• Reference
  • Title
    Volume containing the court rolls of Manor of Newnham with Bedford containing, amongst other things, the following: Court of 16 Apr 1769 Lord: John, Duke of Bedford; Steward: Samuel Davis; Jurors: Nathaniel Costin; Francis Mason; Richard Wagstaffe; John Whitworth; Robert Harris Hurst; William Walduck; John Wish; John Purser; Richard Farnell; John Barker; Joseph Barker; Henry Hurst; Thomas Leach; William Richards; Thomas Button Deaths of tenants - fines for heirs not appearing: - Ann Gadsden, widow; house in St.Peter's; son, William Gadsden did not appear; - Richard Lane; house in St.Cuthbert's; eldest son, Thomas Lane did not appear; - William Odell and Elizabeth his wife (nee Coome); St.Christopher hostelry, Bridge Foot, Bedford, St.Paul, formerly in occupations of Thomas Houghton, George Phipp and Richard Hewett; eldest son, Stephen Odell, did not appear; - Henry Horton, gentleman; Swan Inn, Bedford, St.Paul, in occupation of William Thomas; heir at law, William Staines, gentleman, did not appear; - Robert Clarke; messuage at Bridge Foot, Bedford, formerly in occupation of John Russell; grandson Robert Harris Hurst sold to Ann Cave, widow who died; her eldest son, Thomas Cave, did not appear; - Robert Battison; close formerly an orchard in Horne Lane, Bedford, formerly in occupation of Robert Battison, John Palmer senior, Thomas Alborough, Robert Brewer, Thomas Cook and Thomas Rabbitt; his widow Letitia Battison did not appear; - Frances Durham, widow; several messuages in Horne Lane, Bedford in occupations of John Page and John Scott; Letitia Battison, entitled under her marriage settlement, did not appear; - Anna Maria Brace, widow; capital messuage called Hassetts, late in occupation of Jordan Green; heir at law Captain Brace did not appear; - Thomas Hawes, esquire and Thomas Cave, gentleman; Ship inn, Bedford in occupation of Richard Wakefield; John Hawes and Elizabeth Cave aliened to Richard Cave who aliened to John Cawn, gentleman, who did not appear; - Mary Weaver; messuage opposite the library in Bedford, St.Paul in occupation of Widow Boon and John Mott; John Mott, entitled as his wife was her granddaughter did not appear; - John Towersey; messuage in Bedford, St.John, belonging to the Rectory; William Bedford entitled as Rector but also since dead; current rector William Hinde did not appear; - William Johnson; cottage at bottom of Well Street, Bedford in occupation of William Whitney and adjoining cottage in occupation of William Johnson; William Whitney, entitled through his wife did not appear; - William Reynolds; three messuages in St.John's Street, Bedford, St.Mary late in occupations of Mary Hawe, widow and Robert Allen, since John Squire; his daughters Jane Lavender and Elizabeth Phipp did not appear; - Anna Maria Brace, widow; Green Dragon inn, with garden in St.Loyes, Bedford late in occupation of Samuel Grover; her son Thurloe Brace, esquire did not appear; - John Lyon alias Smith; messuage at bottom of Well Street, Bedford late in several occupations of John Lyon and Thomas Barker and plot on which a cottage formerly stood, now converted to a pightle or orchard; his son John Lyon Smith did not appear; - Jane Watmough, widow; messuage in Bedford, St.Peter; her daughters Elizabeth Barker and Jane Day aliened to William Foster, deceased; his widow, Dorothy Foster did not appear; - Joseph How aliened to Humphrey Finch, then Humphrey Finch to Thomas Davidson, deceased; messuage in Bedford, St.Cuthbert formerly in occupation of John Serjeant; Skeventon Davidson, son of Thomas, did not appear; - Mary Field, widow; messuage at bottom of Mill Lane, Bedford; her son James Field aliened to John Howard of Cardington, esquire who did not appear; - Dr.Richard Newton; farmhouse in Bedford, St.Peter formerly in ocupation of John Sugares; wife of Mr.Adams entitled as his heir at law but did not appear; - Thomas Hawes, esquire; farmhouse in Well Street, Bedford, late in occupation of Thomas Field; his son John Hawes, esquire, did not appear; - Elizabeth Hunter; messuage lately divided into three in Bedford, St.Paul; her eldest son John Hunter did not appear; - Henry Southouse, esquire and [blank] Woodward, gentleman; capital messuage in Bedford, St.Paul, late in occupation of Thomas Walker; William Southouse did not appear; - John Newman; cottage in Well Street, Bedford; his heir Edward Couch did not appear; - Francis Whetstone; messuage in Well Street, Bedford lately divided into two tenements in occupation of John Marks and James Dockerill, then Richard Tilsworth and John Newnham; wife of Thomas Wilson entitled but did not appear; - Thomas Simpson aliened to Thomas Woodward deceased then his heir Mrs.Saunderson aliened to Alison Lyon alias Smith; cottage in Well Street, Bedford; - Henry Baskerfield devised to his wife, now dead; cottage in Hassetts Green, Bedford, St.Paul; heir Elizabeth Dycraft did not appear; - [blank] Gurney, widow; cottage in Hassetts Green, Bedford, St.Paul; her son, John Gurney also dead; Ann Gurney, daughter of John Gurney did not appear; - Samuel Massey; messuage in High Street, Bedford; heir aliened to Nathaniel Costin, who did not appear; - John Hill and Martha his wife; farmhouse called The Brickhills, Bedford; children of John Willis, Joseph Willis, and Richard William Richard Willis who did not appear; - John Seals; cottage at bottom of Well Street, Bedford, adjoining Hassetts; William Johnson his heir also dead; his heir Thomas Witney did not appear; - Henry Staines; Angel Inn, Bedford, St.Mary; his son William Staines aliened to Richard Chamberlin who did not appear Alienations: - John Whalley to William Stewardson; White Hart, Bedford, St.Peter late in occupation of Timothy Bunker; garden in Bedford, St.Peter in occupation of William Freelove; - John Truelove to Thomas Russell then Thomas Russell to William Harris, deceased; William Harris by his will to his grandson William Harris Jefferies; William Harris Jefferies to Richard Wagstaffe; messuage in Bedford, St.Paul in occupation of John Elliott; - Humphrey Finch to William Powell then William Powell to Joseph Foster Barham; cottage in Bedford, St.Peter in occupation of Thomas Muneskath[?]; - John Parslow, esquire to Lord of the Manor; farmhouse in Bedford, St.Peter formerly in occupation of Michael Arnold, clerk; - [blank] Kynaston esquire to Francis Jessop, deceased then Francis Jessop by his will to Charles Kettle, then Charles Kettle to Thomas Hornbuckle; messuage in Potters Street, Bedford late in occupation of Elizabeth Whitbread, widow; Thomas Hornbuckle did not appear; - Mary Bell, widow to Thomas Woodward then Thomas Woodward to Robert Castleman; several messuages in Bedford; Robert Castleman did not appear; - Mary Bamford, widow to William Odell, deceased; Crown Inn, Bedford, St.Paul late in occupation of William Stevens; Stephen Odell did not appear; - Mary Goodyer to Jane Day; cottage in Goal [Gaol] Lane, Bedford; Jane Day did not appear; - Elizabeth Munns, widow to Lord of the Manor; cottage in Hassetts Green, Bedford, late in occupation of John Munns, her son; - Thomas Wood, gentleman to Joseph Belcham; Red Lion, High Street, Bedford; Joseph Belcham did not appear; - Thomas Richardson to John Howard and Margaret, his wife; messuage in Bedford, St.Paul; John and Margaret Howard did not appear; - Hannah Watts to Thomas Howard; King George on Horseback in Well Street, Bedford; Thomas Howard did not appear; - Thomas Simpson to Thomas Woodward deceased then his heir Mrs.Saunderson to Alison Lyon alias Smith; cottage in Well Street, Bedford; Alison Lyon did not appear; - [blank] Seabrooke to Nathaniel Costin; First Close in Bedford, St.Paul formerly in occupation of John Bennett; Nathaniel Costin did not appear; - John Alderman to Thomas Hornbuckle, then Thomas Hornbuckle to William Powell then William Powell to "the Moravians in Bedford"; farmhouse in Bedford, St.Martin [Peter de Merton?]; Moravians did not appear; - John Jones, lease expired and now granted to Thomas Hornbuckle for 40 years from 2 Jan 1767; Unicorn, Bedford, St.Peter; - William Bowyer to Henry Flemming; two messuages at foot of south side of Bedford Bridge; Henry Flemming did not appear
  • Date free text
    16 Apr 1769
  • Production date
    From: 1769 To: 1769
  • Scope and Content
    Part of a volume, for other courts in the volume see other R/6/1/12/1 references
  • Format
  • Level of description