• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of Sam Wilson's title to freehold lands at Lower Stondon in Shitlington and at Upper Stondon 1) Will of Hen Greene of Gt Gaddesden Hoo, Herts appt Wm Cope, Geo Greenwood and Jn Wickenden, executors and trustees 100 for their trouble; affairs to be directed by Court of Chancery and Court shld appt (his relations excepted) to be Guardians and trustees of the Children he might have by Mrs Martha Martin. Sister Eliz Ormsby 100 Martha Martin 500 Trustees to sell with other premises freehold estates at Upper and Lower Stondon - purchase money to be used to purchase new or old South Sea Annuities made 13 Nov 1771 Codicil out of rents and profits to pay Eliz Ormsby 200 14 Dec 1771 Codicil if Sister E Ormsby shld by herself or any attorney try to set aside testator's Will THEN revokes codicil 27 Dec 1772 Proved PCC 27 Feb 1773 2) Decree in Chancery in cause Martha Martin and Henry Martin alias Greene, Edw Martin alias Greene, Eliz Martin alias Greene, Mary Martin alias Greene, Infants rep by Martha their mother (plaintiffs) - v - Wm Cope, Geo Greenwood and Jn Wickenden (executors of Hen Greene), Arthur Ormesby, and Eliz his wife and Arthur Ormesby, infant by Arthur Ormesby, his father and guardian Cause heard 4 July 1774 to proceed to Trial Trial finds Upholds Will Freehold estates at Upper and Lower Stondon, Beds and copyhold, Doddington, Isle of Ely be sold To be laid out in purchase of annuities as above 9 Mar 1775 3) Master's Report approving sale to Sam Whitbread of Bedwell Park, Herts, Esq, of freehold farm at Lower Stondon (let to Wm Honour at 40 pa) for 785 24 Jan 1785 4) Receipts for 785 4 Aug 1785 5) Lease and Release 1) Wm Cope of Bridgen Place, Kent Esq (vendor) as only surviving executor 2) Sam Whitbread of Bedwell Park, Herts, Esq (purchaser) among other properties messuage or tenement and farm once in tenure of Fra Wells, afterwards of Jn Clark, after that of Thos Phipp and then late of Jn Taylor in Nether Stondon AND 2 closes of pastures or meadow gnd in Nether Stondon belonging AND several pieces of arable lying dispersed in the common fields of Upper Stondon and Shitlington (four score acres) occ by Wm Honour as tenant by rent of 40 pa or of Wm Rowell as undertenant of Wm Honour CONSIDERATION 785 22 & 23 Aug 1785 6) Will of Sam Whitbread of Cardington and Bedwell Park, Herts, Esq freehold estates (except those comprised in marriag settlement of his son with Miss Eliz Grey) and except freehold estates pt of his brewhouse to son in law Jas Gordon jnr of Moor Place, Hertford, and nephew Jacob Whitbread of Lowdham Park, Suffolk, and Jn Wingate Jennings of Harlington, Esq, during life of his son. Reversion to gndson Wm Hen Whitbread for life Freehold etc in Middlesex and stock in trade to Sam Green, Jacob Yellowley and Robt Langster trustees to be assigned to Sam Made 24 June 1795 2nd Codicil grants estates at Leeshill, Wilts AND Herne and Buckland, Kent to son Wm absolutely so can sell if desires to 'if it should not be thought expedient to renew lease of Rectory of Shedlington (Shillington) by reason of the exorbitant demand the College had made or should thereafter make for the renewal' Son with consent of trustees can sell all his estates in Shitlington. Money to be used in purchase of estates in Beds 24 June 1795 Proved PCC Jun & July 1796 7) Act of Parliament entitled 'An Act to confirm the renunciation and Release of Jas Gordon as Devisee in Trust of Sam Whitbread Esq, deceased ...' recites Sam Whitbread II's Marriage Settlement Jan 1788 Death of Sam Whitbread I 11 June 1796 1796 8) Contract for Sale 1) Wm Wilshere, agent for Sam Whitbread, son 2) Jn Bonest of Shitlington, yeoman (purchaser) Two farms in Shitlington and Upper Stondon 1 in occ of Wm Dawson (70A) and the other called Dixon's Farm occ of Eliz Phipp (59A) being copyhold at price of 1800 18 Mar 1800 9) Deed Poll 1) Sam Whitbread of Southill (only son of Sam I) 2) Jacob Whitbread (Trustee) appt Geo Wm Leeds of Croxton, Cambs. Esq as Trustee in place of Geo Wingate Jennings deceased 10 Mar 1810 10) Bargain and Sale (appt new Trustee) 1) S Whitbread II 2) Jacob Whitbread 3) Geo Wm Leeds 23 Aug 1811 11) Deed Poll S & J Whitbread and G W Leeds appt Hon Thos Brand of The Hoo, Herts, as Trustee in place of J Whitbread 23 Sep 1812 12) Appt of new Trustee (confirmed by Master of Rolls) appt T Brand 31 May 1813 13) Deed to create Tenant to Precipe 1) Wm Hen Whitbread of Southill, Esq, elder son of Sam Whitbread II (who died 6 July 1815) 2) Sam Chas Whitbread, 2nd son of Samuel II, tenant in tail 3) Wm Wilshere of Hitchin, Esq (tenant to precipe) 4) Jn Hogarth of Staple Inn, London, Gent (demandant) property incl Messuages, closes, pieces of land in Shillington and Upper Stondon and Lower Stondon purchased by Samuel Whitbread I from Wm Cope and others 23 Apr 1817 14) Exemplification of Common Recovery Jn Hogarth (demandant) Wm Wilshere (tenant) S C Whitbread (vouchee) Manors, 100 messuages, 20 shops, 60 Tofts, 2 water corn mills, 30 dovehouses, 200 gdns, 7000A of land, 2000A of meadow, 2000Aof pasture 1000A of wood, 500A of furze and heath, 100A of marsh, 200A of land covered with water, 20 rent, common of pasture for all cattle, common of turbary free fishery and free warren in Southill, Old Warden, Northill, Potton, Elstow, Kempston, Cardington St Mary, Wilshampstead, Thurleigh, Shitlington and Upper Stondon and in Township of Southill and in Rowney, Broom, Stanford, Hill, Harrowden, Fenlake, Eastcotts, West Cotton, and Lower Stondon and in Rectories and Vicarages Easter 57 Geo III [1817] 15) Deeds of Exchange 1) Wm Hen Whitbread 2) Wm Vizard of Lincoln's Inn Fields, Middlesex, Gent (Trustee of 1) 15) 3) Rt Hon Thos Lord Dacre Sir Geo Wm Leeds 4) S C Whitbread pieces of land in Shefford Hardwick (extra parochial) with messuage or tenements and farm in Nether Stondon alias Standon in Shillington + 2 closes of pasture belonging AND pieces of land in Shillington and Upper Stondon (in common field state computed to be 4 score acres) and all other property conveyed 22 and 23 Aug 1785 and allotments under Shillington and Holwell Enclosure Acts to be held by 1) and his heirs 18 & 19 May 1821 16) Probate of Will of Jn Bonest to friends Wm Eames of Hawnes, yeoman and Jn Trustram of Lower Stondon freehold and copyhold messuages on Lower Stondon and Upper Stondon (except house in Church End, Shillington) on trust by sale or by Mortgage to raise so much of testator's debts and legacies as his personal estate should fall short of paying gnddau Ann Bonest house in Church St, Shillington Trustees to get personal estate Legacies:- Jn 200 to be invested and 10 pa Eliz 200 Ann 200 (one half of her legacy to be pd when 21 or marriage) Housekeeper Mary Eames legacy of 30 and 30 pa annuity [Note in margin of her death Nov 1823] residue to 500 made 7 Nov 1803 proved Bedford 24 May 1804 17) Act of Parliament for enclosure of Shillington and Holwell 42 Geo III [1802} 18) Award for Tithe Allotments and Allotments for Manorial Rights 1st Allotment a) piece of land in Green Hill Field in Hamlet of Lower Stondon, Shitlington [18A 0R 27P] abs N parish of Upper Stondon E Turnpike Rd from Hitchin to Bedford S public highway from Henlow Way Post to Shitlington W copyhold allotment to Trustees liability to repair fences on N, E & S side 18) b) piece of land in Greenhill Field in Hamlet of Lower Stondon and parish of Shitlington [14A 0R 38P] abs N parish of Upper Stondon E allotment to Robt Wilkinson S Public Highway from Henlow Way Post to Shitlington liability to repair fences on S To Ann Gough, widow of Jos, Esq, two allotments:- 2nd of which is piece of land in Holwell Bury field in Hamlet of Lower Stondon [1A 1R 24P] exchanged to Trustees of Jn Bonest, deceased abs N public Highway from Henlow Way Post to Shitlington E allotment exchanged with Trustees (of Bonest) S allotment to Mary Huckle, exchanged to Sam Crawley W allotment to Robt Wilkinson, exchanged to trustees with pencil note 'This allotment was introduced under a supposition that the 2 acres taken by S Wilson in Holwell Bury Field extended so far into the Field but they do not in fact quite reach through the 1A allotment next described.' AND to Ann Gough in compensation for land pt of her estate and for a public drain and for a public drain by then made 1A in Holwell Bury Field in Hamlet of Lower Stondon, Parish of Shitlington, exchanged with Trustees of J Bonest abs N Public highway from Henlow Way Post to Shitlington E allotment to Wm Wilshere exchanged with Trustees of J Bonest S allotment to Mary Huckle exchange to Sam Crawley W allotment to Ann Gough (listed above) to Wm Wilshere piece of land in Holwell Bury Field, Shitlington (4A) exchanged with devisees in trust of Jn Bonest abs E Turnpike Road from Hitchin to Bedford S allotment to Mary Huckle exchanged to Sam Crawley W allotment to widow of Richard Gough exchanged to devisees of Ric Gough N Public Highway from Shitlington to Henlow Way Post liability to repair fences next roads to Wm Wilshere by exchange from estate of Trustees Cottage and gdn (20 P) Close of pasture adj gdn on S & E called Home Close [1A 0R 30P] with timber, buildings and fences 18b) The gdn and close:- abs NE cottage and gdn of Wm Wilshere and by farm homestead of the widow and devisees of Ric Gough NW allotment to Wm Wilshere AND to widow and devisees of Ric Gough close of pasture called Stockings Close [1A 0R 32P] with timber and fences abs N allotment to Wm Wilshere E Ancient enclosure of widow and devisees of Ric Gough S & W ancient enclosures of Edw Horn 1 Feb 1817 19) Mortgage in 800 and 5% interest (by Lease and Release) 1) Wm Bonest of Lower Stondon, Gent (gndson and heir and legatee of Will of Jn Bonest of Shillington, yeoman) 2) Wm Eames and Jn Trustram (trustees and mortgagors) 3) Ric Hitchin Whitehurst, Clerk (vicar of Westoning) (mortgagee) 4) Wm Wilshere of Hitchin, Esq recites Jn Bonest seised of certain freehold (marginal note states only freehold lands he possessed were bought from Whitbread) and copyhold in Shitlington and had entered into a contract with Sam Whitbread Esq for the purchase of other messuages etc in Shitlington and Upper Stondon and had paid 1800 for them but no actual conveyance made 2 messuages of farm houses in Shitlington Closes, allotments, etc in Lower Stondon [115A 1R 17P] pieces of land in Upper Stondon (cont ---) premises then in occ of Jn Eames at yearly rent of 140 pa and all other messuages in Shitlington and Upper Stondon then late of Jn Bonest (except cottage to Ann B) 5 & 6 Nov 1806 20) Certificate of East India Co issued by Jas Cobb, Assistant Secretary to East India Ho received List of Casualties in the Commissioned Ranks of the Army upon Fort St George Establishment death of Wm Bonest of 25th Regt of Native Infantry on 26 June 1811 20 Feb 1811 Certificate issued 19 Nov 1812 20 b) Affidavit by Geo Bowness of Sutton Benger, Wilts, Major General in Army of East India Company Bonest attached to Bowness' Corps soon after Bonest's arrival in India Wm Bonest unm and intestate sworn 12 Apr 1827 21) Act for enclosing Upper and Lower Gravenhurst and Upper Stondon 1 Geo IV [1820 - 1821] 22) Extract from Draft Award to Jn Bonest for freehold a) piece of land in White Wall Field [2A 2R 22P] abs N land awarded to Wm Long E & S parish of Shillington W Public Rd No fences on N and against the road to be maintained by J Bonest b) piece of land in Tyne Hill Field [4A 0R 15P] abs N land awarded to Trinity College, Cambridge E ancient enclosures S parish of Shillington W private road No fences on N and against road to be maintained by J Bonest extract supplied 29 Aug 1826 23) Pedigree of Bonest and list of extracts from Parish Registers (going back to Jn Bonest of Marston Moretaine - m 7 Apr 1761) 24) Lease and Release 1) Wm Hen Whitbread of Southill, Esq 2) Sam Chas Whitbread of Southill, Esq (bro of 1) 3) Wm Eames and Jn Trustram 4) Jn Bonest (on pedigree shown as Bap 5 Apr 1786, bro to Wm above), of Millbrook, yeoman 5) Wm Wilshere 6) R H Whitehurst 7) Ezra Eagles of Ampthill On 2 Nov 1810 Whitehurst advanced further 400 to Wm Eames and Jn Trustram, applied in payment of 2 legacies of 200 each to Ann and Eliz Bonest Death of Wm means that Jn Bonest is only surviving bro and heir of Jn Bonest S Whitbread contracted for redemption of Land Tax on certain manors etc, 5.16 Land Tax charged on property in Lower Stondon and 0 18s 6d in property in Upper Stondon CONSIDERATION 147 19s pd by Wilshere at request of Eames and Trustram 8 Feb 1810 24) Still due to Wilshere 292 Bonest, Eames, Trustram requested Whitehurst to advance further sum of 700 and pay balance fines and fees, etc Pieces of land in Shitlington and Upper Stondon which in their common field state cont 4 score acres. AND allotments awarded under Shitlington and Holwell Enclosure Act and Upper and Lower Gravenhurst and Upper Stondon Enclosure Act occs of Jas Eames, Jas Gazeley and Sam Harris 4 & 5 Oct 1821 24a) Endorsement Further Charge in 100 1) Jn Bonest 2) Wm Eames and Jn Trustram 3) R H Whitehurst (mortgagee) 28 Mar 1822 25) Will of R H Whitehurst legacies and printed books to his only child, Thos B Whitehurst appts friends Wm Wilshere and Rev Wm Alington, Rector of Twywell, Northants executors and trustees of residue until TBW is 21 made 22 Nov 1805 26) Letters of Admin with Will attached granted to Thos Beach Whitehurst Esq (only son), Wilshere and Alington having renounced probate 22 Apr 1823 27) Further Charge of Mortgage in 100 + interest 1) Jn Bonest (mortgagor) 2) T B Whitehurst of Ampthill, Esq 8 Dec 1823 28) Further charge in 1500 interest Parties as above 5 Oct 1824 29) Further Charge in 200 + interest Parties as above 26 Mar 1826 30) Further Charge in 1000 15 Oct 1830 31) Marriage Settlement (by Lease and Release) 1) T B Whitehurst (marrying party) 2) Jane Hatfield of Twickenham, Middlesex spinster (marrying party) (dau of Alexander Hatfield of Twickenham, Esq and Mary his wife 3) Ric Gerrard Perryn of Trafford Hall, Chester, Esq Jn Thos Brooks of Flitwick Esq (Trustees) Incl 2450 secured by mortgages of 1000 18 & 19 May 1821 32) Decree of Court of Exchequer on hearing of Cause Thos Beach Whitehurst and Jane his wife and his child Harriet Mary (infant). R G Perryn and J T Brooks, Plaintiffs - v - Jn Bonest, Wm Eames, Wm Bonest, Eliz Bonest and Rachel Bonest ref to Richard Richards, Master in Chancery Order for Sale of Property and consideration to be put to credit of the cause 2 May 1840 Note of purchase after auction by Sam Wilson of Clifton, Gent, purchaser for 4650 26 Jan 1841 33) Office Copy of payment of purchase money and 31, 16s 11d interest 7 May 1841 34) Conveyance 1) R G Perryn J T Brooks (Trustees of 2's marriage settlement) 2) Rev T B Whitehurst 3) Wm Eames of Hawnes, farmer 4) Sam Wilson of Clifton, Gent, purchaser 5) Jos King of Southill, farmer a) freehold incl messuage or tenement (then 2 tenements) theretofore in tenure succesively of Fra Wells, Jn Clarke, Thos Phipps, and Jn Taylor, since of Wm Honour or Wm Rowell as his undertenant, afterwards of Wm Dawson, then or then late of Wm Bonest, then late of Widow Bonest, another in Lower Stondon, Shitlington and close of pasture or meadow belonging bi) AND close called Custards (marginal note Jos King takes these) AND allotment in Holwell Bury Field [17A 2R 16P] abs N public highway from Henlow Way Post to Shitlington bii) AND allotment in same field (30P) abs N against last E Allotment of 3A see 2nd schedule had been thrown into or formed pt of and was situated near W side of close of arable called Road Piece [10A 1R 0P] (all above taken by Jos King) biii) AND 3 allotments or pieces of land in Holwell Bury Field westward pt 1A 1R 24P next 1A last 4A 34) adjoining one another abs N public highway E Turnpike Rd from Hitchin to Bedford S allotment to Mary Huckle exchanged to Sam Crawley W allotment of 3A (eastward piece of Road Piece) (S Wilson takes 2A at NE corner extending from Hitchin Road nearly through the 4A and 1A pieces) biv) AND allotment in Greenhill Field in Hamlet of Lower Stondon and Parish of Shitlington [18A 0R 27P] abs N parish of Upper Stondon E Turnpike Road from Hitchin to Bedford S Public highway from Henlow way post to Shillington W allotment of 42A 2R 22P in 2nd schedule now stated to be 16A 1R 18P and called Spinney Field and eastward side of Midward's Baulk [Wilson takes 16A 1R 18P of this next Hitchin Rd called Spinney Piece] AND allotment or piece of land in Greenhill field [14A 0R 38P] abs N parish of Upper Stondon E allotment to Robt Wilkinson S public highway above (stated now to comprise a) 10A 0R 26P called Greenhill Piece, which S Wilson takes and b) pt of close called Tine Hill [4A 0R 12P] all which close called Custards and allotments above were derived under Shitlington Award; late and for many years occ by Jas Eames and since at the time of the sale by Wm Armstrong AND allotment (2A 2R 22P) in field then late called White Wall Field in Upper Stondon abs N allotment to Wm Long E & S by lands in Lower Stondon, part of allotment of 48A 2R 22P in 2nd schedule W public road pt of arable close called 'Goss Hill' [7A 1R 30P] [Wilson] CONSIDERATION 1999 for freehold 29 Apr 1842 [also pd 2682 16s 11d for copyhold] prepared by Austin of Shefford
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