• Reference
  • Title
    Wixamtree Hundred bills of presentments 1667 Wixamtree Hundred - Bills as wee received them from the Petty Constables Cople bill: For popish recusants we have notany within our parish We have not any persons within our parish that does absent themselves from the publique place of God's worship on the Lord's day. Our poor are provided for according to Law We have not any that dooth sell beere or ale without license Our highwayes causewayes and bridges are in good repaire We have noe Ingrossers, Forestallers, or Regrators of Corne We have no unlawful weights or measures used to the best of our knowledge. We have not had any Riotts, Routts or unlawfull assemblies since the last assizes: Unto all the rest of our articles we present omnia bene Nicholas Brace, Richard Kirke. Willington Bill: All this time we have nothing to present butt omnia bene Jn Ashbolt, Wm Umney. Cardington bill: All this time we have nothing to present but unto all the articles we present omnia bene. Henry Savoagh [Savage?] Lenard Willamod [Willimett]. Eastcotts bill: Wee have nothing at this time to present butt omnia bene Wm Skarlett Thomas Swinsed These bills were delivered in att the Petty Sessions att Biggleswade on Munday the ninth of this instant March: 1667 Matthew Wattes one of the Chief Constables
  • Date free text
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    From: 1667 To: 1667
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    No. of pieces: 1
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