Probate (copy) of Jemima, Marchioness Grey
to be buried in Flitton vault privately, with a hearse
and 2 coaches, each with 6 horses; church not to be hung with black;
to poor of Flitton & Silsoe 50, of Clophill 50;
to servts. 1 yr's standing a year's wages; to Jane Boad 46 p.a.;
to cous. Jemima Mary Gregory 200 p.a.;
To friend Margt. Jeffreys 100 p.a.; to Mrs. Wray 100 for ring;
to 3 old servts. charitable donations are to continue (Ann Fairborn,
Wrest; Sar. Stanley, Richmond; Martha Standforth, Wimple);
a monument to be set up to husband if nor yet done, plain & neat
but not magnificent;
to 2 daus. (Amabel being extrix.) estate;
witn. Sam. Wilde, Jos. Baldwin.
9 March 1792,
pr. 20 January 1797.
body to be buried with lime in coffin;
to Mlle. la Comtesse Jacqueline Charlotte de Hompesch 2000;
to Mrs. Dorothee Madalaine Karthur 20 p.a.;
to servt. S. Brasier 20 p.a.;
legacies to come out of sum reserved by the Duke of Kent's settlement
for testatrix to dispose of;
correspondence in own writing returned to be burnt.
December 1794."
Date free text
Production date
From: 1792 To: 1797
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