• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of Title of Thomas Joyce with plan attached Abstracts Conveyance of March 1863 between 1) William Williams, gent of Bedford [mortgagee] 2) William Jones, coal merchant of Bedford [trustee of William Day] 3) Thomas Joyce, farmer of Renhold [purchaser] of a) land on east side of Gwyn St measuring on north 92'10" on east 24' on south 90' and on west fronting Gwyn St 30' b) two messuages erected by William Day on the site, bounded N by other land of William Day and recently sold to Mary Ann Day, E by Thurloe St, S by land of - Perkins and others, and W by Gwyn St [nos. 39 & 41 Gwyn St] c) joint ownership and right of the wall on N side which separates the land from the land sold to Mary Ann Day, to be considered as a party wall for ever to be kept in repair at joint expense Recites mortgage of Apr 1854 by William Day from William Williams of 450 Recites WD died 26 Apr 1860, will dated Jun 1857 and pro Oct 1860 at Northampton District Registry, executors WJ, and wife Catherine Day, devising all real estate upon trust to CD and after her death to sell and divide residue between testator's children Recites CD died 22 Nov 1861 Recites WJ as trustee sold real estate to TJ at auction in Bedford 21 Aug 1862 for 360 Recites 450 was then owing to WW Recites that it had been agreed that 360 should be paid to WW Declaration barring dower Covenant by WW and WJ that they had not incumbered Abstracts mortgage of 1876 between TJ and Jane Barcock, spinster of Bedford for 300 with interest Recites indenture of Mar 1863 Abstracts reconveyance on repayment of mortgage Mar 1878 Covenant by JB that she had not encumbered Abstracts mortgage Jan 1881 between TJ and Elizabeth Jocelyn, spinster of 19 Lowden Rd, Herne Hill, Surrey for 200 with interest Abstracts transfer of mortgage Oct 1881 from EJ to John Slater, gent of Bishop Stortford, Hertfordshire and Teresa Jocelyn, spinster of Harlow, Essex Covenant by EJ that she had not encumbered Abstracts mortgage Jan 1883 between T Joyce and Revd Edward Bower Whyley, clerk in Holy Orders of Great Eastern, Leicestershire for 110 on land (a), (b), (c) and (d) [see Schedule below for (d)] Recites the land (d) [also owned by T Joyce] is subject to a mortgage of Dec 1872 between T Joyce and H[enry] Piper, P[eter] Piper, C[harles] S[tuart] Donald and T[homas] Hays of 200 and also subject to transfer of mortgage Jun 1880 from T Hays to John Trapp Recites mortgage Jan 1881 [see above] between T Joyce and Elizabeth Jocelyn for 200 also subject to transfer of mortgage Oct 1881 to John Slater and Teresa Jocelyn Recites the whole of the land is subject to proviso for redemption Schedule (d) land on east of Gwyn St measuring on north 95'6", east 11', south 92'10" and west fronting Gwyn St 22' with messuage built on site, bounded N by James Cherry, E by Thurloe St North, S by late W Day then T.Joyce, W by Gwyn St Abstracts transfer of mortgage of 110 in May 1889 from E.B.Whyley to William Johnson, whitesmith of Bedford on (a), (b) and (c) and "other hereditaments" Abstracts reconveyance 1894 from William Johnson to Thomas Joyce Recites mortgage 1883 Recites transfer of mortgage 1889 Recites Thomas Joyce repaid 110 Abstracts reconveyance 1894 from John Slater and Teresa Jocelyn to Thomas Joyce of (a), (b) and (c) Recites mortgage Jan 1881 Recites mortgage Oct 1881 Recites Thomas Joyce repaid 200
  • Date free text
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    From: 1854 To: 1894
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