• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of the title of Mr Henry Beal to land at Beeston reciting: Lease and release of 18 and 19 April 1739 i)Mary Mordaunt, spinster, only child and heir of Margaret Mordaunt and husband, George, which said Margaret was formerly wife of John Noyes ii) Dennis Clark consideration - 2000 i) released to ii) - farmhouse, barns, orchards, gardens, etc at Beeston - 41 a arable and leys late in occupation of Thomas Mailing and then of John Airs - 6a arable - 1 a meadow in Beeston, late in tenure of William Bonney and then of John Foster -99a arable and leys - other farmhouse - 42a 1r arable and leys in Beeston and late in tenure of William Christmas and then in possession of Thomas Allan - farmhouse, barns, stables and orchard - 47a arable late in tenure of Thomas Mailing and then of Thomas Carey and situate in Beeston to use of ii) for ever subject to redemption of 2000 and interest Deed of 2 May 1739 i) George Dixon, Inner Temple, Esq ii)said Mary Mordaunt iii) Francis Jessop Charles Higgs iv) Nicholas Harris Thomas Banker a marriage is intended between i) and ii) ii) is entitled to property of yearly value of 210. Part of property is subject to mortgage of 2000 for use of i) now ii) with consent of i) release to iii) - above property and other premises in Upper Caldecote to hold to iii) subject to said mortgage, to uses including to the use of iv) for a term of 99 years on trust, in tail male trust for 999 years was for paying an annuity of 50 to ii) for her separate use Trusts for a term of 500 years were to raise 1000 for younger children Lease and release of 3 and 4 August 1750 i) Dennis Clarke ii)George Dixon and wife Mary iii Henry Trant consideration of 2000 paid to i) by iii) by direction of ii) - premises as in mortgage of 13 April 1739 to hold subject to redemption on payment of 2000 and interest at 4% p.a. Will of Mary Dixon, wife of George Dixon, Inner Temple, London, Esq, 17 April 1742, by which she bequeathed all her property at Beeston in Sandy, and Upper Caldecote, Northill, to her husband, George Dixon Deed of 2 March 1765 i)Nicholas Harris, Esq., surviving trustee ii)George Dixon, Esq iii) William Staines, gentleman iv) Thomas Gurney Benjamin King reciting above marriage and death of Mary Dixon and that David Everard Dixon, only issue of the marriage, died on 17 April 1764. 1000 to which ii) was entitled under said marriage settlement was not paid i) by consent of ii) assigned to iv) - property comprised in term of 500 years to be held by iv) for residue of said term of years in trust for iii) Feoffment and livery of seisin of 4 March 1765 i) Edmund Mason, Esq (executor of Henry Trant) ii) George Dixon, devisee of late wife, Mary iii)Jeremiah Bryant Richard Colley iv) Thomas Ayres John Allan consideration - 168, now due upon said securities, paid to i) by ii) i) enfeoffed and confirmed to ii) - premises as in deeds of 18 and 19 April 1739 and 3 and 4 August 1750 Fine of Hilary term, 5 George III Lease and release of 18 and 19 March 1765 between George Dixon and William Staines by which Dixon released to Staines - Beeston and Upper Caldecote property in occupations of Thomas Ayres, widow Forster, John Allan, William Carey and Edmund Turvey to secure repayment of 1000 and interest Will of George Dixon, 9 July 1767 to 2 sisters, Rose Dixon, Guilsborough, Northants and Margaret Daniel, wife ot Thomas Daniel, Bilton, Warwicks, grazier, as tenants in common - lands at Beeston and Upper Caldecote Covenant to levy fine, 18 June 1772 i) Thomas Daniel, Bilton, Warwicks, grazier, and wife, Margaret, devisee of George Dixon, and heir at law of Rose Dixon, deceased ii)Edward Richardson, Rugby, barber i) covenant before end of Trinity term next to levy a fine to ii) of - farm house etc - 2 closes pasture (3a) - 41 a arable and leys - 3a 3r meadow once in occupation of Thomas Mailing, Beeston, yeoman, afterwards of John Harris - messuage or barn, with small orchard and nursery - 2 closes pasture (1a 1r) - 6a arable - 1 a meadow in Beeston, in occupation of John Foster and William Bonney - farmhouse - 8 closes pasture (total - 19a) called: --- Little Whitecap Close --- The Two Brittain's Close ---The Two Rye Closes --- Gravel Pit Close --- Little Woodward Close --- Wallnut Tree Close --- Northill Close - 99a arable and leys - 16a 1r meadow - other messuage or farmhouse - 3 closes pasture and 1 orchard (7 a) - 42a 1r arable and leys - 4 a 1r meadow at Beeston and once in occupation of William Christmas and afterwards Thomas Allan - messuage or farmhouse, barns, stable, and 1 orchard - 47a arable - 4a pasture --- Great White Cap --- High Hill Close - 2 little closes (5 a) -3a meadow - 1a 3r meadow once in occupation of Thomas Mailing and afterwards of Thomas Carey, in Beeston - messuage, barns, stable, granary, orchard and homestall of pasture (7a) - 3 pightles (4a) - 80a arable - piece ground lately a spinney called Bisho Grove in Over Caldecote, once in occupation of John Crook and then of John Atterton, and in occupations of widow Allen, Thomas Ryce, John Single, - Wells, - Sibley and Edward Tinge and others which fine is to enure to use of i) and their heirs for ever Fine of Trinity Term 12 George III Mortgage of 7 March 1777 between Thomas and Margaret Daniel and William Harris Jeffreys, Bath, Somerset, Esq by which the said property remainded to use of W H Jeffreys for term of 1000 years to secure repayment of 500 and interest Lease and release of 23 and 24 March 1781 i) Thomas Daniel and wife Margaret ii) William Staines, Bromham, grandson and heir at law of William Staines, late of Biddenham, gentleman, deceased iii) John Freeman, Woburn, Gentleman Thomas Gurney, Kempston, gentleman Richard Lovesey, Bedford iv) William Harris Jeffreys, late of Bath, now of Bedford, gentleman v) Thomas Baker, West Smithfield, London, horsedealer vi) Basil Herne, Paternoster Row, London, gentleman reciting death of William Haines on 22 November 1772. By his will he appointed iii) as executors, who proved will in PCC 1025 13s 8d is now due to iii) as executors 513 13s 3d is now due to iv) consideration - 1025 13s 8d paid by v) to iii) - 513 13s 3d paid by v) to iv) - 460 13s 6d paid by v) to i) (total 2000) - 4250 to be secured to i) ii) at the request of i) and consent of iii) release to v) - messuages, lands etc in Beeston, Sandy and Upper Caldecote to hold to v) to use of v) for 1000 years Proviso that if v) should pay and interest at 5% p.a. then said term should cease and be void Also in consideration of said 513 13 1d paid by v) to iv) iv) at request of i) and nomination of v) assigned to vi) - before mentioned property being part of premises mortgaged on 7 March 1777 to secure 500 and interest.to hold to vi) for residue of term of 1000 years in trust for v) Assignment of 24 March 1781 i)Thomas Gurney, Kempston, gentleman Benjamin King, Bedford, draper (trustee in whom term of 500 years was vested,and Thomas Gurney being an executor of William Staines) ii) Thomas Daniel and wife Margaret iii)John Freeman Richard Lovesey iv)Thomas Baker v)Basil Herne to clear the title to said premises and discharge same from security to William Staines is proposed that term of 500 years should be assigned to v) Now i) at request of iii) and ii) assign to v) property as in settlement of 2 May 1739 to hold to v) for residue of term of 500 years, in trust foor iv) Assignment of 7 February 1782 i) Elizabeth Sambrook, Peterborough, Northampton, widow ii) Thomas Daniel and wife Margaret iii) Thomas Baker iv) Basil Herne reciting deed of 10 May 1711 a) John Noyes and wife Margaret b)John Mulsoe William Mowbray c) John Orlebar Charles Henease d) John Toulson by fine levied pursuant to above, the premises mentioned in deed were limited to use of d) for 1000 years to raise 500 for John Noyes John Noyes died before any money was raised. By his will he appointed his brother, Richard, as executor reciting also assignment of 27 July 1738 Thomas Sambrook was dead. By his will dated 27 September 1758 he appointed George Owen Gough as executor. Said G O Gough died without proving same and administration, with will annexed, was granted to his widow, i) To clear title to said premises i) at request of ii) and nomination of iii) assign to iv) - before mentioned premises for residue of term of 1000 years in trust for iii) Will of Thomas Baker, West Smithfield, London, Esq., of 17 October 1792 Thomas Hunter, St Martin's Lane, Middx, gentleman and Benjamin Rouse of the Hand in Hand Fire Office, London, gentleman - all his property in Bedfordshire and Middlesex in trust for sale - messuages in cities of London and Westminster, and at Greenwich in Kent, and any leased or leasehold property in trust for sale Covenant of 3 August 1795 i) Benjamin Rouse James Dellamore, West Smithfeild, London, horsedealer, and wife, Sarah (late Sarah Baker, widow) Mary Phipps, Bristol, widow William Millett, Camomile Street, London, basket maker (who survived Sarah Millett, his late wife) ii) James Pearce, Paternoster Row, London, gentleman reciting will of Thomas Baker, Esq., who died in February 1793. Will proved (PCC). Thomas Hunter has since died, leaving Benjamin Rouse as his surviving trustee Sarah Millett has died leaving said William Millett and Elizabeth Ann Millett, now the wife of Charles Clarke, Fleet Market, London, fruiterer, and Henry Richard Millett and Mary Millett To bar all estates tail and to settle the same to use of Benjamin Rouse i) covenant to levy fine of - messuage or farmhouse etc and land belonging (22a 10p) at Beeston in occupation of Richard Bailey - messuage and garden and close arable (2a 3r 38p) in Beeston in occupation of Henry Beale - cottage and garden (1r 27P) in Beeston in occupation of John Brown - 5 cottages and ground etc at Beeston, Sandy, in occupations of John Cooper, John Glover and Henry Bean - close arable (3a 1r 13p) in occupation of Henry Bean - close arable in Beeston in occupation of Thomas Hart and John Cooper (3a) formerly part of said farm and lands in occupation of Richard Bailey - piece meadow (18p)in Beeston in occupation of Godfrey Thornton, Esq said fine to enure to use of Benjamin Rouse on the trusts in the will of Thomas Baker Fine of Trinity Term 35 George III i) James Pearce, plaintiff ii) Benjamin Rouse James Dillamore, and wife Sarah Mary Phipps, widow William Millett (deforciants) - 6 messuages - 4 cottages - 12 gardens - 300a land - 150a meadow - common of pasture in Beeston in Sandy and Northill Lease and release of 22 and 23 March 1796 i) John Staines, Biddenham, Esq (one of sons and devisees named in will of William Staines, Biddenham, deceased) ii) Richard Lovesey, Bedford, gentleman (surviving executor of will of William Staines, deceased) iii) Benjamin Rouse, Hand in Hand Fire Office, gentleman (surviving devisee of will of Thomas Baker, deceased) 1000, as in lease and release of 18 and 19 March 1765, was not paid and fee simple of premises became vested in Thomas Baker Enclosure commissioners allotted various pieces of land to Thomas Baker in lieu of before mentioned Sum of 2000 secured to William Staines was paid to ii) and Freeman and Gurney. Legal estate has now passed to i) Now in consideration of all principal nad interest having been paid i) at request of ii) confirmed to iii) - messuages, lands etc in lease and release of 18 and 19 March 1765 to hold to use of iii) on trusts in will of Thomas Baker Lease and release of 24 and 25 March 1796 i) Benjamin Rouse ii) James Dillamore and wife Sarah William Millett Mary Phipps (Sarah and Mary and Sarah Millett, deceased, being residuary legatees of Thomas Baker, deceased) iii) Charles Moor, clerk Thomas Harris, gentleman Thomas Daniel (surviving executors of Mary Daniel, widow and executrix of Thomas Daniel, deceased) iv) John Trott v) Walter Adams consideration - 5250 paid to ii) by v) ii) covenant to grant to v) - messuage or farm house, cottages, lands, timber etc reciting that ii) had asked i) to join in the sale which he had agreed to do in said sum of 5250 being paid to him upon trust in will of Thomas Bakercomplete said purchaee iv) had asked v) to lend his 1000 Now in consideration of 1000 paid by v) and of 4250 paid by iv) to i), with consent of ii) i) released and ii) ratified to iv) - Ploughed Marsh Close (23a 2r 12p) - close arable on W side of Great North Road called South Seddington (10a 2r 23p) - North Seddington adjoining (6a 34p)Hangman's Close adjoining (2a 3r 24p) - piece arable on E side of said turnpike road called also South Seddington (7a 2r) - close meadow between 2 last mentioned closes and River Ivel called Long Lake (25a 2r 19p) to use of iv) for ever. Surrender by iii) to v) of term of 1000 years Assignment of 25 March 1796 i0 Basil Herne, gentleman ii) Benjamin Rouse James Dillamore and wife Sarah William Millett Mary Phipps iii)John Trott iv) Walter Adams v) W Wilshire, younger Now i) at request of ii) and nomination of iii) and iv) assigned to v) - messuages, lands limited for terms of 1000 years and 500 years and 1000 years on lands conveyed to iv) and iii) to use of v) for remainder of said term in trust for iv) or iii) as appropriate Lease and Release of 28 and 29 March 1796 i) John Trott ii) Thomas Ward iii) William Inskip consideration - 3270 (of which ii) had advanced 1500 to iii)) paid to i) i) confirmed to ii) - piece arable on East side of Great North Road, called South Seddington (7a 2r 24p) to use of iii) If iii) should pay 1575 on 19 March 1797 then ii) would convey premises to iii) as he should direct i) covenanted to produce before abstracted deeds Lease and release of 3 and 4 November 1806 i) Thomas Ward ii) William Inskip iii)Thomas Inskip said 1500 is still due Now in consideration of 1500 paid by iii) to i) and further sum of 500 paid by iii) to ii) ii) confirmed to iii) - property as in above lease and release to use of iii) subject to redemption on payment of 2000 and interest Assigment of 4 November 1806 i) William Wilshere ii) Thomas Ward and William Inskip iii) Thomas Inskip iv) George Inskip by which i) assigned to iv) - property in lease and release of 28 and 29 March to hold for residue of terms of 1000, 500 and 1000 years in trust for iii) to better secure said sum of 2000 Lease and release of 9 and 10 July 1811 i) Edward Inskip (eldest brother of said Thomas Inskip, deceased) ii) William Inskip, Datchworth, Herts, farmer John Arch, Clifton, farmer (executors named in will of Thomas Inskip) iii) William Inskip, Lower Caldecote, (only son of William Inskip of Old Warden, deceased) iv) John Sell, Wallington, Herts, farmer Said sum of 2000 was not repaid Thomass Inskip died in 1808. By will dated 23 May 1804 he bequeathed residue of personal estate to nephew William Inskip, son of Edward. Will proved (PCC) on 11 January 1809 William Inskip, father of iii) died intestate consideration - 2000 by iv) as proper debt of iii) paid to ii) (the executor), by direction of John Arch i) by direction of ii) and iii) grant to iv) - above premises proviso for redemption by iii) on payment of 2000 to iv) Transfer of 10 July 1811 i) George Inskip ii) William Inskip and John Arch iii) William Inskip of Lower Caldecote iv) John Sell v) Edward Fossey by which i) by direction of ii), iii) and iv), transfer to v) - above premises for residue of terms of 1000, 500 and 1000 years in trust for iv) and to secure said 2000 and interest and subject thereto in trust for iii) Lease and release of 9 and 10 July 1813 i) John Sell ii) William Inskip of Lower Caldecote iii) Robert Lindsell, gentleman consideration - 2000 paid to i) by ii) i) released to ii) - said property to use of ii) or to iii) in trust for ii) Assignment of 1 October 1813 i Edward Fossey ii) John Sell iii) William Inskip iv) Joshua Malden by which i) assigned to iv) - said property to hold for residue of terms of 1000, 500 and 1000 years in trust for iii) Lease and release of 9 and 10 October 1813 [as above - Z 858/37/2 and 3] Deed of covenant of 29 September 1813 [as above - Z 858/37/1] Abstract dated 1825
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