Certificate of Minister and inhabitants of Woburn parish : Good character of John Smith, apprentice to William Berkley, blacksmith, charged with theft. 1672
"To all to whome these presents shall come or may concerne Wee whose names are hereunto subscribd Ministers, Inhabitantes of the Parish of Woburne .. doe humbly Certefie that the bearer here of John Smith, was borne and brought up in our said parish, and therein honestly and faithfully served an Apprentishippe with William Beckley, of our said parish, blacksmith, whose hand is hereunto subscribd, and that hee is a person of a civell behaviour, and never to the best of our knowledge was taxed before with the lest suspition of felony that may bee. And further wee most humbly conceived, that this fact whereof hee sands charged withall (if any such) was meerely done out of a frolicke, with noe intent to damage or prejudice anie man, for that this bearer (with divers other youthes of our said parish) had upon May day in the morninge last past stucke severall May bushes at the doores of divers people in our said Towne, and at the very instant (as is supposed) when the money was lost, were drinkinge and makinge merry at those houses where the May bushes were formerly stuck as aforesaid ... 24 Jul 1672
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From: 1672 To: 1672
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