• Reference
  • Title
    Constable's Presentment:Stodden Hundred: 5 March 1683/4, by Thomas Marlin & Robert Gale, Cheefe Constables Tilbroock: Thomas Cattlin, nothing Keshoe: Henery Ritcherd & John Shefford present John Carter, darie man, Thomas Beesley carpenter, Ritchard Gobey wever, James Mee darieman, for absenting from there parish Church for 3 Sondayes last past Knotting: William Ginins, nothing Partenhall: Thomas Browning presents Elizabeth Blee the wiff of Randall Blee and Samuell Shepperd darieman for absenting themselves 3 Sondayes last past from there parish Church Yeilden: Robert Farrey & Will Joyce, nothing Clapham: Thomas Shepperd presents widdo Cooper and widdow Bills for absenting from there parish Church for 3 Sondayes last past Milton: John Lowe & William Adinton, nothing Oakley: John Harley & Thomas Hilton present John Fouler groser & William Finding carpenter for absenting from there parish Church for 3 Sondayes last past Melchbourn: Hew Woodfall & Simon Purney, nothing Shelton: Thomas Dilingham presents Ritcherd Barnes laborour & his wiff for absenting themselves from there parish Church for 3 Sondayes last past Deane: Theofilus Leach & Thomas Mew present John Mew yeoman, Nathaniell Farie wever, Thomas Betles laboror, Sara Yorke & Elizabeth Yorke spinsters and widdow Garat for absenting from there parish Church for 3 weekes last past Bolnhorst: John Wolker & Robert Sabey present John Church for absenting from there parish Church for 3 Sondayes last past Stoughton: William Bourons presents Thomas Sett[le?] and Simeon Hearcock laborors and Henery Reede wever and James Foldba[ck] shoomacker for absenting from there parish Church for 3 Sondayes last past Riseley: William Allin & Nathany Cleaton present Henery Dason and John Woodward laborors and William Touler backer and Thomas Rootham yemon and John Daye darieman for absenting from there parish Church for 2 Sondayes last past
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1684 To: 1684
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Level of description