street S; (b) little close or pightle of pasture Covenant: - by (1) to levy a fine sur conizance de droit come ceo (VII) Mortgage by demise for 500 years of 26 Sep 1747 Parties: (1) Thomas Smith; (2) Ann Roberts of Eggington, widow Operative Part: - (2) lent 50 to (1) on security of (a)-(b) Property: (a) messuage divided into 3 tenements in occupation of Thomas Smith, Joseph Reeve and Benjamin Fox in Leighton Buzzard, abuttals: messuage of Elizabeth Perrott, spinster, part W; messuage of Oliver Taylor, deceased E; common street S; (b) little close or pightle of pasture (VIII) Further Charge of 7 Apr 1748 in which Ann Roberts lent a further 30 to Thomas Smith on same security (IX) Mortgage by demise for 1,000 years of 15 Jul 1755 in which Ann Roberts lent 40 to Thomas Smith on same security as (VII)-(VIII) (X) Assignment of Mortgage of 31 Dec 1761 Parties: (1) Marsh Dickenson of Dunstable, esquire; (2) Thomas Smith; (3) Ann Roberts Reciting: - Mortgage of 24 Aug 1689 and deed poll of 14 Oct 1689 ((II)-(III) above); - death of John Marsh "some time since" leaving will in which Blandina Marsh and Mary Lockington were executrices of whom Blandina Marsh survived Mary Lockington; - death "some time since" of Blandina Marsh leaving will in which (1) was executor; - 205 was owing to (1) on mortgage of 24 Aug 1689 Operative Part: - (3) paid 205 to (1); - (1), by direction of (2), assigned (a) in (II) to (3) for residue of term of 900 years (XI) Conveyance of 29 Apr 1762 Parties: (1) Ann Roberts; (2) Thomas Smith; (3) John Partridge of Eggington, yeoman Reciting: - Mortgage of 24 Aug 1689 and deed poll of 14 Oct 1689 ((II)-(III) above); - wills of John and Blandina Dickenson as recited in (X); - Mortgages and further charge of 26 Sep 1747, 7 Apr 1748 and 15 Jul 1755 ((VII)-(IX) above); - Assignment of 31 Dec 1761 ((X) above); - (2) owed 354 to (3); - (3) wished to buy (a)-(b) from (1) for the mortgage debt plus 10/10/- - it was agreed to vest the residue of the terms of 500, 900 and 1,000 in (3); - Lease & Release had been prepared for 29-30 Apr 1762 in which (2) would convey (a)-(b) to (1) (see (XII) below) Operative Part: - (1) and (2) assigned to (3) residue of terms of 500, 900 and 1,000 years in (a)-(b) in (VII) above (XII) Lease & Release of 29-30 Apr 1762 Parties: (1) Thomas Smith; (2) Ann Roberts Operative Part: - (1) conveyed (a)-(b) in (VII) above to (2) for 364/10/- (XIII) Mortgage by demise for 1,000 years of 1 May 1762 Parties: (1) Ann Roberts; (2) Fanny Tugwood of Stoke Hammond [Buckinghamshire], spinster Operative Part: - (2) lent 40 to (1) on security of (a)-(b) in (VII) above (XIV) Memorandum of 19 Aug 1765 endorsed on (XIII) of acknowledgement by Francis Tugwood of receipt of 40 [redemption of Mortgage at (XII) above] from Ann Roberts and promise to assign remainder of term of 1,000 years to Ann Roberts (XV) Probate of will of 27 Mar 1771 of Ann Roberts: - devising to her nephew James Partridge of Bragenham, Soulbury [Buckinghamshire] all her real estate in Leighton Buzzard and elsewhere; - appointing James Partridge sole executor; - probate 15 May 1771 in Leighton Buzzard Peculiar (XVI) Copy Probate of will of 22 Apr 1786 of James Partridge: - devising to his brother Valentine Partridge all his real estate subject to charge on the land for annuities as below: - 10 annuity to his brother William Partridge; - 10 annuity to his brother John Partridge; - 2/- a week to his "Sister Hawkins" if she became a widow; - 2/- a week to Ann, wife of James Butcher if she became a widow; - legacy of 300 to his brother Joseph Partridge; - legacies of 25 each to his brother Thomas Partridge's children Richard, Thomas, Sukey ands Sarah ; - equal shares of bond of 90 and interest entered into by Thomas Partridge to testator to be divided among Thomas' children; - legacies of 25 each to children of his sister Hawkins - John, Mary, Sukey and Sarah; - legacies of 25 each to daughters of his sister Ellingham - Ann and Hannah and to her sons except Daniel; - legacy of 5 to Daniel Ellingham; - legacy of 50 to Joseph, son of James and Ann Butcher; - legacy of 5 to poor of Soulbury [Buckinghamshire] to be laid out in bread; - legacy of 30 to poor of Heath & Reach to be laid out in bread; - brother Valentine Partridge to be sole executor; - proved in Buckinghamshire Archdeaconry (XVII) Attested copy receipt of 23 Nov 1786 of Joseph Partridge on receipt of his legacy on 300 (XVIII) Memorandum of 2 Sep 1801 of death of Richard Partridge (XIX) Attested copy receipt of 17 May 1787 of Thomas Partridge to Valentine Partridge for his legact of 25 (XX) Attested copy receipt of 16 May 1786 of Sukey Partridge for her legacy of 25 (XXI) Attested copy receipt of 4 Nov 1788 of Sarah Partridge for her legacy of 25 (XXII) Attested copy receipt of 26 Jul 1793 of John Hawkins for his legacy of 25 (XXIII) Attested copy receipt of 23 Jul 1787of Mary Hawkins for her legacy of 25 (XXIV) Attested copy receipt of 10 Dec 1788 of Susan Hawkins for her legacy of 25 (XXV) Attested copy receipt of 22 mar 1792 of Sarah Hawkinsfor her legacy of 25 (XXVI) Attested copy receipt of 30 Dec 1786 of Ann Ellingham for her legacy of 25 (XXVII) Attested copy receipt of 6 Nov 1787 of Hannah Ellingham for her legacy of 25 (XXVIII) Attested copy receipt of 6 Dec 1786 of William Ellingham for his legacy of 25 (XXIX) Attested copy receipt of 26 Dec 1786 of John Ellingham for his legacy of 25 (XXX) Attested copy receipt of 24 Apr 1792 of Thomas Ellingham for his legacy of 25 (XXXI) Attested copy receipt of 6 Dec 1786 of Arthur Ellingham for his legacy of 25 (XXXII) Attested copy receipt of 6 Dec 1786 of Daniel Ellingham for his legacy of 5 (XXXIII) Attested copy receipt of 1 Nov 1787of Joseph Butcher for his legacy of 50 (XXXIV) Assignment of 8 Feb 1787 Parties: (1) Fanny Tugwood; (2) Valentine Partridge, brother and devisee in fee under will of James Partridge, yeoman, deceased who was nephew and devisee under will of Ann Roberts, deceased; (3) John Fox of Leighton Buzzard, maltster; (4) John Butfield of Potsgrove, dairyman Reciting: - indenture of 1 May 1762 ((XIII) above) and that Ann Roberts had discharged the mortgage; - Ann Roberts was dead and that she had published her will ((XV) above); - will of James Partridge ((XVI) above); - (3) had contracted to purchase (a) in (XXXV) from (2); - agreed that residue of term of 1,000 years from mortgage of 1 May 1762 should be assigned to (4) by (1) - Lease & Release prepared for 7-8 Feb 1787 (see (XXXV) below) Operative Part: - (1) assigned residue of term of 1,000 years to (4) for 5/-, at request of (3) Habandum: - to (4) in trust for (3) (XXXV) Lease & Release of 7-8 Feb 1787 Parties: (1) Valentine Partridge; (2) William Partridge and John Partridge, brothers of (1); (3) John Fox and John Butfield Reciting: - will of James Partridge of 22 Apr 1786 ((XVI) above); - death of James Partridge in Jun 1786; - John Fox had contracted with (1) to purchase (a)-(b) freed from annuities in will of James Partridge in favour of (2) and others; - (2) had agreed to exonerate their annuities from (a)-(b) Operative Part: - (1) conveyed (a)-(b) to (3) for 350 paid by John Fox and 5/- paid by John Butfield; - John Fox paid 5/- each to (2) who exonerated (a)-(b) from annuities Property: (a) messuage some time past divided into 3 tenements in occupation of Thomas Smith, John Emerton and George Reeve then John Fox, Joseph Stevens and George Reeve in Leighton Buzzard; abuttals: messuage late of Elizabeth Perrott, spinster, then John Loke in part W; messuage of Oliver Taylor, deceased, then William Leopard, since Prince Webster E; common street S [(b) close or pightle of pasture belonging to (a)] Habendum: - to (3) to use of (3) and heirs of John Butfield in trust for John Fox Memorandum in margin of abstract: - "this deed recites that a small part of the close was copyhold and on the death of James Partridge the same descended to William Partridge as his eldest brother and heir at law" (XXXVI) Mortgage by demise for 1,000 years of 10 Feb 1787 Parties: (1) John Fox; (2) John Butfield Operative Part: - (2) lent 200 at 5% interest to (1) on security of (a)-(b) in (XXXV) above (XXXVII) Lease & Release of 14-15 Dec 1801 Parties: (1) John Buttfield; (2) John Buttfield; John Craggs; David Lee Willis (devisees in trust under will of John Fox); (3) William Pyne; (4) Charles Pyne Reciting: - Mortgage of 10 Feb 1787 ((XXXVI) above); - will of 11 May 1799 of John Fox devising all his real estate to (2) upon trusts for sale; - death of John Fox; - Mortgage of 10 Feb 1787 was still outstanding, all interest having been paid Operative Part: - (3) paid 200 to (1) and 300 to (2); - (2) conveyed (a)-(b) to (3); - (1) assigned residue of term of 1,000 years to (4) in trust for (3) for 10/- Property: (a) messuage, some time past divided into 3 tenements then made into 2 tenements in occupation of John Oliver, collector of Excise and James Sharp, brazier; (b) close or pightle of pasture belonging to (a) (XXXVIII) Lease & Release of 30-31 Dec 1807 Parties: (1) William Pyne; (2) William Bennett of Leighton Buzzard, common brewer; (3) Thomas Tims Operative Part: - (1) conveyed (a)-(b) to (2)-(3) for 777 paid by (2) and 5/- paid by (3) Property: (a) messuage some time past divided into 3 tenements in occupation of Thomas Smith, John Emerton and George Reeve since John Fox, Joseph Stevens and George Reeve then John Oliver and William Bennett in Leighton Buzzard; abuttals: messuage of Oliver Taylor, then William Lepard, then Prince Webster and others, then Samuel Hopkins in his own occupation and that of Edward Webster, then of heirs of James Hopkins in occupation of Michael Lockett and Edward Webster E; messuage formerly of Elizabeth Perrott, spinster, then John Loke in part W and common street S; (b) freehold part of little close of pasture or pightle then garden ground in occupation of Daniel Reeve then of William Bennett belonging to (a) Habendum: - to (2)-(3) to use of (2)-(3) to use of (2) to use of (3) in trust for (2) to use of (2) (XXXIX) Mortgage by demise for 500 years of 1 Jan 1808 Parties: (1) William Bennett (2) William Pyne Reciting: - Lease & Release of 30-31 Dec 1807 ((XXXVIII above); - (2), as part of (XXXVIII) above agreed to leave 500 on security of the premises Operative Part: - (2) lent 500 to (1) on security of (a)-(b) in (XXXVIII) above (XL) Assignment of Mortgage of 1 Nov 1813 Parties: (1) William Pyne; (2) William Bennett; (3) Ann London of Leighton Buzzard, widow and Matthew Ridgway of Leighton Buzzard, draper Reciting: - Mortgage of 1 Jan 1808 (see XXXIX above) which was still outstanding but all interest had been paid; - (1) had called in the 500 outstanding Operative Part: - (1) paid 200 and (3) paid 300 to (2); - (2) assigned (a)-(b) in (XXXVIII) to (3) by direction of (1) for residue of term of 1,000 years (XLI) Mortgage by demise for 600 years of 2 Nov 1813 Parties: (1) William Bennett; (2) Aurea Willis and Elizabeth Willis, both of Leighton Buzzard, spinsters Reciting: - Mortgage of 1 Nov 1813 ((XL) above); - Ann London and Matthew Ridgway had agreed to current Mortgage Operative Part: - (2) lent 300 to (1) on security of (a)-(b) in (XXXVIII) (XLII) Assignment of Mortgage of 19 Feb 1827 Parties: (1) Ann London and Matthew Ridgway; (2) Aurea Willis and Elizabeth Willis Reciting: - Mortgage of 1 Nov 1813 ((XL) above) of which 300 principle and 12 interest was outstanding Operative Part: - (2) paid 312 to (1); - (1) assigned to (2) the mortgage security ((a)-(b) in (XXXVIII) for remainder of term of 500 years
- Date free text1827
- Production dateFrom: 1669 To: 1827
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordBennett, William,
Ashfield & Woodman,
Brewer, Timothy,
Proctor, John,
Mallcott, William,
Nash, John,
Taylor, Oliver,
Prockter, Thomas,
Prockter, John,
Marsh, John,
Wigg, Alice,
Prockter, Joseph,
Marshall, Joseph,
Crawley, Robert,
Perrott, Mary,
Fox, John,
Fox, Sarah,
Prockter, Sarah,
Smith, Thomas,
Case, Martha,
Brickett, Mary,
Brickett, Adam,
Prockter, Mary,
Fox, Thomas,
Head, Ann,
Jenyns, Mary,
Jenyns, Ann,
Carter, Joseph,
Parren, Stephen,
Parren, Mary,
Townsend, Joan,
Townsend, Thomas,
Fox, Susannah,
Reeve, Joseph,
Fox, Benjamin,
Perrott, Elizabeth,
Roberts, Ann,
Dickenson, Marsh,
Marsh, Blandina,
Lockington, Mary,
Partridge, John,
Tugwood, Fanny,
Tugwood, Francis,
Partridge, Valentine,
Partridge, William,
Partridge, John,
Butcher, Ann,
Butcher, James,
Partridge, Thomas,
Partridge, Richard,
Partridge, Sukey,
Partridge, Sarah,
Hawkins, John,
Hawkins, Mary,
Hawkins, Sukey,
Hawkins, Sarah,
Ellingham, Ann,
Ellingham, Hannah,
Ellingham, Daniel,
Butcher, Joseph,
Butfield, John,
Emerton, John,
Reeve, George,
Stevens, Joseph,
Loke, John,
Leopard, William,
Webster, Prince,
Buttfield, John,
Craggs, John,
Willis, David Lee,
Pyne, William,
Pyne, Charles,
Sharp, James,
Tims, Thomas,
Hopkins, Samuel,
Webster, Edward,
Hopkins, James,
London, Ann,
Ridgway, Matthew,
Willis, Aurea,
Willis, Elizabeth - KeywordsAshfield & Woodman, specific solicitors, chandler, Leighton Buzzard Ram, yeoman, grocer, widow, grazier, John will: Prockter, whitesmith, deaths, Ann will: Roberts, James will: Partridge, parochial charities, dairyman, annuities, Collector of Excise, brazier, common brewer, draper, Bragenham, Soulbury, HEATH & REACH
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