• Reference
  • Title
    Release 25 & 26 September 1789 1)Levi Lavender, yeoman late of Kempston, now of Courses, Ridge, Herts, 2) John Gandy, packer of Lawrence Poultney Lane, London, trustee for (1), 3) John Barrett Biggs, miller of Bedford, 4) William Wilshere the younger, gent of Hitchin, Herts, from (1) to (3) for 120 in fee simple - a) freehold messuage in Bedford St Mary formerly occ by Thomas Pratt, afterwards Richard Birkett, having been divided into 3 tenements, 2 of which were then in the occ of Mrs Hawes and Samuel Allen and one standing empty and now and for some time past used as one dwelling house late occ by Sarah Stone [or LINE?], widow, and now occ by --, bounded N by tenement belonging to the Hospital of St John, Bedford, S by a tenement formerly of Francis Magney. - b) a leasehold cottage being one single bay of building with one little close of garden ground adjoining and the hovel standing on part of the ground in Bedford St Mary, bounded S by (a). Reciting - lease 17 May 1784 from 1) Henry Hinde, clerk, Master of Arts and Master of the Hospital of St John the Baptist, Bedford, and the Brethren of the said Hospital to 2) Levi Lavender. Granting to (2) during the lives of Levi, Jane his wife and Martha their daughter, since deceased, for rent of 4s pa, the cottage & premises in (b). Witnesses - Jno Hogarth & Thos Williamson of Staple Inn
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1789 To: 1789
  • Exent
    1, No. of pieces: 1
  • Handwritten
  • Format
    parchment and iron gall ink
  • Reference
  • Level of description