• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance 1) Wm Thos Scruby of Pampisford, Cambs, Brewer, vendor 2) Inverness John Bathe of 25 Sussex Place, Regents Park, Middlesex, Gent (purchaser) a) Messuage or public house called 'The Fountain' Cottenham, Cambs, with brewhouse, plumber's and brazier's shop, stables, piggeries and out- buildings, yard, and garden near adjoining (were formerly and are now in the occ of Jas Finch) 1) Sarah Francis - probably mortgagee- 2) Jas Finch (vendor) 3) W T Scruby (purchaser) 18 Sept 1880) b) Messuage or Inn called the Red Lion, Harlton, Cambs, with yard, orchard, and piece of pasture land adj [2A 1R 10P] formerly in occ of Ann Dunham, then of -, and now of Geo Haddon (Deed of Conveyance 1) Jn Dunham (vendor) 2) W T Scruby (purchaser) 3) Swann Hurrell 14 Aug 1879 c) Messuage or tenement with outbuildings, yards, garden, in Halstead, Essex, near to North Street, (formerly called Hedingham Road) now known as 'The Boar's Head' and used as a beerhouse (now in occ of Jas Warren) and also several ways and rights of way granted in Deed of Conveyance 1) Wm Cook 2) Chas Porter 3) W T Scruby (purchaser) 10 Nov 1879) d) Messuage, cottage, tenement or public house called 'The Gate' with blacksmith's shop, clubroom, outhouses, yard and garden in Chrishall, Essex abs SW Highway NE close formerly on Hen Pottrell and now or late of Philip Downham SE cottage formerly Cackmans and now or late belonging to Philip Downham NW cottage formerly a butcher's shop now or late belonging to - Fordham premises formerly were and are now in the occ of Mrs Sarah Wallman (Deed of Conveyance) 1) Philip Downham (vendor) 2) W T Scruby (purchaser) Consideration 3000 Witness Jas Spearing, Clerk to Eadens and Knowles of Cambridge, Solicitors
  • Date free text
    11 Jan 1882
  • Production date
    From: 1879 To: 1882
  • Level of description