• Reference
  • Title
    Deed of Feoffment with Warranty Parties: (i) Geoffrey Mychel; (ii) John Bryd senior of Rokesdon [Roxton] Operative Part: (i) gave to (ii) Property: (a) part of a messuage which (i) had from a gift and feoffment of John Bray in Tempsford which lay: N of rest of the messuage; next to messuage of Geoffrey Drayton; next to King's Highway; headland abbutted on land of Geoffrey Drayton; headland abutted on a lane leading to a gate to the messuage Habendum: - to (ii) Warranty: - warranty from (i) to (ii) in standard manner Witnesses: - Robert Rede; - William Stapullio; - Robert Vytele; - John Lorchon; - John atte Halle Date: - Friday in Feast of St.John at the Latin Gate [St.John Lateran], 7th regnal year of Richard II Pendant seal; attached to X284/12/2
  • Date free text
    6 May 1384
  • Production date
    From: 1384 To: 1384
  • Language
  • Level of description