• Reference
  • Title
    CHALGRAVE (All Saints) Vicars - Richard - 1219 [capellanus [patron Prior & Convent of Dunstable]; - Robert de Bedeford, Bishop of Lismore dedicated church of Chalgrave - 14 Sep 1220; - "Vicaria ecclesia de Chaugrave que est prioris et conventus Dunestapell auctoritate concilii ordinate consistit in toto alteragio et in duabus croftis cum gardino que sunt juxta ecclesiam quarum major que est ex parte occidentali continet in se iiijor acras et minor cum gardino assignabitur ei pro manso scilicet que est ex parte australi. Et solvet vicarius sinodalia et canonici procurabunt hospicium archidiaconi" - Oct 1220; - Eustace - 7 Jun 1223 [capellanus; died 1240]; - William de Berckamested' - 1238 [capellanus; patron prior & Convent of Dunstable]; - John de Bartune - 1252 [capellanus; presented in this year]; - William; - Walter de Frascinis or Radenhore [or de la March?] - 20 Apr 1273 [priest; on death of William]; - Richard de Northwode - 18 Dec 1294 [subdeacon; on death of Walter de la March]; - John de Egyngton - 19 Jun 1349 [priest; on death of D.Richard]; - Robert de Haylweston - 8 Sep 1349 [priest; on death of D.John]; - Thomas Umfrey of Southyeuell - 15 Dec 1350 [priest; on resignation of D.Robert]; - Thomas Sotre - 30 Nov 1367 [priest; on resignation of D.Thomas Oumfrey]; - D.William Botheby; - D.William Clerk - 14 Apr 1418 [capellanus; on death of D.William Botheby]; - John Carter - 9 Jul 1433 [priest; vacant]; - Richard Pynnyngton - 14 Feb 1446 [priest; on resignation of D.John Carter alias Asse]; - D.John Glover; - D.Robert Bradley - 17 Feb 1454 [capellanus; on resignation of D.John Glover]; - D.Richard Letylton - 4 Mar 1455 [capellanus; on resignation of D.Robert Bradley]; - D.William Chapman - 21 Jun 1456 [priest; on resignation of D.Richard Litylton]; - D.John London - 14 Jul 1459 [regular canon; on resignation of D.William Chapman]; - D.John Berege - 22 Jul 1468 [priest; on resignation of D.John London]; - D.William Holand - 1501 [noted as "Magister de Chalgrave and registered as "Brother"]; - D.Johannes Bareford - 26 Aug 1501 [priest; on resignation of D.John Berege]; - M.Edmund Wyngate - 1522, 1526? [noted as "Maister de Chalgrave" and registered as Brother in 1522]; - Sir John Barfford - 1539 [noted in this year as "layte Vycare of Chalgrave, may be identical with D.Johannes Bareford above]; - D.John Osburnby - 12 May 1539 [priest; on death of D.John Barford]; - William Skaune - 1556 [witness to will of Richard Stocke of Chalgrave in this year]; - Henry Palmer - 14 Sep 1558; - Edmund Bastian - 2 Oct 1562 [clerk; on deprivation of Henry Palmer; patron John Cornwall, gentleman]; - William Paye - 19 Jul 1563 [clerk; patron John Cornewall, gentleman]; - George Midleton - 22 May 1569 [clerk; on resignation of of William Paie; patron Thomas Impie, yeoman]; - William Grey - 22 May 1574 [patron Thomas Empie, yeoman; on resignation of D.George Middleton; admitted 12 May 1574]; - D.John Bellamy MA - 22 Mar 1582 [vacant by death of D.William Grey; admitted 5 Sep 1582; patron Nicholas Potts, esquire]; - Sandys[?] Potts MA - 7 Oct 1622 [patron Nicholas Potts]; - Henry Stevens MA [clerk; Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 1630; MA 1634]; - Samuel Feake - 1640 - [married Elizabeth Potts 3 Oct 1639]; - William Groom [clerk; will dated 14 Nov 1657, proved in PCC 5 Jun 1658]; - John Vaux - 1657 - William Sherlocke - 1664; - William Bedford BA - 8 Sep 1669 [vacant; patron the Bishop by lapse]; - William Barlowe MA - 18 Mar 1683 [vacant; patron the Bishop by lapse; buried 21 Oct 1711]; - Walter Foot - 23 Dec 1712 [on death of William Barlow; patron the Bishop; value 12; buried 4 Apr 1750]; - Stephen Hoe Henshaw BA - 18 Oct 1743 [Pembroke College, Oxford; patron Henry Henshaw, gentleman; died 24 Mat 1772; Susanna, his wife, died 1 Aug 1706, aged 35; both buried at Roade]; - John Stubbs Newman - 27 Feb 1861 [resigned on this date; united with Hockliffe]; - James Milne Hamilton MA - 7 May 1861 [as Vicar of Chalgrave, disunited from Hockliffe by Order in Council of 6 Apr 1858; on resignation of John Stubbs Newman; patron John Stubbs Newman]; - John Willoughby Hodgson - 24 Feb 1875 [clerk; on cess. of James Milne Hamilton; patron James Milne Hamilton]; - Alexander Woodd - Feb 1899; - Herbert Royal Pepperell Hutton - Mar 1901; - Thomas Edward Johnson - Jun 1924; - Alfred Loydal Bee - Jan 1932; - Fred Kettlewell - Feb 1942 [with Hockliffe]; - Frederick Watson - Jan 1949 [with Hockliffe]; - Peter Stokes - 1977 - Keith Steele - 1988 - William T A Matthews - 1997 NOTE D = "Dominus" meaning Lord M = "Magister" meaning Master
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    From: 1219 To: 1997
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