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    Amy Foot, Richard Stocker. John Frank 16 Aug. 1669 As in presentment 8. Amy Foot raised hue and cry, Richard Stocker & John Frank caught Villers. Edwife Villers: Found pewter dish and cup in street. The several informations upon oath of Amy Foot wife of Robert Foot of Great Barford in the said county, carpenter, Richard Stocker of Wyboston in the said county, gentleman; and John Frank of the same town yeoman, taken before Gaius Squier Esq J.P. on 16th August 21 Chas 2: The said Amy Foot saith that one Edward Villers (as he calls himself) being a stranger to her, came into her house this morning about nine or ten of the clock, the door being open and and sat himself down in a chair, saying nothing to her nor she to him, but she supposed he came to light a pipe of tobacco, and leaving him a littel while in the roome alone, she went forth into an other roome, but stayed not, and when she came back againe, he was gon, and missing a pewter dish, she presently made hast after him and followed him as far as Wiboston which is two good miles, and ther she met him at the Gun comeing out of the house, and asking him for her dish he flung from her, and then she cried out a thiefe, a thiefe. And some of Wyboston men pursued the sd. Villiers and found the dish with a pewter cup (which she alsoe ownes) dropped in the way he went. The said Richard Stocker and John Frank say that the sd. Amy Foot comeing to their town of Wyboston and crying out a thiefe a thiefe and desireing to stop him, they pursued the sd. Edward Villers about half a mile he running very fast from them, and overtakeing him they told him, the said woman charged him with takeing something from her, he denyed he had anything of hers, but they saying he need not have fled if he had not stollen somewhat from her, and they would not release him unles he restored the womans goods, at length he confessed to these informants that he had thrown them in a heap of rushes about two furlongs from the place where he was apprehended And these informants with others of the said towne seeking in the said place amongst the rushes found a pewter dish and a pewter cup which the sd. Amy Foot owned, and told these informants they were taken out of her house in Great Barford by the sd. Edwife Villers. The examination of the sd. Edwife Villers taken as aforesd. The sd. Edwife Villers confesseth that he came into the house of Robert Foot of great Barford and sat down there and as he went out of the door he found a pewter dish and a pewter cup in the street, but further sayth not.
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    From: 1669 To: 1669
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