• Reference
  • Title
    Reconveyance of Mortgage. 4000 (iv-i) (i) Ric. Cumberland Esq., Portland Place, par. of Marylebone, Mddsx, Jn. Symonds, University of Cambridge, trustees - v. 20/46. (ii) Geo. Ashby Esq., of Cambridge & w. Deborah. (iii) Thos. Lord Grantham P.C., First Lord Commissioner of Trade and Plantations. (iv) Sir Wm. Hen. Ashhurst, Justice of the King's Bench; Jn. Parker Esq. of Saltram, Devon, trustees of marr. settlement of (iii) and Lady Mary Jemima Grey (v) Thos. Lord Pelham, surviving trustee of (iii)'s father (vi) Hen. Wilmot Esq., of Bloomsbury Square, Mddsx.
  • Date free text
    25-26 Jun 1781
  • Production date
    From: 1769 To: 1781
  • Scope and Content
    (Rec. of first rec. of 20/45-6. Rec. of 20/45-6. Not pd. (iii)'s father made will 7 June 1769 devising to (v) and Sir Wm. Robinson estate at Rawcliffe for 500 yrs. in trust to pay 250 to dtr. Ann Robinson for life or until her marriage and to secure 6000 for her portion. Subject to 500 yrs. term gave same estate to (iii), then to Nathan Draper and (vi) to preserve contingent uses, then to sons & dtrs. of (iii). Rec. (i) now seised of estate and term now vested in (v) as survivor. Rec. (of Marr. Settlement of 15 & 16 August 1780 btwn. (iii), (b) (Philip, Earl of Hardwicke (c) Lady My. Jemima Grey, one of (b)'s dtrs. then Lady My. Jemima Grantham, (?) Sir Chas. Cocks Bt. & Hen. Fredk. Robinson, (e) Nathan Draper & Jn. Vernon jun., gent., and (iv). (b) agreed that in addition to 10,000 payable to (c) 6 mths. after his decease he would pay 10,000 to (iii) before marriage & 10,000 to (iv) 12 mths. after marr.- i.e. 30,000 for (c)'s portion. 4000 of last 10,000 to be used for freeing incumbrances in (iii)'s estate. 10,000 paid to (iv) on trust to free Rawcliffe estate from mortgage by redemption to (ii). Rec. of payment by (b) to (iv) of 10,000 after marriage on above trust. (iv) agreed to pay 4000 to (i) who agreed to reconvey Rawcliffe estate to (vi) to use of (iii) for redr. of 500 yrs. i - vi for use of iii. - - Manor of Rawcliffe, for redr. of 500 yrs. on trusts of will of Thos. Lord Grantham decd. Endsd.: Registration of deed at Northallerton on 20th November, 1781.
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