Letter from Daniel Barnard to Robert Butcher
Reads- "I have had two severall pepel to hyer youer farme and i am very weel asuered that one of them will have it, to enter on it att Mickelmas and I shall lett all the paster and arabal to him, if we can agree. i propose to leve him one third of ye plowed land for falow sum of the best, and sum of the worst i have lett it for 65 and if you think proper of it either of them are very substancel sum smal mater of repaier must be don. plow boot and cart boot must be alowed for thar is none uppon the ground Sr plese to lett me have a spedey answer this from etc
Butcher's answer in draft on same sheet:
I have been in Devon. We must submit to the terms you have been offered. The Duke will do the repairs you agree for, but would rather allow a sum to the tenant to do them himself. Best also make him an annual allowance for cart and plow boot. We will be pleased to give the preference to whichever man you think will make the better tenant. Hope to see you on my way to Cambridge.
Date free text
18 Nov 1740
Production date
From: 1740 To: 1740
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