• Reference
  • Title
    Attested Copy of Marriage Settlement 1) Ric Bell of Bedford Esq. (marrying party) Mary Bell of same widow (Ric's mother) 2) Mary Carter of Turvey Spinster (marrying party) 3) Denis Farrer of Cold Brafield (Brayfield) Bucks Esq. Jn Pepiatt of Bedford, Gent (Trustees of Marriage) 4) Thos Skevington of Newton Blossomville, Bucks. Thos Wade of Clipton, Northants, Gent. Manor of Blackburne alias Blackbull Hall, Thurleigh. AND messuage, dwelling or Mansion House in Parish of St. Mary otherwise St. Peter Dunstable otherwise St Peter in Bridge Street now occ by Ric Bell with Malthouse, kiln etc. abs. messuage next mentioned Nr River Ouse AND messuage or cottage & bakeho adj. now occ by Widow Bramsall St. Mary Bedford AND holm or piece of pasture or meadow, St. Mary Bedford adj near yd of messuage last mentioned (also occ widow Bramsall) AND messuage or Inn in St. John's Street called 'Red Lyon Inn' now occ Thos Bowers. AND messuage or Inn called Dolphin Inn late occ widow Purser now in pssession of Jn Cooch abs. N. messuage now occ Matt Daniel S. messuage late occ Jn Pulley now of Jn Palmer AND Stonehouse Lane, St. Paul's Parish, Bedford. AND messuage or farmho in Colmouth (Colmworth) occ Wm Goodman with Homestall or Close of pasture (4A) AND close of pasture called Fox's Close belonging to above. 78A 1R 0P in arable fields and meadows etc. of Colmworth occ as above. AND cottage & homestead or close of pasture occ Geo. Croot. AND close of pasture called 'Oak Close' (6A incl 2 double hedges) also occ by Geo Croot AND 20 A in fields etc. of Colmworth now occ by Geo. Croot AND Cottage in Colmworth occ of Thos London together with enclosed pasture gnd belonging (4A) AND 3A in arable lands of Colmworth also occ by Thos London. AND residue of land held by Ric Bell in Colmworth AND messuage or Farmho. Ravensden now occ by Jn Jones. AND cottage, Ravensden now also occ by Jn Jones. AND close of pasture called Patenham Close (4A) now occ by Jn Jones. AND sev closes or pightles of pasture called Morris Pightle, Green End Close 'Old Orchard', Lombards Close & both in 's close or Pightle now in possession of Jn Jones and residue of pasture etc. occ by Jn Jones. AND 60A of arable etc in fields of Ravensden occ by Jn Jones residue of land owned by Ric Bell in Ravensden AND messuage or farmho. Thurleigh called Blackburne alias Black Bull Hall (reputed Manor Ho) late occ by Jn Brawne now of -- Wyat. Closes and enclosed gnds (partly pasture, partly tillage) 126A. AND pieces of arable in common fields of Thurleigh (90 A) AND messuages or farmho occ by Jn Arch AND closes of pasture or enclosed gnd (85A) in Thurleigh and Milton Ernest AND coppice of wood in Thurleigh (late estate of Sir Nathan Wright deceased) AND pieces of arable in common fields (115A) AND cottage, orchard & gnd, Thurleigh now or lately occ Geo Ives. AND cottage, orchard & gnd, Thurleigh now or late occ Thos Simpson. BUT EXCEPTED Windmill etc & soil on which it stands, Thurleigh 1 A of land occ by Jn Arch (NB in recompense of dower rights) Annuity of 200 to Mary on Ric's death clauses re children 9 Ap 1735 Attested 21 Jan 1822
  • Date free text
    21 Jan 1822
  • Production date
    From: 1822 To: 1822
  • Exent
    No. of pieces: 1
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