• Reference
  • Title
    Minutes. Includes appointments of overseers, vaccination officials and the Board of Guardians, payments of out relief, award of supply contracts to local businesses and the following:
  • Date free text
    1871 - 1878
  • Production date
    From: 1871 To: 1878
  • Scope and Content
    Abrahams, George of Milton Bryan wife sick page 34 Abel, Ezra maintenance for father Joseph page 63, 67 Abel, Joseph maintenance of page 63 Abel, William maintenance for father Joseph page 63 Aldridge, William and family of Toddington smallpox page 40 Allen, of Ridgmont in fever hospital page 369 Anstee, John of Aspley Guise out relief page 5, 44 Armsden, John of Harlington out relief page 53, 72, 82, charges Medical Officer Hicks with neglect of duty 88-9, out relief page 121, 263 Armsden, Sarah of Harlington, medical treatment page 63, 67, 78 Ashby, Charles of Harlington wife confined page 24 Attack, Samuel Appointed as Assistant Overseer of Husborne Crawley page 382 Attwood, William farmer of Toddington application for joint post of Sanitary Inspector & School Attendance & Inquiry officer page 512, appointed page 516, 521 Baker, Charles of Ridgmont child sick page 24 out relief page 76 Baker, George of Milton Bryan out relief page 56, 76 Baldwin, Rebecca removal to Potterspury page 415 Bandy, Mary in Buckingham Union relief page 484 Banwell, Thomas of Milton Bryant out relief page 108 Banwell, William of Hockliffe out relief page 118 Barnes, John of Chalgrave out relief page 89, 160, 263 Barnes, Richard of Woburn Sands paying relief for parents page 421 Bates, - inmate of workhouse allowed £2 for an outfit on leaving the workhouse for service with Mr George Goodman of Aspley Guise page 133 Bates, Elizabeth to be supplied with beef page 321, 322,323 Bates, Henry and family of Toddington smallpox page 40, out relief page 130, 156, 165, funeral expenses for infant page 457 Bates, Ruth of Toddington obtaining relief after false pretences page 165, prison page 171 Bates, William of Toddington out relief page 108 Battams, George of Hockliffe out relief page 10, 121 Bavister, William of Toddington out relief page 263 Beard, John supplier of meal page 170 Bedford, Thomas of Tilsworth out relief page 79 Bennett, Jesse of Salford out relief page 487 Berrill, John of Husborne Crawley out relief page 156 Bickle, Mary to move to Potterspury Union page 168 Birch, Daniel of Potsgrove infant died page 34 Birch, J of Chalgrave page 505 Birch, James of Battlesden out relief page 8 Birch, Joseph of Battlesden out relief page 118 Bird, Leonard paying maintenance for father page 360 Bodsworth, George page 16 Bodsworth, William of Potsgrove out relief page 44 Bodsworth, William of Toddington out relief page 481, 505 Bonner, James of Harlington to pay towards upkeep of parents page 460 Bonner, Thomas to pay towards upkeep of parents page 460 Bonner, John of Toddington out relief page 127 Boon, Ann of Ridgmont coffin for page 246 Boston, Francis of Chalgrave out relief page 17 Bowler, John of Aspley Guise out relief page 56, 113, 501 Boxford, Richard of Eversholt sick page 29 Bragg, George Master appointed Master page 146, 158, salary page 170 Bragg, Sarah Ann Matron page 146, 158, salary page 170, 453, 457, 464, 469, 480, 510 Brandon, Charles of Toddington out relief page 14 Brawn, William admitted to Three Counties Hospital page 56 Brazier, James of Toddington, out relief page 5, 79, 151 Brazier, James of Eversholt out relief page 135 Brazier, John of Eversholt page 514 Brazier, William of Toddington out relief page 69 Brinklow, William of Eversholt out relief page 16 Brown, George supplier of milk page 170 Brown, Rebecca to leave Ridgmont to reside with son in law in Nantwich page 113 Buckingham, Benjamin of Chalgrave out relief page 40, 82, 166 Buckingham, James of Chalgrave out relief page 79 Buckingham, Thomas of Chalgrave out relief page 27, 118 Buckingham, William of Toddington out relief page 160 Buckley, Thomas of Harlington, out relief page 5 Bunker, John of Eversholt out relief page 89 Bunker, Samuel of Ridgmont in Bedford Infirmary page 367 Bunker, Widow of Eversholt school fees for children page 369 Bunker, William of Ridgmont out relief page 118, 135, 151, 160, 244 Burch, Thomas of Eversholt out relief page 530 Burrows, Edward of Ampthill bequests in will of page 430 Burrows, Harriet of Toddington bastardy with William Smith page 346 Burrows, James of Ampthill will of page 432 Burrows, Thomas of Toddington out relief page 5 Butcher, George of Aspley out relief page 50 wife confined, Byway, Ann inmate, support from son James excused, son Charles to pay 2/- per week, son William 1/- per week page 487 Cannell, Harriett appointment as Nurse of the Workhouse page 139, 149, 158, salary page 170, testimonial page 372, resignation page 443 Capp, Thomas of Potsgrove out relief page 87 Carpenter, Sarah of Maidstone application for post as School Mistress page 305 Chance, Joseph of Toddington wife sick page 27 Chance, Samuel of Toddington out relief page 108 Chapman, Elizabeth residing at Luton out relief reduced page 392, 446 Chapman, Frederick of Hockliffe out relief page 514 Chapman, Joseph of Tilsworth out relief page 8, 44, 79, 113 Chase, Thomas of Hockliffe out relief page 118 Checkley, Henry, overseer of Husborne Crawley page 288, 312, 323, 356, 359, dismissal page 369 Chibnall, Alfred summons for neglecting to maintain wife & family page 78 – 79, 84 Clare, George of Woburn out relief page 127 Clark, John of Toddington page 40 Clarke, D of Toddington out relief page 233 Clarke, Ellen of Woburn temporary schoolmistress page 326 Clarke, G B supplier of gas page 170 Clarke, George of Hockliffe out relief page 53 wife confined Clarke, George of Chalgrave out relief page 56 Clarke, George of Eversholt out relief page 87 Clarke, Henry of Salford out relief page 51 Clarke, James of Toddington out relief page 118 Clarke, John of Toddington out relief, injured page 472 Clarke, John of Chalgrave out relief for burial expenses of his child page 453 Clarke, W E supplier of coal page 170 Cleaver, John of Toddington out relief page 186 Clough, W T reporter of Leighton Buzzard application for joint post of Sanitary Inspector & School Attendance & Inquiry officer page 512 Coles, James of Toddington out relief page 130 Collyer, Elizabeth of Ridgmont medical treatment page 46-7, 50, 52 Coburn, William of Woburn out relief page 8 Cook, Andrew of Aspley Guise out relief page 221 Cook, Edward of Husborne Crawley out relief page 82, 263 Cook, George of Heath & Reach to pay for relief of his parents page 68 Cook, John of Toddington out relief page 130 Cook, Joseph of Eversholt wife sick page 22 Cook, Thomas of Eversholt out relief page 171 Cooper, Joseph of Salford, sick page 22 Cowell, Philip of Ridgmont out relief page 124 Cox, Charles of Salford removed from St Pancras Union page 390, 392 Cox, James of Toddington out relief page 44, 51 Cox, William of Toddington out relief page 5, 92, 160 Creamer, Amelia orphan in workhouse 342 Creamer, Harriett inmate charged Benjamin Juffs the Porter with fathering her child page 380, 386 Creamer, James in Reigate out relief page 301-2 Creamer, John of Milton Bryan out relief page 69 Creamer, Levi of Milton Bryan out relief page 135 Cripps, John of Hockliffe to be removed from Paddington, lunatic page 490, removal from Hanwell Lunatic Asylum to Three counties page 507 Crute, Robert of Aspley Guise out relief page 10 Currell, Thomas of Toddington, out relief page 5 Dade, Elizabeth of Wandsworth Union residing at Eversholt page Darlow, Sarah of Caxton application for position of Nurse & needlewoman page 7 Dawborn, Alfred of Woburn out relief page 44 Day, Eliza Ann and two children of Chalgrave now in Leeds Union page 487, 490 Day, James of Chalgrave wife confined page 24 infant died page 29 Day, Henry of Husborne Crawley out relief page 113 Dearman, Charles of Hockliffe, sick page 29 Denham, George of Harlington contribution for mother page 105, 107 Denton, Charles of Harlington child died page 22, out relief page 89 Denton, Joseph of Toddington out relief page 40, 108 Denton, William of Toddington out relief page 524 Dolton, Thomas of Aspley Guise out relief page 44 children sick Drage, Frederick Seagrave of Ashton, Northamptonshire application for job as porter page 224, appointment 227, leave page 273, conduct page 286, 288, testimonial page 297 Dudley, James of Hockliffe broken thigh page 24 Dudley, Thomas of Ridgmont wife confined page 27 Dumpleton, Ezra of Chalgrave out relief page 240 Dumpleton, Thomas of Chalgrave out relief page 12 Dumpleton, William of Hockliffe out relief page 470 Eames, William refusing to break stones in workhouse page 354 Eastaff, William of Milton Bryan application for job as porter page 224 Elford, Emma of Bassingbourn appointed Nurse & Needlewoman page 7, 14, 16, left for Doncaster to visit nephew with smallpox page 68, 72, 75, reappointed page 77, 78, 81, complaint about master of Workhouse page 90, 94-5, testimonial page 110, 4 days leave page 120, resignation page 129, 134 Elliott, William of Salford out relief page 51 wife sick, Emerton, Charles of Tebworth cannot pay to support his mother page 278, Emerton, Joseph to pay for maintenance of mother page 278 Emerton, Frederick relief at Winslow Union Workhouse page 72 Evans, Charles of Toddington out relief page 89, 124 Evans, James of Toddington out relief page 118 Evans, John of Toddington out relief page 135 Evans, Mark of Toddington neglecting to maintain his 6 children now in the workhouse page 308, warrant page 319, enquiries as to health of family page 400, 403 405, 406, clothing and money for two children sent to service page 412, warrant page 476 Evans, William of Toddington out relief page 130, 470 Everett, Richard of Eversholt out relief due to accident page 316 Eversholt – Scarletina & water supply page 78, 80, 81, 84, 88 Faisey, John of Eversholt, petition that his out relief be restored page 239 Faulkener, Alfred & family settlement in Lutterworth Union page 227 Faulkener, Thomas of Toddington to act as Assistant master of Workhouse page 130, 158 Fleckney, Jabez of Hockliffe out relief page 490 Fleckney, Samuel of Chalgrave out relief page 14, 102, 160 Fleet, Daniel of Husborne Crawley out relief page 87, deserting two children page 239 - 240 Fleet, George of Husborne Crawley out relief page 183 Fletcher, James of Bedford Union to be bound apprentice to W T Hullatt, tailor of Woburn page 243 Floyd, Richard of Chalgrave failing to provide for wife page 447 Floyd, Richard to Hockliffe out relief page 201 wife’s funeral expenses page 216 Floyd, Richard of Toddington wife confined page 447 Fooks/Foulks, Robert of Husborne Crawley wife confined page 24, out relief page 69, midwifes fees page 221 Fossey, Charles of Wingfield scrofulous disease page 354, 356 Fossey, George of Aspley Guise out relief page 160 Fossey, Thomas of Chalgrave out relief page 8, 44 Fowler, George of Clapham to pay relief for mother page 278, Fowler, George of Toddington out relief page 102, 151, 527 Fowler, Henry of Potsgrove neglecting to provide for his family page 67 Fowler, Henry of Toddington neglecting children John aged 5 and Alfred aged 3 page 193, 195 Fowler, Nathaniel of Toddington out relief page 51 Fox, Frederick of Toddington out relief page 447 Franklin, J of Toddington out relief page 56 Franklin, James of Toddington out relief due to bad leg page 316, 518 Franklin, W supplier of tiles page 170 Franklin, William of Toddington refusal of relief to page 386 Fuller, John of Eversholt page 89 Fuller, John of Hockliffe out relief page 166 Fuller, Joseph of Toddington page 102 Fuller, William of Husborne Crawley out relief page Gardner, Jesse of Salford out relief page 69 Garner, Mrs complaint about tramps page 31 Garner, James late of Toddington deserting wife & four children page 92, 124 Garner, Joseph of Toddington out relief page 113, broken rib page 476 Garner, Thomas of Toddington out relief page 160, deserted wife page 218, out relief to wife & family page 244 Garratt, Charles of Ridgmont to supply pigs page 14, 76 Garratt, William of Ridgmont out relief page 521 Gilbert, Elizabeth Ann appointed nurse page 511, 518 Gilbert, Sarah in pauper lunatic page 498 Gilbert, William Francis of Aspley Guise former Guardian death of page 224-5 Giles, George of Aspley Guise out relief page 121 Giltrow, William of Potsgrove out relief page 76 Gobby, child in workhouse to go to service with Mr Smith of Borough Road, Lambeth page 294 Gobby, John of Toddington child died page 27 Gobby, Joseph of Toddington out relief page 151 Gobby, George inmate going to service with Mr Steers of Aspley Guise page 142 Goodman, Lizzie of Woburn appointed as nurse page 448, 450, resigned page 504 Grant, William of Wandsworth and Clapham union residing at Eversholt page Green, John of Potsgrove infant died page 34 Greenhood, James of Salford out relief page 490 Greenwood, Charles of Salford out relief page 56 Groom, George of Chalton removal from Bethnal Green Union page 419 Groom, Hannah of Toddington appointed kitchen maid at workhouse page 174, extra wage for nursing in fever ward page 236 Groom, William of Toddington out relief page 127, wife confined page 472 Grover, Charles appointed porter page 392-393, resignation page 460 Gurney, Edith removal to asylum page 346 Hack, Thomas of Toddington out relief page 89 Hall, Edward of Harlington in Three Counties Hospital page Hall, John of Ridgmont out relief page 102, 135 Hamilton, Rev J M Chaplain to the union salary page 170, ill health page 500, resignation page 504, 514 Hanover, Jane residing at Bedford out relief discontinued page 392 Harbert, J A supplier of coffins page 246 Harris, Alfred of Harlington wife confined page 22, out relief page 82, deserted family & imprisoned page 112 Harris, Charles, of Harlington, out relief page 76, wife sick page 221 Harris, Edward of Harlington out relief page 124 Harris, Frederick of Harlington out relief page 14 Harris, George of Harlington out relief page 244 Harris, Joseph of Harlington out relief page 24 Harris, Joshua of Toddington deserting two children page 115-6 Harris, Kitty removal from Wangford Union, Norfolk to Husborne Crawley page 472, 475 Harris, William of Harlington out relief page 89 Harris, William of Toddington out relief page 530 Harrod, Thomas of Leighton Buzzard application for job as porter page 224 Hart, Daniel of Chalgrave out relief page 50 children sick Hart, John of Ridgmont out relief page 14 Hartwell, Edwin workhouse inmate offered employment as page to Mr J B Chernside of Clifton near Rugby page 90, 96, 101, 103, complaint about page 112, discharged page 158 Hawkes, Joseph [Frederick] applicant for job of porter page 294, appointed page 294, absconded from duty 296, apology page 300 Hawkins, B L Mr comments on scarletina & water supply at Rads End page 78, 80, 81, 84 salary page 170 Haynes, Hammond removal from St Mary Abbotts, Kensington settlement Woburn page 259, removal from City of London Union page 478 Heckford, Frederick of Rickmansworth to pay 1/6 per week towards fathers maintenance page 412 Herbert, Joseph in Newport Pagnell Union page 460 Hewlett, Charles & wife removal from St Pancras Union page 150, 154 Hicks, C of Dunstable application for post of Medical Officer for Toddington page 300 Hicks, Mr W J G Medical Officer Toddington District pages 6-7, 72, 74, 78, 84, 88-9, smallpox 102, 104 salary page 170, conduct page 287, 288, 292 resignation page 297, 299 Higgs, David of Tilsworth out relief page 108, 130 Higgs, Joseph of Hockliffe out relief page 152 Hill, J B supplier of spirits page 170 Hill, William out relief page 151 Hine, David of Hockliffe out relief page 56, 171 Hoey, Jane, widow, (late Jane Studds) removal from St Marylebone to Woburn page 173 Hollett, Charles of Toddington out relief page 76 Holmes, Sarah of Toddington deserted by husband John removal from Kensington Union page 217 Holt, Martha of Tilsworth page 369 Holt, Tom arrested for absconding and deserting family page 422, 426 Horley, William Assistant Relieving Officer for Toddington page 50, no longer required page 60, vaccination officer page 300- 301, 329 Horn, William aged 5 chargeable to Edmonton Union from Woburn Union, removal 188 Hostler, William of Toddington out relief page 186 Houghton, Alfred of Bedford Union to be bound apprentice to John Willison, tailor of Hockliffe page 243 Howe, William of Toddington out relief page 5, 69, 102, 325 Hull, John builder of Bedford application for joint post of Sanitary Inspector & School Attendance & Inquiry officer page 512 Hull, William of Milton Bryan out relief page 56, 82 Hyde, Robert of Toddington out relief page 130 Hyde, William and family of Toddington smallpox page 40 sick page 216 Inns, William of Hockliffe out relief page 135 Inwards, Joseph of Hockliffe out relief midwifes fees page 221 Jilks, William of Aspley Guise out relief page 240 Johnson, Charles of Chalgrave out relief page 56 Jones, Charles of Tilsworth out relief page 186 Jones, George shoemaker of Ridgmont page 527 Juffs, Benjamin applicant for job of porter page 294, appointed 296, 300, charged with fathering child of inmate Harriet Creamer page 380, dismissal 386, 388 Keech, George of Ridgmont out relief page 70, 92, 113 Keens, Henry to pay for relief of father Thomas Keens page 464 Keens, Thomas of Eversholt out relief page 457, inmate page 464 Kemp, G supplier of yeast page 170 Kendall, William of Toddington out relief page 108 Kent, William of Ridgmont out relief page 524 Kilby, George of Battlesden out relief page 453 King, Edward of Bedford apprenticed to Mr Willison, tailor of Hockliffe page 24 King, John of Eversholt wife sick page 498 Kingham, James of Chalgrave out relief page 69 Kingham, William of Battlesden out relief page 16, 24 (sick) Kirby, William of Tilsworth out relief page 27 (sick) Kitely, Joseph of Salford child died page 24, out relief page 87, 130 Knight, John of Chalgrave chargeable to Leighton Buzzard Union page 215 Knight, John in Leighton Buzzard Union page 356 Lancaster, Joseph of Salford out relief page 40 Landon, John of Hockliffe out relief page 113 Lane, Florence infant of Salford removed from Wandsworth page Lane, James of Toddington out relief page 44 Lane, John of Salford out relief page 27, 221 Lansbury, John of Potsgrove out relief page 44 Large, John of Eversholt out relief page 457 Large, John of Ridgmont out relief page 40 child sick, 53, out relief page 124, 127, wife confined page 325 Large, John of Woburn out relief page 505 Lawman, William of Toddington out relief page 505, 510 Lawson, Joseph of Ridgmont out relief page 89, 201, 524 Lawson, Thomas of Hockliffe out relief page 82 Lawson, William of Hockliffe out relief page 32 Leech, Richard & wife & two children removal from St Olaves union, Surrey to Woburn page 162 Line, William of Ridgmont out relief page 76 Lineham, Henry of Bedford Union apprenticed to George Jones shoemaker of Ridgmont page 107 Lockley, Margaret of Nantwich union, Cheshire schoolmistress application page 330, 334, 336, 339 London, John of Hockliffe infant died page 34, out relief page 514 London, Robert, inmate of workhouse, neglect of funeral page 107 Lucas, George of Eversholt in Newport Pagnell Union page 527, 529 Ludgate, Thomas of Luton paying 1/- towards parents at Tebworth page 460 Lumley, James Brewers Clerk of Northampton, application for joint post of Sanitary Inspector & School Attendance & Inquiry officer page 512, reimbursed for travel expenses page 518 Macdonald, J A appointed Medical Officer of the Workhouse page 484, 487 Mackness, James apprentice removal to Bedford page Mahon, G A D appointed Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator of Aspley Guise page 177 Major, Thomas, supplier of coffins for Chalgrave neglect of duty page 218 Mapley, J of Woburn engaged as plumber page 12, to glaze windows page 60, Mardling, wheelwright of Husborne Crawley to supply new wheels for hearse page 280 Marlow, Mary from Luton Union page 504, legally settled at Toddington page 507 Marlow, William of Toddington out relief page 135 Marsden, George of Toddington out relief page 56 Martin, Joseph of Toddington page 273, 275 Martin, William and family of Toddington smallpox page 40, out relief 130 Matthews, Henry appointed Relieving Officer of Tramps page 34, application for inmate to be his servant page 115, salary page 130, salary page 170, leave 188, attends funeral of father in South Wales page 223 McDonald, Mr, Deputy Medical Officer of Workhouse page 134 McKay, J supplier of drapery page 170 Mead, Jane of Toddington letter re discontinuation of poor relief page 312, 386 Mead, William of Harlington out relief page 98 Merridale, John of Battlesden sick page 24 Merridale, William of Ridgmont out relief page 53 wife sick Miles, M of Stantonbury application for post of Medical Officer for Toddington page 300 Mills, Ann former nurse request for testimonial page 9-10, 12 Mitchell, Edward Joseph of Milton Bryan wife Frances & 4 children to be removed from London Union, 366, relief to 374, in Shoreditch Union 378 Moore, William aged 66 settlement at Eversholt in Luton Union page 423 Morris, Elizabeth Luton Union report of earnings page 83-4, out relief discontinued page 392 Morris, John of Toddington out relief page 118 Neal, Joseph child buried page 218 Newberry, John of Woburn out relief page 108, 130 Norman, Samuel of Hockliffe out relief page 166 Nursall, George of Ampthill Union residing with his sister at Ridgmont has lung disease page 68, 69, 74 Nursall, James of Eversholt out relief page 276 Odell, drunkenness page 150 Odell, Alfred of Chalgrave out relief page 108 Odell, Sarah of Toddington page 126, complaint page 484, 487 Odell, William of Toddington out relief page 118 Osborn, Charles of Ridgmont out relief page 183 Osborn, Joseph will pay 1/- per week towards his parents at Hockliffe page 308 Pacey, H of Woburn wife & children in Fever Ward page 91 Page, Samuel of Husborne Crawley deserting wife & family page 426, warrant page 438, 441, 443 Painter, George of Woburn out relief page 82 Palmer, George of Toddington out relief page 524 Pantling, Frederick of Hockliffe out relief page 5, 22 (wife sick), 24, 87 Parker, Sophia, widow, residing in Cambridge Union page 464 Parrott, Abraham of Toddington out relief page Parrott, James of Toddington out relief page 53 Pauli, G C surgeon of Barton page 63, 67 Payne, Robert applicant for porter page 292 Peacock, Harriet of Milton Bryan removal of illegitimate children from Edmonton Union page 350 Peeling, Charles inmate now beneficiary of will page 430, 432 Pepper, Edward of Ridgmont out relief page 79, 124 Perry, Rev George Henry Augustus appointed Chaplain of the workhouse page 511, 514, 518, 521 Perry, George of Harlington, labourer, deserted wife & children page 127, out relief page 470 Perry, Harriet widow of Swallowfield near Reading, widow of William of Holcote relief page 312 Perry, Isaac of Aspley Guise out relief page 127 Perry, James of Harlington out relief page 12, midwife’s fees page 34, 282 Phillimore, Charles of Aspley Guise appointed porter page 12, 14, allowed money instead of beer as he is an abstainer page 68, leave page 84, testimonial page 115, resignation page 139 Phillimore, James of Aspley Guise out relief page 160 Phillimore, Job of Eversholt out relief page 7 Phillips, Mr resignation as baker at workhouse page 44 Pickett, David of Tilsworth wife sick page 34, out relief page 124, 221 Pilgrim, Joseph of Ridgmont midwives fees page 34 Poney, William of Toddington out relief page 87, 121, 135 Potts, Alice aged 6 removal from St Pancras Toddington page 259, 262 Potts, Amy aged 9 removal from St Pancras to Toddington page 259, 262 Potts, George of Toddington, blacksmith, deserted wife & children page 259, 262 Potts, Rose removal from St Pancras with two children to Toddington page 259, 262 Pratt, J contribution to support father at Tebworth page 249 Price, James of Woburn applied for job of Workhouse Porter page 145, appointed page 147, 158, salary page 170, 185, resignation page 220 Prigmore, William of Ridgmont wife confined page 22, 76 Quenby, P C of Toddington arrested Tom Holt for desertion of family page 422, 426 Randall, George of Toddington out relief page 47 Randall, Jeremiah out relief page 460 Randall, John residing with brother’s widow at Tilsworth, Rev Mr Simpson requests his removal page 315 Randall, R Contractor for supply of flour page 91, 94 Randall, William, of Toddington out relief page 171 Rayner, Charles of Potsgrove out relief page 124, in Basford Union page 249 Reed, Caroline, removal from Halifax Union requested page 446 Read, Joseph baker at workhouse page 47, 167, 182, 185, 294 Richardson, George of Battlesden settlement page 498, 500, 504, 510, 524 Roberts, John of Hockliffe out relief page 118 Roberts, W supplier of shoes page 170 Robins, John of Chalgrave out relief page 113 Robins, Thomas of Chalgrave out relief sick page 34, 76 Robins, William of Chalgrave out relief page 34 Robinson, James of Potsgrove out relief page 89 Robinson, Joseph of Potsgrove out relief page 92 Robinson, Joseph of Sheep Lane summons for neglecting his children page 195 imprisoned page 199 Rowe, Samuel of Battlesden out relief page 69, 135 Russell, Joseph of Salford out relief page 79, 130 Russell, William of Salford out relief page 76 Sanders, John of Toddington page 8 Seabrook, George of Aspley Guise out relief page 240 Seagrave, Thomas of Toddington smith, out relief page 156 Seagrave, William of Toddington infant died page 29 Seamarks, Alfred of Bedford Union to be apprenticed to Alfred Faulkener, shoemaker of Husborne Crawley page 60 Sedgwick, William of Aspley Guise out relief page 50 wife died, Seeby, Charles, sons to pay for his maintenance in Workhouse page 50 Shaw, Joseph of Woburn, out relief page 56 Sharman, George of Toddington wife died page 40 Sharp, George of Ridgmont out relief page 47, 470 Sharp, Henry of Aspley Guise out relief page 240 Sharp, Mr Master of Workhouse page 41, 94-5, 102, 127, 129-130, 136 Sharp, Mrs Matron applying for pay for nursing page 78, refused page 81-2, resignation page 137, testimonial page 167, 176 Shaw, William of Aspley out relief page 276 Shepherd, William Relieving Officer for Tramps page 50, 123, salary page 170, resignation page 329 Short, Joseph and family of Toddington smallpox page 40 Shouler, Joseph of Woburn out relief page 124 Sibley, Job of Husborne Crawley out relief page 524, 527, 530, 533 Sibley, William of Ridgmont out relief page 40 wife confined, 47, 53 child dead, 171 Sinfield, Edward of Toddington to pay relief to father & mother page 76, summons page 79, 84, 92, 107, gaoled for 6 months 113, 282, 287 Sinfield, Frederick orphan in Workhouse, Mrs Grimshawe requests him for service page 198, 259, returns him page 395 - 396 Sinfield, James of Salford out relief page 69 Sinfield, James of Toddington out relief page 481 Sinfield, Mary page 25 Smallpox outbreak at Toddington page 39, 43, 46, 47, 60 Smart, William of Chalgrave out relief page 5, wife sick page 34, Smith, Charles of Aspley Guise out relief page 113 Smith, Deborah residing at Eversholt but belonging to Ampthill union page 266 Smith, Ephraim of Scotland page 124 escape from Three Counties page Smith, George, police inspector application for post of Relieving Officer for Tramps page 329, 334 Smith, Jesse of Aspley Guise out relief page 47 midwifes fees page 244 Smith, James of Salford out relief page 34 wife confined Smith, John of Aspley Guise out relief page 102 Smith, Louisa of Eversholt removal to Woburn from St Giles & St George London page 375 Smith, Mary residing at Eversholt but belonging to Ampthill union page 266 Smith, Samuel inmate 176-7, to Bedford Infirmary page 180 Smith, Thomas of Eversholt out relief page 51 wife confined Smith, Thomas of Woburn residing in Abbots Langley chargeable to Watford Union page 266, 342 Smith, W removal to Woburn Union from Watford page 374, too unwell to move page 378 Smith, Widow of Eversholt school fees for children page 369 Smith, William of Salford out relief page 47 Smith, William of Aspley out relief page 50, 130 Smith, William of Toddington reputed father of child page 346 Smith, William Henry appointed Superintendant Registrar page 31, 34 Smith, W H Clerk to the Union, salary page 170 Spacey, John of Milton Bryan sick page 29 Spivy, Mary Ann, widow removed from St Mary’s Islington Spivey, Thomas in Islington workhouse settlement page 4 Squires, William resignation as porter page 10, 12 Stairs, James of Tilsworth out relief page 47 Staniford, Rosina Elizabeth in Aston Union settlement at Woburn page Steers, M A supplier of meat page 170 Stimson, Thomas of Chalgrave out relief page 44 Stone, Simon of Harlington out relief page 2, 508 Stone, Thomas of Harlington out relief page 183 Stone, William of Harlington out relief page 76, midwife’s fees page 221 Sturman, Joseph of Toddington to Petty Sessions for not maintaining wife Ruth page 3, out relief page 501, 508, 524 Sturman, Ruth page 3 Tame, Joseph of Battlesden out relief page 5 Tansley, John of Salford out relief page 47, 276 Tansley, Robert of Salford out relief page 44 Tansley, Samuel of Salford page 524 Tansley, William of Salford out relief page 82 Tapp, Charles of Ridgmont truss for child page 29, 76, out relief page 130 Tapp, Elizabeth refused relief by St Neots Union page 514 Taylor, David of Toddington out relief page 130, inquest page 359 Taylor, James to Toddington from Southampton Union page Teagle, Noah of Toddington out relief page 14, 51, 124 Teagle, William of Harlington sick page 27, 76, 113 Tearle, John of Chalgrave page 40, 514 Tearle, Jabez of Hockliffe out relief page 92 Tearle, John of Chalgrave out relief page 508 Thompson, Richard of Tilsworth out relief page 34 Tilcock, Phoebe and three children from Luton Union page 185 Tomkins, William porter appointment page 467, 472 Tompkins, Elizabeth with two children in St Albans Union page Tompkins, James of Hockliffe out relief page 44 Tompkins, T supplier of ale, potatoes & straw page 170 Trew, Mr Medical Officer for Aspley treating smallpox victims page 50, 52, 55-56, 138, 144, salary page 170, resignation page 171, 173 Tring, Frederick of Toddington applied for job of Workhouse Porter page 145 Tuck, Charles apprenticed to Alfred Faulkener of Husborne Crawley page 12 Tucker, Charles of Hockliffe out relief page 56 Turney, G supplier of groceries page 170 Turney, Job of Hockliffe wife sick page 32 Turney, John of Ridgmont out relief page 510 Turney, Samuel of Hockliffe out relief page 514 Vaccination page 110, 246, 296 Valentine, James pf Toddington out relief page 240 Veasey, Mr H Medical Officer of Workhouse page 138, salary page 170, duties page 249, 260 Waite, Thomas residing at Ridgmont page 192 Walker, George of Ridgmont warrant for arrest, in Lincoln prison page 487 Waller, Charles & wife & child removed from Woolwich Union page 46, 50 Warren, J to pay 1/- for maintenance of mother page 432 Warren, James of Toddington out relief page 82 Warren, Miss Louisa A, Schoolmistress page 150, 158, 165, salary page 170, leave page 182, 185, sister to visit page 227, leave page 255, 297, resignation page 301 Warwick, Susan of Ridgmont admission to Bedford Infirmary page 297, 301 Warwick, William of Ridgmont out relief page 53, midwife’s fees page 216, wife sick page 325, out relief page 478, 481 Waugh, John of Toddington application for post of Medical Officer for Toddington page 300 appointment page 300, 304, too much wine to paupers page 481, 490 Watts, Ann to pay for relief of father Thomas Keens page 464 Watts, J T of Salford wife sick page 498 Watts, William of Salford out relief page 40, 121, 201 Webb, Daniel of Aspley Guise out relief page Webb, John of Ridgmont out relief page 156, deserted 5 children page 159 Welch, Charles out relief page 460 West, Joseph of Toddington out relief page 76, 490, 501 Whitbread, Abel of Eversholt, out relief page 5 Whitbread, Edward of Eversholt out relief page 160 Whitbread, George of Eversholt to pay maintenance for wife Mary Whitbread in workhouse page 47, Whitbread, George of Toddington out relief page 79, 108 Whitbread, James of Toddington out relief page 27, 156 Whitbread, John of Toddington out relief page 108 White, Alfred of Ridgmont out relief page 87, 183 White, George of Ridgmont wife sick page 24 wife’s funeral expenses page 233 White, Thomas clothing and job with J Beard, baker of Woburn page 12 Whiting, George of Potsgrove infant died page 47, out relief page 135 Whiting, Thomas of Potsgrove sick page 22, wife sick page 32 Wildman, Ambrose of Woburn lunatic page 320, removal page 340 Williamson, Richard of Ridgmont deserted two children in Holborn Union page 323, 326 Willis, James of Toddington out relief page 183 Willis, George of Eversholt wife sick page 32 Willis, Joseph of Milton Bryant out relief page 47, 53, 151 Willis, William of Toddington out relief page 360 Willison, James of Toddington out relief page 79, 240, 476 Wilson, John of Toddington out relief page 79 Woodin, D W of Aspley guise Poor Rate Collector page 155 Wooding, William of Ridgmont out relief page 47 Woods, child at Ridgmont extra supplies page 365 Woods, George of Woburn out relief page 201, 518 Woods, Thomas of Ridgmont out relief page 124, 135 Wright, William of Chalgrave out relief page 69, 171, 498 Young, Ellen Harriet of Stow on the Wold application for post as School Mistress page 305 appointed pages 308-9, 312, 318, resigned page 323, 326
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