Copy of Court Roll of Manor of Biggleswade.
(Isaac Wilkinson, the Deputy Steward of Creswell
Spencer, Chief Steward).
Admission of Mary Spriggs (formerly Oxenbridge, grand-dau
of John Legas) and John her husband.
Admission of John Spriggs
customary messuage in Biggleswade called the 'King's
Arms' and 4.1/2a of arable in field (Rents 2s 7d and
1s 2d) formerly belonging to messuage (formerly
estate of Edward Laundey).
Messuage or cottage in Shortmead Street or End and
7r of meadow nearby (formerly estate of Edward Bray).
Cottage between house formerly of William Drage,
Apothecary and house later called the Dog and
Doublet (Rent 3d)
all in Biggleswade.
Marked 'No 9'
Date free text
25 Jul 1753
Production date
From: 1753 To: 1753
Level of description