• Reference
  • Title
    A schedule of documents relating to the estate inherited by John Field in 1749. [Highly abbreviated, lots of crossings out, inconsistent spellings, which suggest it was drawn up as the various deeds and documents were being put into some sort of order. Some sections are numbered, others not. Many properties seem to have been sold off before he inherited. Not in John Field's handwriting. Only the earliest item in each group is described here, but the last recorded date and the number of documents in the group are given in parentheses. Most of these items no longer exist. Where later deeds exist relating to the same property, this is stated.] "A general account of all the indentures relating to Mr Field's Estate" No.1 Pulloxhill - starting 26th March 1673 with feoffment between 1) Thos Neale esq & wife Dame Elizth, and Jeffery Willan 2) Hen Millward & wife Elizabeth. [3 items, last one dated 1696. See Z937/4 for later deeds] No.2 Pegsdon and Shillington - starting 21 May 1645 with feoffment from John Arnold to Wm Meager. [9 items, last 1709 ] No.3 Kings Walden and Pauls Walden - starting 17 Apr 1704 with articles of agreement between Nathaniel Young, gent, and Elizabeth Young, widow, both of Bendish. [6 items, last 1712. See Z937/18 for later deeds] No.4 Kings Walden Manor - starting 20 July 1705 with admission of Nat Young to 5ac land & 29 ac pasture as bro and heir of Tho Young decd. [2 items, last 1719 ] No.5 Bray Close, Pulloxhill - starting 21 Dec 1695 with feoffment between 1) Thos Slayne, gent, & James Smith, gent 2) Wm Rawlins, of Bray Close, Pulloxhill. [5 items, last 1745. See Z937/2 for other deeds] Manor of Barton in the Clay, Stonely Close - starting 12 Aug 1530 with admission of Thos Field on surrender of Eliz Field to cottage, yard & land and Stonly Close, Barton - rent 9s 8d. [24 items, last 1728. For later deeds, see Z937/8] No.7 Messuages in Bance Croft, Hitchin, and Ippollitts - starting Trinity Term 1546 with fine between Thos Cockray & Geo ..worth [illegible] esq, querent, John Mattock, gent, deforciant, of 2 messes in Gosemoripoleitts Minasdon, Wyondly [sic] magna & parva, & Stevenage. [16 items, last 1713] No.8 Chalton - starting 18 May/14 Jan 1616 with feoffment from Michael Papworth to Wm Sipsey & Agnes Sipsey of a cottage in Charlton. [7 items, last 1664. See Z 937/1/5 for rents of these properties] No.9 Manor of Shillington - starting 9 Oct 1600 with admission of Richd Pape to messe & land in Upton End, Shillington. [42 items, last 1747. See Z37/13 for later deeds] No.10 Freehold - starting Mich'as Term 1672 with fine bet Thos. Kent querent, Fran Carter & wife Alice, Jonathon Carter & wife Anne, Ricd. Wiles & wife Alice, Richd. Riddy & wife Margaret, and Mary Sibby, deforcs of a messuage & lands in Cardington, Shillington, Marston Mortain & Flitwick. [3 items, last 1672] No.11 Offley and Lilley - starting 21 July 1630 with feoffment whereby Thos Draper, Abraham Draper & John Sheppard granted to the use of George Hawks and Thos Hawks a messuage & lands in Offley & Lilley. [13 items, last 1727] No.10 [sic] Manor of Offley - starting Dec 1655 with admission of Walt Plumbe & wife Ruth. [10 items, last 1743. See Z937/17 for other deeds] Lilley Manor - starting 16 Oct 1696 with admission of Thos Plumble [sic] to 2 acs land in Lilley & Offley on surr of Sam Plumbl. [3 items, last 1706] Overstondon - starting Easter Term 1602 with fine between Robert Spence, querent, and Robert Dawson, gent and wife Judith, deforciants, re: 6 acres land. [6 items, last 1677. See Z937/14] Manor of Shillington - starting 21 Janry 1577 [sic] with release by Richd Crawley to Robt Green of all his copyhold estate. [2 items, last 1677 ] Maydencroft Manor - 9 Dec 1713 admission of Charles Nich. Field,gent, on surr of Joseph King, gent, & Eliz King, widow [1 item, also mentioned in Z937/29/6] Almeshoebury Manor - 17 Nov 1714 admission of Char Nicholls to messuage in Offley on forfeit of conditional surr of Thos Plumbe [1 item ] No.12 Silver Street, Hitchin, freehold - starting 4 April 1691 with feoffment with livery bet Thos Mead and John Sale of land & cottage in Silver in Hitchin. [15 items, last 1749 ] No.11 Shillington, freehold - starting 16 June 1669 with feoffment from Abraham Burrough to Chas Nicholls to 2 closes of pasture in Shillington. [12 items, last 1719] No.12 - starting 10 May 1676 with articles of agreement bet Thos Crawley and Edmd Castrell. [6 items, last 1707. See Z937/7 & Z937/17/3-5] No.13 Upper Stondon & Shillington - starting 6 July 1595 with grant & release enrolled in Chancery from Thos Parrat to Robt Dawson in Overstondon. [21 items, last 1709. See Z937/14/1] No.14 Pulloxhill & Gravenhurst - starting 21 Febry 1616 with feoffment bet 1) Eliz. Piggott, eldest dau of Benjamin Piggott esq 2) Bridget Piggott, widow of sd Benjamin, & John Piggott their son of lands in Gravenhurst to Bridget for life then to John. [31 items, last 1718. See Z937/4] No.15 Hitchin and Ippollitts - starting 17 Sept 1647 with feoffment from John Goldsborough, gent, to Jeremy Carter, of 5 ac in Hitchin & Ipollitts. [20 items. Last 1719] Brotherhood House, Hitchin - starting 6 Aug 1552 with letters patent to Ralph Burghe & Robert Beverley. [26 items, last 1692. See Z937/15 for later deeds] No. 17 Rumballs house, Hitchin - starting 13 May 1682 with feoffment bet 1) John Umberston & wife Grace, & Ann Gadasdon, spinster and 2) Edwd Rumball of 2 messuages in Hitchin to the use of Rumball. [16 items, last 1743 ] Barton and Higham Gobion - starting 8 Novr 1641 with deed of covenant bet 1) Francis Tavernor esq & Richd Tavernor his son 2) Eliz Brace, widow. [6 items, last 1695. See Z937/11] No 19 Pulloxhill - starting 8 May 1680 with mortgage bet John Peppiat and Wm Ireland of a messuage and lands in Pulloxhill for security of 80 to Ireland. [9 items, last 1722 ] No.20 Higham Gobion - starting 1 Janry 1647 with feoffment between 1) Francis Taverner esq of Hexton, Hertfordshire and his son and heir Richard Taverner, gent, and 2) Thomas Field, yeoman of Barton-in-the-Clay. [26 items, last 1675. See Z937/11] No.21 Shillington - starting 4 Mar 1662 with feoffment from Wm Smith alias Goodall to Wm Fowler, messuage at Green End, Shillington. [7 items, last 1743] No.22 Pulloxhill - starting 26 Mar 1673 with feoffment from Thos Neale & Jeffery Willan to the use of John Pepyat, messuage & lands in Pulloxhill. [3 items, last 1696 ] No.23 mainly Barton Bridge Closes & Susehill - starting 20 Novr 1613 with assignment from Agnes Jepson, widow, & Edwd Jepson one of her sons, to Robt Jepson, of messuage in Chalton. [18 items, last 1684. See Z937/7] No.23 - starting Trinity Term 1662 with fine bet Wm Holmes, querent, & Wm Jepson & wife Agnes defor, messuage in Hitchin. [3 items, last 1694] No.24 Manor of Hitchin - starting 22 Oct 1719 with recovery of a parcel of land in Standell field. Thos Field, demandant, Sam. Shipsey, ten', & Edwd Crawley vouchees, a surrender to Chas Nicholls & his admission. [8 items, last 1747] No.25 Manor of Henlow Grey - starting 5 Apr 1706 with conditional surrender from Wm Albone of cottage orchard & 2 selyons to the use of Chas Nicholls in Henlow as security of 30. [3 items, last 1712] Odd items - 16 June 1617 Lease bet Charles Nicholls, gent and Catherine Goodwin & John Goodwin of a New [torn away] & lands in [torn away] Walden from Michaelmas for 19 years rent 50 6 March 1739 Lease bet Chas Nicholls, gent, and John Bradley of lands in Ippollitts & Hitchin for 12 years from Michmas last at yearly rent of 6.12s 16 Apr 1746 Articles of agreement [see Z937/2/2] 10 Novr 1744 Agreement [see Z936/2/2] 17 Decr 1745 Lease from Chas Nicholls to Thos Giddings of Brays Close from Lady Day next for 13 for 7 years [see also section 5 of this schedule]
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1552 To: 1749
  • Exent
    52, No. of pieces: 1
  • Handwritten
  • Format
    sheets of paper
  • pages held together with string
  • Level of description