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    Deposition: Isaac Bringhurst, Toddington, D.D. 13 March 1683. Eliz.Glover his servant confessed birth of stillborn child, and she did not know what became of it. Thomas Brookes, Stepingley, gardener. E.G. was delivered of stillborn child in his master's house at Stepingly; he buried its body in the garden. Believes he is its father. Richard Waller alias Wheeler, Flitwick, gardener. Dug up bones of little child in his master's garden. Anne, wife of Thos.Vine, Stepingly. E.G. confessed birth of stillborn child. T.B., the father, buried it. The Informacon of Isaac Bringhurst of Tuddington in this County D.D. taken upon oath this 13th day of March 1682 before William Daniel Esqr & c as followeth This Informant saith that about a fortnight since the said Elizabeth Glover his servant confest to him that she formerly was delivered of a Child & that it was still borne & that she did not know what was become of it & further saith not The Examinacon of Thomas Broockes of Stepingley in this County gardenertaken upon oath this 14th of March 1682 before William Daniel Esqr & c as followeth This Examinant saith that he came from Ampthill in this County about eleven of the Clocke at night to his Master George Abbotts house at Stepingley about Assises time was a twelvemonth, when & where he found the said Elizabeth Glover in the Kitchen all alone & newly delivered of a Child which the said Elizabeth told this Examint was still borne, And this Examint saith that he tooke the said Child and carried it into his Masters Garden & there immediately buried it in the same place where the said Richard Wheeler digged it up about three weeks ago, & he believes he this Examint gott the said Child and further saith not Capt coram me Wm Daniel The Informacon of Richard Waller als Wheeler of Flitwick in this County gardener taken upon oath this 14th of March 1682 before William Daniel Esqr one of his Majesties of Peace for this County as followeth This Informant saith that about three weekes agone [he] was digging in the garden of George Abbott of Stepingley in this County Esqr he found betweene two Asparagus [beds] the bones of a little Child buried, which he immediately discovered to the rest of the family & to a Justice of Peace and further saith not The Informacon of Anne the wife of Thomas Vine of Stepingley aforesaid taken upon oath this 14th of March 1682 before William Daniel Esqr & c against Elizabeth Glover of Tuddington in this County spinster and Tho Brookes of Stepingley aforesaid labourer as followeth This Informant being duly sworne saith that the said Elizabeth Glover told this Informant about a fortnight since that she was delivered of a Bastard Child in her Master George Abbotts Kitchen at Stepingley Parke aforesaid, & the time of her delivery was the night before Lent Assises for this County of Bedford was a twelvemonth, And the said Elizabeth further confessed to this Informant that the said Thomas Brookes her fellow servant gott the said Child & was by at the time of labour & delivery & that the said Child was still borne and that the said Thomas Brookes took the said Child & carried out & buried it, and further saith not Capt coram me Wm Daniel
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    From: 1683 To: 1683
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