(1) John Morris Ashforth of Oakley, Barnet, Herts, Gent
Arthur Nash of Royston, Gent - Mortgagees
(2) Ecclesiastical Commisioners
(3) Frederick Archdale and C.S. Lindsell
recites: Mortgage in 7000 of 8 Mar 1876
if no payment by 16 Aug, then specific power to sell.
piece of gnd in Middle Field, Bassingbourn
[2a 2r 7p]
abs N. allotment awarded to Christopher Pemberton
and now or late Henry Hawkins Esq
E. Private Road
S. Kneesworth Road
W. freehold allotment to John Archer
Butterfield deceased now or late to
William Meeres
with messuage and beershop called 'The Cherry
Tree' with stabling, barn and builders yard
adjoining and erected and built thereon
Consideration 660
Date free text
8 Nov 1878
Production date
From: 1878 To: 1878
Archival history
Transferred to Cambridgeshire Record Office
Level of description