• Reference
  • Title
    Mortgage in 180 and 5% interest by Lease for years and Bond in 360 1) Jn Curtis of Wootton, Shopkeeper (signs by mark) Mortgagor) 2) Benj Bradley of Bedford, Shopkeeper (mortgage) recites: Grant of Feoffment 1) Jas Emmerton and Isabella his wife Thos Emmerton Ric Emmerton Jn Pateman and Ely his wife Ric Bass and Mary his wife Wm Smith and Sar. his wife Dorothy Emmerton (Vendor) 2) Jn Curtis (purchaser) 3) Wm Brown (Trustee) 5 July 1802 Messuage, Church End, Wootton formerly in occ of Thos Allen since divided into 3 tenements where Eliz Cunningham, Wm Hill and Sam Ford dwelt now in occ. of Ann Field, Robt. Walker & Jn Wilson N Cottage late of Wm Emmerton and now of Wm Berrill W Common Street AND pightle of pasture adj. above (1A) formerly in occ of Jn Carter, afterwards of Martha Butcher. NW of Ric. Bass 14 August 1802
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1802 To: 1802
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
  • Level of description