• Reference
  • Title
    Reconveyance 1) Edw Crouch of Cainhoe, Clophill, farmer Jas Crouch of Biggleswade, draper (mortgagees) 2) Wm Handscombe of Pirton Hall, Herts, farmer (covenants to produce) 3) Jn Kempson of Shillington, builder and farmer (mortgagor) Recites a) Mortgage in 1300 and 5% interest 1) Jn Kempson (mortgagor) 2) Geo Crouch (mortgagee) 15 Jan 1866 b) Will of Geo Crouch (d 16 Dec 1874) appts nephews Edw and Jas above as his executors made 26 Sep 1873 Proved Principal Probate Registry 27 Jan 1875 c) Conveyance parties as above (Handscomb purchaser 22A 1R 36P, Shillington forming pt of farm formerly called Northleigh's Farm, viz 1) '10A' (414 on Enclosure Map) [9A 2R 22P] 2) 'Bankey Mead (428 on same Map) [7A 2R 22P] 3) Strip of land adj Bankey Mead [5A 1R 13P] parts of Northleigh Mead (429 on Map) Pipers Mead (430 on Map) and Hanscombe Wood (427 on Map) AND piece of land [28P] used as a farm homestead and yard forming NE corner of piece called '4 Acres' [413 on Map] [4A 1R 19P] paid by Hanscombe to Crouch bros by direction of Kempson 11 Oct 1881 Piece of land cont 4A 0R 31P, Shillington forming part of Northleigh's farm (comprising the 4 Acres(Shillington Enclosure Map No 413) except NE corner of which has been sold off to Wm Hanscomb) AND messuage called Northleigh House and outbuildings now standing there and erected since the mortgage AND plot of land at Hill Foot End now more commonly called Church End in Shillington abs S road or highway E land late of Jn Lawings N land now or late of Mr Hanscombe W land held with same plot (late of Thos Francis but now or late of Emma wife of Jn Kempson) with dwelling house, carpenter's shop, barn, stable and other outbuildings erected by Jn Kempson on same plot CONSIDERATION payment of the 1300 above as result of sale to Handscomb leaves rest free of incumbrance therefore reconveyed
  • Date free text
    11 Oct 1881
  • Production date
    From: 1866 To: 1881
  • Level of description