Deposition: Richard Musley, late of Derby 9 Nov. 1669.
Coming from Derby, broke into house of John Stokes at Hockliffe and stole money and linen. Stayed at 'Three Black Swans', Dunstable. Threatened with sword by Mic. Tossell & William Poole, who told him to give up goods - when he did so they told him to run away. Was taken between Markyate and Redbourn by John Stokes.
The examination of Richard Musley late of Darbey in the sd. county labourer taken upon oath befoer Fra. Wingate Esq., J.P. the 9th Nov. 1669 This examinant saith that he came Darbey about a weeke since and comeing through Hockliffe he went to the house of one John Steake and seeing a hole in the wall went into the sd. house and finding a box unlockt he tooke out of it some money but how much he knowes not, and a Bundle of linnen, and went the next way to Dunstable, where he went in at the signe of the Three Black Swans before sunset and lodgd there that night, and in the morning when he was riseing there came one Michaell Tossell and William Poole unto him who lived in the same house, and one of them did bring a naked sword in his hand who bad him deliver what he had, or else they would kill him and one of them snatched away his breeches, and took away all the money (excepting two shillings which were in another pocket) and alsoe all the linnen but two laced handkerchiefs Whiskes and one holland hand kerchiefe, and when they had soe done they bid him run away which he did, and as he was goeing in the road towards London, betweene Redbourn and Market Street he met with two men, who said they must have him back againe, and one of them said he suspected him to have broken open his house, and asked him if he did not come through Hockleife, and this examinant said he did, and delivered him the three handkercheifes which he had out of his house and further sayth not.
Date free text
1669 - 1670
Production date
From: 1669 To: 1670
No. of pieces: 1
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