• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of Title of Wm Garner of Copyhold land in Farm Field, Biggleswade a) Manor of Biggleswade Surr out of court by Edw Knight of Milton Ernest, Gent (after Auction of lots 3/84) on 25 July 1811. Property bought by Ric Richards of Drury Lane, Middlesex, Haberdasher, for 1200; who sold it to Joshua Malden for 100 profit. Joshua sold it to Chas Nash with a further 20 profit added Admit:- Chas Nash of Biggleswade Milter & Mealman Close of arable [12A, 1R 37p] in Townfield in Parish of Biggleswade in occ of Nash Abs E Stoney Land W other land then late of Wm Knight sold to Jn Brichens N Oak Spinney Piece S Road to Potton [lately pt of piece 20A, 2R, 30. formerly 3 or more pieces called Marriners Way, Woland, 8 Hemmings Piece] [E Knight was admitted to them on 23 & 24 Ap 1811 on Surr & will of Wm Knight, his late bro] 4 Dec 1811 b) Indemnity 1) E Knight Mary Johnson of Milton Ernest Spinster Ann Ward of Bishopsgate St, City of London, Spinster Hen Wm Ward of same, Ham Merchant Jn Gilbert Suggers of Gt St Helens, London, Gent (E Knight surviving devisee in trust for sale named in will of Wm Knight, late of Biggleswade, Innholder AND E Knight, Mary Johnson, Ann Ward, H E Ward, & J G Suggers in right of his wife were beneficially interested in properties by virtue of will) 2) C Nash recites will of Wm Knight of Biggleswade, Innkeeper (dated June 1810) appt wife Lydia Knight (who dies in Testator's lifetime) & above E Knight Trustee for sale) made 13 Jan 1802 no date of probate given Indemnity Consideration: 1230 pd by 2) to 1) 4 Dec 1811 c) Admission of Chas Nash 7 & 8 Ap 1812 d) Will of Chas Nash employers 3 sons, Daniel, Chas & Wm Nash to sell copyhold property in Biggleswade made 2 September 1835 Proved PCC 8 Mar 1836 e) Bargain sale 1) Dan Nash of 63 Strand, London, Seedsman Chas Nash of Biggleswade, Miller Wm Nash of 6 Strand, London Seedsman (vendors) 2) Wm Edwards Alias Hall of Biggleswade, Carpenter (Purchaser) Piece of land (6A, 1R, 37p) pt of close cont 12A, 1R, 37p abs on pt of E by land lately belonging to Vicar of Langford & then of Edwards alias Hall W residue of close (sold to Alf Burton) N Oak Spinney Piele S Road to Potton Consideration: 660 pd by 2) to 1) 26 Ap 1839 f) Bargain & Sale 1) Alf Burton of Biggleswade, Commercial Clerk (vendor) 2) Wm Edwards alias Hall residue of close 27 April 1839 g) Surr by Wm Edwards alias Hall to use of Jn Bond of Biggleswade, Baker, Jas Haddow of Shefford, Tailor & Wm Twelvetrees of Biggleswade carpenter plot of land 1A 3R 32p Biggleswade pt of other staked out from residue of plot 6A, 1R, 37p (purchased from 1), c & W Nash) abs N land purchased by Edwards alias Hall from Vicar of Langford E other part of piece sold to Jn Fone S Potton Road NW Road to Furzen Hall Farm Covenant to fence Consideration: 330 24 Ap 1846 prepared by Austin of Shefford c 1848 watermark 1846
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    From: 1846 To: 1860
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